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I wake up begrudgingly to the sound of my alarm clock. I groan, stretching in my bed before I roll off and place one foot after the other on the floor until I am standing.

The heels of my hands rub my eyes as I yawn before I get up, looking in the mirror.

My hair looked crazy as a result of me not styling it last night because I had to go to the store.

My eyes widen. The store. Red Robin and Nightwing.

Holy chicken whizees.

That was real. I actually met Red Robin and Nightwing last night. And made them coffee.

I shake my head, bewildered before I put my hair up in a high bun, letting some of the curls around my face spill down.

Quickly brushing my teeth and getting dress in Gotham Academy's custom skirt and shirt, I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder.

I make sure to pocket a few tampons before I leave my room and step out to see the other two people who live here.

"Morning," One of them smiles at me and sets down a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me.

"Mornin, Grammy," I say smiling before I look to the other in the room, "Mornin Pops."

"Morning, kid." Pops smiles from his set in the living room; a recliner that I think he would sooner sell the apartment than part with.

"I didn't hear you get in last night. How was your first day?" My grandma asks.

"It was good," I say as I start stuffing my face with food as I realize the time.

I only had 45 minutes to get to school. That seems like a lot, but Gotham is big.

"Good," She nods, her curly gray hair secured out of the way in a bun like mine. Her green eyes look up to me for a moment and she hesitates, "Have you heard from your mother of father?"

I slow down my eating at that before I get up to pour myself some coffee. "No, probably just busy with work. You know how they get." I say trying not to sound like I care too much.

"That's not an excuse, Katherine." She says, her voice hardening, "They should still check up on you." She takes my chin so that I look at her before she kisses my forehead, "You deserve more than that. You deserve at least a call."

"I know." I say, though I'm not sure if I actually do. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. That's why I usually always spent time over at Hazel's for holidays or worked as much as I did. I just needed something to do. "But I can't change that, so it's okay."

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