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After my last class of the day, I didn't wait around, I grab my stuff and start to leave the school as fast as I can.

"Katie!" Someone says getting my attention.

I turn to see Tim walking towards me with a girl walking beside him.

"Hey!" I say readjusting my backpack straps.

"So you are the famous Katie." The girl says with a smile, "Stephanie Brown, one of Tim's only friends, nice to meet you." She says sticking her hand out for me to shake.

I smile in greeting and shake her hand, "Nice to meet you too." I say studying her. She has wavy blonde hair and blue eyes and is dressed in the Gotham Academy outfit so I am guessing she is ever new or I just haven't seen her.

"I have friends," Tim says pouting slightly, "Bart and Jaime for starters."

"They don't count," Stephanie replies, crossing her arms.

"Why wouldn't they count?" I ask confused, watching them share a look.

"She was kidding, they do. And Gar, and Cassie-"

"Cassie is your ex," Stephanie interrupts him with a scoff, "I don't know-"

Tim has an ex?

"We are on good terms!" Tim defends, his eyebrows drawing together causing me to smile a bit.

"I'm sure you are," I say getting their attention, "And I am sure the Timothy Drake has millions of friends, me included," I add before I point behind me, "But I've got to get to work. You two should come by!"

Stephanie waves back, "We definitely will!" She promises sending Tim and mischievous look that I ignore. Probably an inside joke.

Tim smiles as he watches me go, and I smile one last time before I start making my way to work.


Derek had the day off so it was just me managing everything. Not that I needed Derek, I did his work for him and usually pretending he did it so he would get a raise.

Jack, the old man that owns the café, usually knows it's me who does the work, which means I am constantly trying to make myself look like a horrible worker when he is around.

As a result, he is barely here.

Today, however, he noticed that I was the only one who was scheduled to work because everyone wanted the first day of school off, so he is here and watching me to make sure I don't need help.

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