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"So you think my parents-" I cut off, fearing the worst. "You think they know and let this happen to people? To kids?" I feel sick.

"No," Red reassures me, "We don't think they know, we think it is happening under their noses."

"And if it isn't?" I ask, my eyes looking to him.

He opens his mouth to say something before closing it, pursuing his lips. My stomach drops, and I feel nauseous again.

"We just need you to plug this USB into a computer in their building," Batman steps forward, handing me the small device, "We will do the rest,"

I turn the USB over in my hand before I look up at the two and then to my mentor.

"You've got this." He reassures me, "You can hold your own. And if you need me, you can radio and I will be there."

I nod, a small smile coming to my face at his words before I look back to Batman and Red. "Okay," I say, new determination swirling in my stomach. "Tell me the plan."

I've got this.


I'm very scared that I do not have this.

I shift my weight from one hip to the other as I wait to go through security.

"Excuse me ma'am," Someone immediately stops me, putting a hand on my arm roughly. I turn to the older man as he looks down at me sternly, "You do not have access to this-"

"My father and mother would beg to differ," I say in the most entitled voice I can muster. "They are the owners of this company and the people that sign your paycheck, so I recommend letting me go before this becomes a problem."

His eyebrows shoot up and he lets me go as if my skin as just become so hot it burned him.

I mean it can, but that's besides the point. The point is, I just scared this grown man shitless. All while chanting in my head to channel Draco Malfoy.

"I'm sorry," He backs away in panic, "Your parents are-they are Mr. and Mrs. Mohane?"

"That would be them," I huff, pretending wiping off my arm where he touched me. "Now move aside."

He does as I say, gesturing to the others to let me pass.

I hide a small smile. I feel pretty badass. I wish Catgirl could see me now.

I walk through the hallways, trying not to look super suspicious as I pass the cameras.

"Good work," Red says slightly amused, making me nearly jump out of my skin.

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