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  I grin as Blue and KF high-five each other before they both turn to high-five me as well.

  We just got done with a mission and it went perfectly, which was a huge accomplishment given the team's history.

  "Oh yeah!" Impulse exclaims as we walk into the Watchtower, ready to give Nightwing the report.

  He grins as he watches us, "I take it the mission was a success?"

  "Better than a success, Hermano," Blue says with a laugh before we tell him all about how we got everyone out safely and managed not to damage property.

  "Very impressive," He smiles, shooting me a look because I was team leader.

  Pride blooms in my chest at that as he starts to type the mission report into the computer.

'Recognize: Catgirl-B26'

  Cat walks into the Watchtower, looking towards us.

  I immediately know something is wrong because she usually makes a comment by now or smiles.

  Instead, she avoids anyone else's glances and looks to Nightwing.

  He must have seen something in the look because he stops typing and follows her out of the room and into one of the hallways.

  "Okay," Bart says, drawing out the word as we wait for them to come back, "That seemed weird. Was that weird?"

"Very," I frown, "I hope everything is okay."

  "It probably is," Jaime shrugs, "I just don't understand how she didn't even have to say anything. I swear it's like they can sometimes read each other's minds."

  I shrug before we start talking about something else to make the time go faster.

  Soon enough, they both walk in, their eyes settling on me, making my stomach drop.

  "Did something happen to one of us?" I ask, dreading the news.

  Jason was murdered, Barbara had her accident with Cass, and a multitude of other situations happened to everyone.

By the look on their faces, I know it's bad.

  "All of us are fine," Catgirl answers, but doesn't explain what is happening as she glancing to Nightwing for help.

  "Cat is going to go back out," Nightwing says, causing me to draw my eyebrows together, "She got word that a new base for turning metas has popped up in Gotham."

  The authority in his tone would have fooled me if it were for the note his tone ended on; it's the kind of tone you use before you break bad news to someone.

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