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"I am so excited for formal," Kira says as she eyes one of the boys across the hall. "Are you hoping to get asked by someone?"

I bite my lip and avoid turning my gaze to Tim, who is a few feet away talking to Emily; the girl who had her hand on his bicep.

Tim has been avoiding me for the last few days... I am not sure if it's on purpose or not, but it actually is okay with me considering I haven't been able to meet his eyes either after my kiss with Red.

For some reason I felt guilty after. Both towards Red and Tim.

"Not really," I admit.

"Bullshit," Kira stops me, her eyes drifting to them before back to me, "Tim obviously has a thing for you. Emily is the only one that doesn't realize you both like each other."

My face flushes red at the idea and I shake my head, "No-I-no-"

"Save it," She winks before pushing me towards them, making me stumble, "Go."

I nearly fall into him, but he somehow sees me coming.

Tim's eyes immediately meet mine and he holds out his hands to steady me, them resting on my arms for a few seconds longer than normal.

"Are you okay?" He gives me a weird look, his eyes going to Kira behind me before letting me go, his attention back on me.

"Y-yeah," I huff, my cheeks burning slightly. His arms feel really nice around me.

Flashbacks of a few nights ago float in my mind. Red kissing me. His arms around me. Guilt fills my stomach. Him pulling away-


It's Tim. You can talk to Tim. He is your best friend (other than Hazel). Your partner in crime. You can pretend that you didn't mess anything up with Red at all. You still have Tim.

I quickly stand up straight, and without thinking say, "So we are going to the dance together, right?"

"Oh, umm-" Emily looks away, "I will see you later Tim."

Oh no, I forgot she was there, that was so mean of me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt!" I blurt out to her. She gives me a small smile and waves away any guilt I feel as she turns and walks away. I look back at Tim, who has gone completely red. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask, putting my hand to his forehead.

He grabs my hand stopping me, "Um-Yes, I mean-I-Um... I was going to ask you but you beat me to it." He finally gets out.

Something flutters in my stomach as my face breaks out into a smile, "Perfect. We can talk about the details later then."

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