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  Tim has a frown on his face when I see him, his eyes on his phone as he types something. Probably a message to me about being late.

  He is standing in front of a car that just screams 'millionaire' with Alfred waiting at his door to open it for him.

  Alfred sees me coming first and his mouth forms the words, "Master Tim."

  Tim doesn't look up, muttering a response that causing Alfred to roll his eyes and step out of the way as I run up next to them.

  Tim jumps slightly as I stop just in time so I don't run into him, huffing slightly as I do so.

  "Sorry-art class-Hi Alfredo," I get out, smiling up at the two.

  Tim grins at me and Alfred shakes his head at my words, "Miss Katie, how have you been?" He says opening my door for me.

  I raise an eyebrow at this but let him and Tim slides in next to me in the back seat before Alfred gets in the front to drive us.

  "I've been good. How have you been? The manor must be boring with out me there," I say and he smiles at that.

  "Oh yes, very boring indeed." He goes on to tell me he has been good and that he hopes my classes are going well.

  "I think they are," I shrug, "I mean it's the first week and I think at least two teachers hate me already, but it's okay."

  "What, teachers don't hate you," Tim says next to me, frowning.

  "It's okay, I hate them too," I say before I shake my head, "No, hate is a strong word. I just don't like them because they don't like me."

"Mrs. Miller likes you!"

  "Tim, I didn't even say her name and you knew who I meant." I deadpan, causing him to smile sheepishly at me.

  "I still don't think she hates you," He defends, causing me to bump my shoulder to his.

  "No, she probably does. She is probably mad I sit by you. I think she has to have a crush on you or Bossman." His eyes widen in horror at the very idea. Of which one, I'm not sure but I feel like both would end in the same reaction.

  "No," He gasps, "Dick had her and he said she was nice to him."

  "Maybe she has a thing for the Waynes. Just don't tell Brooklyn," I say with a smile growing on my face, "Pretty sure she would fight the woman. Or laugh at the idea of an old woman flirting with Dick."

  Tim laughs at the mental scene I set up, "Probably the latter unless it goes too far."

  I catch Alfred smiling in the mirror as he looks back at us. He notices me, his eyes making contact with mine, "Miss Katie, did you say you had an art class? Master Damian also loves art."

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