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"Where is she?" I ask as I walk into the manor.

"What?" Spikey questions, glaring as I shut the door. "You can't just walk in here-"

"Where is Hazel?" I clarify, my eyes scanning the room before I decide she isn't there and I have done enough detective work to move to the next room.

Damian follows me, annoyed, "I did not allow you to enter."

"I hear you, Shorty," I say as I walk into the kitchen, "I just need Hazel and then I will leave."

"Oh," Alfred looks up from whatever he is making for the boys. "Miss Katie, I did not know we were expecting you."

"We weren't," Damian hisses as he sits down in a chair.

"Now, Damian, that is no way to treat a guest," Alfred scolds before he looks back to me, "Did I hear correctly that you are looking for Miss Hazel?"

"Yes," I nod in confirmation.

He gives me a warm smile that I can't help but return, "She is upstairs in Master Jason's room."

"Thank you!" I call before I sprint out of the room. I run up the stairs, taking two at a time before I find his room and knock twice. "It's Katie, I need Hazel so you have five seconds before I walk in."

I don't hear anything, so I walk in after five seconds to find them watching a movie, Jason's arm wrapped around Hazel.

Hazel gets out of Jason's grip and sits at the edge of the bed, "Everything okay?" Her eyes scan over my face, her eyes full of worry.

"Curly fry!" Jason nods in greeting, his body sprawled out on the bed, "How's it going?"

"Bad," I answer as I sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Have a seat, I guess..." He mutters somewhat amused with the situation before going back to watching the movie.

"I'm sick, Hazel," I say, "Do doctor stuff and fix me."

"I'm not a doctor yet-"

"You basically are!" I exclaim as I take her hand and press it to my forehead, "Am I hot? Do I have a fever?"

"Katie, I'm worried about you... what's this about?" Hazel asks, but feels her forehead, checking a fever anyways.

I open my mouth to say something, but someone interrupts me.

"Katie?" Tim asks as he looks in from open door... the door I left open. Oh no. "What are you doing here?"

"Leaving!" I say as I jump up, grabbing Hazel's arm in a death grip. "I'm taking Hazel." I call over my shoulder to Jason.

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