Chapter 14.... A best friend like mine.

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A best friend like mine.


I sat on my desk as Mr Phil wasn't here yet. Lia was over to mine and was animatedly telling me something that I wasn't paying attention to. My mind was flooded with Shane and how he was on a 'Boycott Diana mission'. I was so lost in my world, that I didn't even see a paper rocket come and hit my square on my nose. I rubbed my nose as I looked around for my attacker. I saw Parker Rock near the door look at me with wide eyes, as I caught his attention he murmured a quick sorry to which I just smiled, but before I could diver my gaze, in walked Shane. As if on cue, my heart started throbbing in my chest, my palm started getting sweaty, and why was I getting nervous? It's just Shane calm down Diana, I told myself. "Hey, Shane!" Lia smiled as he took his usual seat, beside me.

"Hey Lia, you look lovely this mornin'" he returned her smile. Lia blushed and went over to her desk as Mr Phil entered the class. During the class, I couldn't help but steal glances at Shane. He would be either paying attention or texting on the phone. He seemed so casual as if nothing was wrong. He didn't care about me or about the fact that I was sitting here beside me. Shane and I hated Calculus so we would pull up a lot of mischief in the class and if Mr Phil asked us any answer we would know it as we were good at this subject. I looked at him again, this time he was looking in my direction, that too with a smile. I suddenly felt happy. I smiled at him too. He only extended his hand as I looked at it and back to him, confused. I was about to ask him when a piece of paper landed on his stretched palm. He gave thumbs up and began opening the paper ball. I turned around to see Caleb from the soccer team give him thumbs up too. Great! So now I'm a see-through!

The rest of the school passed with me trying to look fine and Shane avoiding me the whole time. After the last class was over, I put my books back in my locker when someone grabbed my hand and dragged me into a dark room. To say that I was scared is an understatement. I wasn't even aware of who it was. I entered the room and was about to punch this person when she faced me. I let out a relieved sigh when I saw Lia. "You scared the shit of me, crazy woman!" I raised my voice. "Oops!" she casually shrugged. "Why would you drag me in here?" I asked. "I'm your best friend, aren't I?" she asked "Is that a question?" I frowned "Well then, tell me the truth!" she folded her hands to her chest. "What truth?" I asked looking away from her to avoid the topic and to hide the fact that my heart was thudding. "About you and Shane"

"The.. There's nothing. Really." I was still avoiding looking her in the eye. "Oh really?" she asked sarcastically. She walked in the direction I was looking and made me look at her. I looked to the ground. "You know I am here, right? This habit of yours of dealing with things on your own isn't the best one, you know? You should learn to share, learn to talk about your problems." I looked at her, tears forming in my eyes. I hugged her tightly. I have missed her so much, she was right I need to talk. I needed my best friend. I needed her. I pulled away and sat on one of the desks. I audibly sighed, "Shane and I... we..." I trailed and gulped the lump that was forming in my throat. I looked at her as she gave me a consoling smile. "We slept together," I said and closed my eyes shut. When I opened my eyes to see Lia I saw her eyes widen, but then she composed herself. "We have all had a first time, you know?" she said placing her hand on my shoulder. "But I know you. You are different. You wouldn't just do it with anyone. It was your first; it has to be with someone you felt for." I looked away, "So do you?" she asked. I had no answer to this. But the truth was, I didn't know. I don't know if I like Shane or was it just as a friend or what! "I like him as a friend, I think" I sighed "You think!!!" she yelled suddenly making me look at her. "Well Miss, think harder. You are upset because Shane is avoiding you, it's written all over your face!" she pointed at me. "Yes, I am, because he is my best friend!" I reasoned out. "A best friend you made love to," she gave me the 'duh' look. "Just let it go, Lia!" I sounded irritated. I heard her sigh before she continued, "But what is with the Wes thing? Why is he back?" "He texted me the next morning, he said he was sorry. At that moment I felt so guilty. God, Lia you have no idea! I was with Shane the other night and then before I could sort things out about me and him, Wes texts me saying he's sorry and he wants me back." I answered.

"Why were you guilty? He was the one who made a fool out of you in the public!" she said standing up. "Yes. But this is what I wanted right? I wanted him to realise his mistake and say sorry. Now that he is saying sorry I have to give him a chance." I looked up at a furious Lia, "A chance? Are you for real! You have been giving him 'a chance'" she said making air quotes, "For the past 2 years. Do you still think he deserves a chance and Shane doesn't?" I looked at the ground, "Shane never asked for any, Wes did!" I answered playing with the hem of my top. "Did you even hear him out?" she asked. That's when it hit me. That I hadn't even let him explain, he kept on approaching me, asking me to talk to him and all I did was ignoring him! "Diana, I know you believe in true love, we all do. But it necessarily may not be the first guy you go out with. I know it worked for your parents and even Amber and Austin but it may not be the same for you. If you view your relationship with him, you were better off without him and you know it!" she said. As much as I hate to admit it, I knew she was right.

I took out, my phone from my pocket and saw Wes's name appear on it. "Hey Wes," I said trying to sound alright. Lia looked at me as I took his name. "Hey babe!" he said from the other end. "You free this evening?" he asked "Yea! Why?" I answered "We have a small formal dinner to celebrate the company's success. Wana come? As my date?" he offered. "Yes. Sure" I said plastering a smile on my face. Now there was no turning back, Diana. "Good. I'll pick you up by 7?" he said. I agreed and hung up. "Looks like you won't realise this the easy way. Sure, do it your way. But I know for sure that Shane deserves a chance and no matter what you say, you know you like Shane and you are clearly over Wes!" Lia said smirking evilly as she exited the room. I was already exhausted. Good luck with the date!


A/N: Chapter update!! hope you enjoyed this one.

And also pick your team!!

♡Team Dane

♡Team Waine.



Keep reading.

Love ya all :-*

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