Chapter 18... The after effects of 'I love you'

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The after-effects of I love you


I sighed as I stared at my phone's wallpaper, it's been almost 15 minutes since Amber told me she'll be out, but she still hasn't arrived. I waited for her patiently. I had nothing better to do as most of the people have already gone home. I was about to call him when a text popped up on my screen. It was from Wes.


hey beautiful. I haven't heard from you since yesterday.


Yes, I'm sorry. Dad came home so I was catching up with him. Where are you?


I'm working. I thought you must have left school so I would just check up on you.

Wes never messaged when he was at work. Wow! Things have changed.


I'm just waiting for Amber to come so we can go home. But she's taking too long.


Missing me?


Not really ;-)


Haha. I miss you though. I Love you, babe.

D-did he just says that? I reread his text a few times. I froze, staring blankly at the screen. What do I say? I don't think I- what am I gonna do? How do I reply to this one when even if I go out with him I feel like I'm cheating on Shane? After what happened between me and Shane that night, Wes's text just caught me off guard. "Won't reply to that?" I jumped at the sudden sound behind me. With my hand on my chest, I turned to face her. "Amber! You scare me!" I said trying to calm my nerves down. "I'm sorry," she said but I know she wasn't, "So, won't you reply to that?" "How does it matter?" I shrugged tucking my phone in my pocket. "When you read that message your face turned pale like you saw a ghost or something. I know you enough to tell you that Shane's thought crossed your mind too." She smirked triumphantly. "D-did not. W-why do you t-think so?" I stammered. "Because it's written all over your face and Diana Summers, the would-be Valedictorian wouldn't stammer for no reason." She grinned. "Whatever," I said holding back the urge to roll my eyes.

I hopped on to my ride driving toward the direction of Amber's house. After spending a whole week avoiding Wes's confession and trying to not think about Shane, I realised how difficult it was to avoid Shane's thoughts. There was something in him that made me think about him the entire time. It was not only about that night, but about Shane and how good friends we were, our conversations, mischief, the tricks we used to pull up, everything about me and Shane, about us. The more I thought of him, the more times I remembered he is with Scarlett now. I don't know why but it troubled me how close they were. I never saw them make out or any of those lovey-dovey things that Amber and Austin indulge in but she is with him everywhere. She was with him in school, at soccer matches, in the park with Nia and in his room too many times. I just hope she hasn't moved in with him! Why? Why do you care if she has moved in with him or not? Said a very irritating voice in my head, but I just ignored it. Amber and Lia were enough to tell how it is written all over my face that I feel 'incomplete' without Shane. Wes told me the other day that I'm not the person I used to be, since the past few days I have been odd. Even my professors told me that I have mellowed down from the lively person I was. The worst part is all of this is true. I just can't sleep at night; I have heard a female voice giggling and Shane's laughter late at night, almost every day. I had a very striking headache and I felt like I will puke yesterday's dinner. Not that I ate a lot, I hardly ate anything.

I can't spend the rest of my life like this. I hardly slept, ate, I feel like crying the entire time and my head was aching with all these thoughts. "S- Shane.... Stop!" I heard Scarlett giggle. That's it! A wave of nausea hit me and I ran to my bathroom, gripping the toilet seat I threw up. Great, just great! It's a beautiful Saturday morning and here I am sitting on my toilet floor hurling my guts out.

"Diana!" mom rushed to my room and knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you ok, baby?" she asked with concern laced in her voice. Once I was sure I won't throw up anymore, I washed and walked out. Mom was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at me worriedly. "Are you alright, honey?" she got up as I approached her. "Ya, mom. I was just feeling sick. Feel better now." I said. "I'm a doctor Diana," she began. "I may not be the best doctor but I'm good enough to know when a person is physically unstable or emotionally unstable. I know you wouldn't want to talk about it and I respect that. I just want you to sort this out." I could hardly look her in the eye, "I'm fine mom." I said looking at my minion printed shorts. "The least you can do is being truthful with yourself, if not with me. I thought you would be ok once you got back with Wesley. But that's not true. In fact, you look worse." "Gee thanks, mom!" I shook my head and mom chuckled. "Don't let your brain take the decisions when it comes to relationships." I just nodded shill looking at the floor. "Get out of your room, take some time, be alone, think about what you want. Think about what you have. If you want what you have and if you don't want it don't play along. End it that moment. 'Cos you are playing with 3 lives here!" my head shot up and I looked at mom. How did she know what I was going through? I just nodded. She kissed my forehead and left.

I sat on the rocks there staring at the water. The melody of birds singing, the fragrance of the flowers, the fresh air, the clear water, the ripples the water formed, this was so peaceful. I was at Ononganda lake. My dad used to get me here when I was a kid and every time I found myself in a fix I would come here. Nobody sat on the rocks as people preferred the benches on the opposite side so I was all alone here. The thought of Shane danced in my head. Things were better with me and Wes, I finally felt like his girlfriend, he loves me, but somehow I'm not the same. It was like a part of me was missing. The flashes of 'that night' came running to my mind. The way he touched me, kissed me, Shane's every word was ringing in my head. 'Everything I want is here' he had said. When I told him there will be someone special in his life, he just doesn't know who, he said. 'There is, I know- you.' There wasn't anything special in what he had said, but somehow it made my heart melt. There was something in the way he held me, the way he kissed me. Everywhere he touched it was like my skin was on fire. He ignited a kind of feeling in me I didn't know I could feel. There was sincerity in his eyes, his words and his touch that made me give in. Even now that I think about that night, I feel so special, so beautiful, and so alive! Just the way I had felt that night. A stray tear made its way out of my glassy eyes. I had to erase every memory I have of that night, he was with Scarlett and he makes him happy. I want Shane to be happy, even if it is with someone else. Tears were violently flowing through my eyes and I didn't even know when I started crying bitterly.

Not like drama queens you see on TV, there was no noise, just tears that flowed down my cheeks and I shut my eyes tightly. I wiped my eyes a few times but I just couldn't stop the new set of tears from flowing. One thing was certain to me now that Amber and Lia were right. I do like Shane and I like him a lot. That's when I felt someone sit beside me, but didn't care knowing very well who it was.


A/N: Diana's POV it is, Shane's POV coming up in the next chapter. Also, next chapter you guys will read about Shane confessing what Scarlett means to Diana. Hope you enjoyed this one. Keep reading.

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