Chapter 17.... My replacement?

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My replacement?


"Hey Shaney!" she said entering my room. "Hey, scary!" I mocked her right back. "Don't call me that!" she frowned. I laughed making her frown even more, "Prick," he murmured with a smile playing on her painted lips as she flopped on the bed beside me. I looked at her, her skin looked gorgeous, dim light in my room and the moonlight entering through the window made her look prettier. Her red-painted lips, her lean figure, her aqua blue eyes, long brown hair, her caring and compassionate nature, she was perfect, but I would never tell her that. I sighed, "I'm so glad you are here, Scar." I said. "Yah! Me too, I've missed you, in fact, you all so much." She grinned showing off her perfect pearl white teeth.

She walked over to the window that was like an open door for the October chilly winds to enter. She exhaled deeply, "How I missed this cold Syracuse weather back in Florida." She stood there by the window looking all perfect, now that was the moment I would love to destroy, so I threw a pillow at her. It hit her square on the back of her head. "Ow!" she exclaimed rubbing the spot where the pillow hit her. She turned to me with a frown, "what was that for?" she picked up the pillow. "For not coming sooner and making me wait for you," I smirked. "I'm not a very forgiving person, you know?" she said her eyes fixed on the pillow in her hands. "But.." she began, of course, there was a but. "I can forgive you because I love you," she said. Why do I think this isn't going to end here. "But I'm not a fan of this pillow and so I won't forgive it." She said. "No!" I said getting up from my bed but before I could reach her, she had already tossed the pillow was now outside the window. "Are you insane? What was that for?" I asked. "For not calling me regularly, almost forgetting I existed, not coming to pick me up at the airport, not letting me meet your friends and lastly for hitting me!" she answered in a breath leaving a triumphant smirk on her face. I quickly ran to the window to see where the pillow had landed. I must be looking like I just saw a ghost because I heard Scarlett break into fits of laughter. "Lo-Look at.. at your face!" she said between her laughter as tiny tears appeared in her eyes and she clutched her stomach which may be aching with all the laughing.

I looked over to her and I could constrain my laughter. Listening to her laugh, made me realise how I missed listening to the sound of her laughter. I loved this girl and how! After my mom and Nia, she was the one woman I could do anything for. When our fits of laughter died, I peeped down to look for the pillow that flew down the window. I froze momentarily when I spotted the pillow. It was on her lawn.


I sat on the porch swing lost in my world. The cold breeze lightly touched my cheeks painting them red, I hugged my coat tighter. I was thinking about what was happening and where I was heading with all this. I was staring at the lawn that was dripping wet with water from the sprinklers that went off a few hours ago. The weather combined with the green lawn felt so peaceful. Just being there at that moment, alone was so serene, suddenly out of the blue something fell from the sky! My eyes widened and my heart started hammering in my chest. I curled up at the corner of the sofa and placed my palm on my mouth to stop myself from screaming. I may have just experienced a mini heart attack. Something solid just fell on my lawn from the freaking sky!!! I sat there for about 2 minutes contemplating whether to go see if what it was or to just run inside the house. I decided I had to go see what it was. Come on, Diana you are a big girl. Stop acting like a coward. I walked to the steps that when to the lawn, not going too close to whatever it was, I just peeped over the railing of the steps. It was rectangular, while with some weird car stuff pained and it looked fluffy. I don think UFO's are fluffy. And why does this thing look like a pillow? Huh? Why would anyone throw a pillow on my lawn at 10:45 pm? Then I heard two faint voices near the gate. Whoever it was, they were laughing. A girl ran towards me followed by a guy. The streetlight only managed to give away this much information about the two figures. The girl ran further continuing to laugh at whatever she was laughing about, but soon enough the guy caught up with her. He put his hand around her stomach and gently lifted her only to turn her around and place her behind him. "Idiot!" she said as they both ran closer to me, the girl caught up with him but instead of running ahead, she jumped on his back and held his shoulders with her legs hanging loosely by his side. It looked like a piggyback ride or something. There were two random trespassers in my front yard, go knows doing what and I do nothing about it? I cleared my throat and the guy froze on the spot. He turned to face me with the girl still on his back. I felt a different kind of ache in my heart as I saw him "Um.. I.. um," he stammered. The girl hopped down and picked up the pillow that was near her feet, "Sorry," she smiled. She was the same girl we saw in the car and Ian had befriended. "That's yours?" I asked Shane pointing in the direction of the pillow and Scarlett. "Oh yes!" he said scratching the back of his neck. Scarlett beside him had his hand on her mouth and she was shaking with the laughter she was subsiding.

Why is she laughing? Do I look funny? "I-It's just that this girl over here keeps on pulling such tricks and I have to pay for it!" he looked over his shoulder to her. "Hey! I was quietly standing near the window when you started behaving like an ass," she complained. "That was my room!" he retorted back. "So that explains why you behaved like an ass?" she chuckled. "I wasn't behaving like an ass, but now I will," he said and started tickling her. "No! N-no... S-stopp!!" she repeated. I don't need to see this, hell he doesn't need to cosy up with his girlfriend in MY front yard. I cleared my throat to make them realise I'm still here. I felt a tugging feeling in my heart when I thought of Scarlett as his girlfriend. "Uh.. sorry," he said "By the way, Diana- Scarlett- Scarlett- Diana," he introduced. She stepped forward with her hand stretched out, "Hey you must be Ian's sister?" she asked with a smile.

"That has to be me," I smiled back as I shook her hand.

"I have heard a lot about you, your brother is an adorable little guy."

"Thanks!" I smiled letting go of her hand. I just couldn't help but noticed how pretty she looked even in the little light lit on the porch. Shane deserved a girl like her. Why would he choose someone like me over someone like her? Wait, what did I just think? Scratch that! "Diana she's from Florida. We used to stay together when I was there. She's my-" I cut into whatever he was saying. "I know, Ian told me." Nope, I can't take it. I couldn't listen to Shane introduce this girl as his girlfriend. That's just too hard. "He did? Because I didn't tell him that she's-" "It's ok. I know." I said looking between him and Scarlett. "Anyway, so it's late. And um.. I think I'm gonna go. Good night," I said right before I turned to my heel and walked inside. I closed the door and stood with my back pressed against it. What was this? Why d I feel like I'm going to burst out in tears? Shane has a girlfriend so? I'm with Wes too. That night, the images of Shane and Scarlett kept on haunting me! To say the least, it was like a nightmare.

God! Why Monday? I thought with my head pressed against the locker. I couldn't sleep last night, so I came to school a little early, considering I had nothing else to do. All I could think about is Shane and to distract my mind I came in early. I recalled the weird thing Shane had told me about Mondays. "Shane, what if there were no Mondays?" I had asked.

He chuckled, "Then there would be Tuesdays and you wouldn't want them." I smiled at the memory. I heard a faint whisper to my left, lifting my head I spotted them. Shane was leaning on his locker and Scarlett stood in front of him, he said something. She turned around and stood frozen on her tracks. From the other side, in walked our psychology professor, Mr Mathew. She whispered a slight 'now'.

She pointed at the classroom in front of her and started screaming, Shane followed her lead and his eyes widened as he pointed towards the class "Oh my God!! No!! No!!" he yelled. It startled Mr Mathew and Mr Mathew ran towards one of the lockers and closed his eyes covering his bald head. Seconds later, Mr Mathew opened his eyes to see Shane and Scarlett laughing their minds off! I bit my lip to control my laughter. That one was good! Shane always came up with such pranks. Mr Mathew joined in their laughter. "Sorry Sir," Shane said in between his laughter. "This is what you are famous for. We like your creative mischief," Mr Mathew grinned. "I see you have found yourself a new partner in crime. She's almost as good as Ms Summers." He said. Shane visible stiffened at the mention of my name. So, was she like my replacement?


A/N: See, I told you I'll try to update ASAP! Hope you all liked it. And please don't hate me for getting Scarlett in Shane's life. He loves her, but it's not this easy, is it? Keep reading to know what will happen to Diana and Shane.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to @tanmai19

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