chapter 23... Kissing him, again

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Kissing him, again


I have had enough! He has no right to treat me like I don't exist. I banged my hand noisily on my study table as I got up making the books on my lap to land on my feet "Ouch!" Did I whine clumsy much? I checked my window to see his curtains drawn. I walked straight out of my room and out of my house. I walked through the gates towards his house.

Shane's was the biggest house on the block. There was a barren land here before, his mother bought it and had a mansion built. It was a beautiful white mansion with a well kept front yard and a back yard perfect for barbeque parties. I think there are picnic tables and a hammock too. Though Shane was my best friend I had never really gotten a chance to visit his place, he called me over a couple of times to hang out, but something kept coming up. I had only been to the basement never in the house. I was greeted by one of the butlers that opened the door when I rang the bell, "Yes miss. How may I help you?" the man asked. "I'm here to-" I began "Diana, dear." Regina cut in. "I got her, thank you," she told the butler who went somewhere inside the house. She dragged me in and engulfed me in a motherly hug. "How have you been?" she smiled "I'm great how about you? How is work?" "It's all good. Are you here to meet Shane?" she asked. "Yes. He's being mean these days. He doesn't talk to me well doesn't return my calls. So though I would come myself to check up on him." Ha Ha, Shane, that's what you get for ignoring me! "Tch tch. I know my son can be a handful. I can help you beat him up." She made a fist and punched the air. "No that's fine," I laughed, "Could you call him?" "Oh honey, don't be formal. Go up this left staircase, take a left and the last door at the end of the hallway is his." She instructed. "Great, thanks," I said heading to the staircase. As you can probably guess, there were left and a right staircase that didn't lead to the same place, I'm guessing. Between the two staircases on the living floor were a coffee table and some chairs. There were some more rooms at the back. I reached a door, the door to Shane's room. It has a big S and a football sticker on it. I knocked on the door a couple of times and entered when I didn't get an answer. And there he stood with a towel wrapped around his waist, there were tiny drops of water trickling down his bare chest to his washboard abs as they finally met the towel and disappeared, his hair was a little damp too probably because of the shower. His eyes widened when I first entered but it was replaced by a smirk. He just stood there looking at me while my eyes shamelessly checked him out. He was looking so perfect, smoking hot to be precise.

No, wait, scratch that! I did not just call my best friend hot. The best friend I kissed and lost my virginity to. My heartbeat picked up at the mention of that night.

"Like what you see?" Shane interrupted my reverie. "What? No.. I mean yes! No no... I wasn't um.." I turned around so my back was towards him, I couldn't let him see me blush so hard because of him. "Just put something on!" I waited and had a little conversation with myself in my mind to calm my nerves. "Ok. Turn around," he said after a while. I turned around to find him wearing a white button-down shirt with some khaki cargo pants. Disappointment washed over me, though I could see his perfect body beneath that translucent shirt. I looked in his eyes; his perfect blue orbs looked directly at my brown ones, my breath hitched again, time seemed to have come to a halt and I could no longer feel my legs. He looked so damn perfect and those perfect red lips with that smile of his. God! How I wanted to crash my lips on them, taste his lips, feel his hands on my waist one more time!

What? Did I just think that? Get a damn grip, Diana!

"Are you ok?" worry laced over his voice."Ya." I smiled doing my best to compose myself. That is when I realised I was angry with him, the smile on my face dropped and was replaced with a frown. "I mean no!" I said angrily.

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