chapter 33... Graduation Surprise

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Graduation surprise


"Had anyone told me that I would become a valedictorian a year ago, I would have laughed at their faces. But today here I am, standing in front of you as your valedictorian. Though I stand here alone, I didn't get here all by myself. It is the result of the sterling guidance by our professors, the undying support of my fellow seniors, the best wishes of my family and the never-ending love from my friends. I wouldn't have been here without anyone of you.

Karla Geller, the girl who helped me get home in third grade when I missed the school bus, Samantha Brown who rushed me to the nurse's room in fifth grade after I fractured my hand, stayed by me till my parents came to get me. And of course my crazy bunch of friends. They have helped me out of restroom cubicles on the hard days, they have given me the confidence to face whatever comes my way; they helped me believe in myself, they have been my counsellors, my competitors and my guardian angels in school. And I am pretty sure you have all met yours by now. And a special mention to Mr. popular of Riverswoods High, Shane Greg." The crowd went crazy cheering, I gave them a minute before continuing, "He has done everything and more, just to make me happy. I would have never thought that a popular jock like him could be such a good best friend. So, thank you, Shane, and thank you, everyone, for making this year so memorable."

"Today we graduate and leave this place forever, we feel like we are losing our High school and if there is one thing I can see in our eyes apart from happiness and pride, it would be uncertainty, uncertainty about our futures. I am sure there is no other place like Riverswood High but I also hope for a beautiful life outside. High school, I think was a training secession for the real deal that lies outside these gates. I'm sure there are going to be days when you feel small about yourself, defeated, when you meet someone better than you, but just know that if you can make it through high school, you can make it through anything."

"On this day, let us make a promise to ourselves to never give up, to go on no matter what, to never settle for anything less that was we deserve, to have faith in ourselves and believe in miracles. For every tale has a hero that wins in the end and you are the hero of your tale."

"Nobody fails, they say, you either win or you learn. So today, you are not losing your high school, you are taking a step towards your future. This is not a goodbye, guys, this is a cheer! Cheers to our new lives!"

He walked closer to me and wrapped his hands around my waist, "So, just best friend huh?" he pouted. "That was 3 years ago and what was I supposed to say?" I kissed him lightly on his lips and just before it got anywhere I heard a growling sound. Shane stepped back and held his stomach, "oops." I laughed and patted his stomach, "the food's ready."

It's been 3 years since we graduated high school and things had been great between us. We rented a small apartment in Chicago where our colleges are. Shane is studying Business Management at North Western University and I am in Harrington College of design doing my course in interior designing. "You looks so pretty in that gown and oh that graduation cap was made just for you," he grinned looking at the paused video of our high school graduation. "Ok. What's up?" I sense something fishy here. "Nothing. You are just so perfect, I mean look at you." He points to the TV. "Shane, I have known you a long time. I know when you use flattery. You've been using it a bit too much since the past week." "Honey, you know I love you. But what I am about to tell you is going to make you mad!" I sighed shaking my head and taking a bite of my pasta, "What did you do?" "You are graduating tomorrow and you will be a professional interior designer and after the 3-week break you will be working with the best designers in town..." "Caption obvious, can you get to the point?" "I told your friends we won't be joining them for the road trip after!" he confessed in a breath and closed his eyes. "What?" I looked at him in disbelief, "Why would you do that? We didn't even talk about this!" Seriously what is wrong with him! I know he had issues with one of my friends but we are a couple, we should talk about these things. My friends and I had been planning this trip for months and now he cancelled it without informing us? I sat on my chair infuriated, "Is this about Ryder? Were you jealous again? I was taking you with me on the trip, for God's sake!" "It's not about Ryder. Well, not all of it anyway." He said.

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