chapter 8.... Shane will be Shane

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Shane will be Shane


A/N: I would like to dedicate this chapter to my lovely aunt S. I miss you. Love you so much. XOXO

"Ouch!!" I screamed as I tried to get up. Damn hangover! Shit, how am I going to face mom? I felt horrible. It felt like I was carrying 200 pounds on my head. I felt so drained out as if someone sucked out all the energy from me. I just woke up but it felt as if I had run a marathon! My phone buzzed on the nightstand, I groaned and rolled over to pick it up. I picked it up without looking at the screen, "Headache?" Shane enquired. "Ache? It feels like there's an earthquake inside my head!" I heard him laugh at the other end. "Ok, so I didn't let your mom know her daughter got wasted last night." He said. I felt relieved on hearing that, I was really worried about facing mom. "And just like I threw the bottle of water the other day, here comes some lime juice and Advil," he continued just as a bottle came flying inside the open window of my room. "There's Advil attached to the bottle with a ziplock, take it with this lime juice and take a warm shower. You will be good." I nodded at his instructions. "Don't nod, I can't see you." He stated "Oh, right. Sorry." I said innocently, "Wait what?" he laughed, even more, this time. Was I that stupid? "See you in school, D," he said and hung up.

The lime juice worked wonders on my aching head and the warm shower just complimented it. I was planning to drop school today, but my mom won't let me. So with a grumpy face, I left for school.

I took out books from my locker looking at my schedule: Chemistry, Calculus, AP English, P.E, History, lunch, Spanish, Psychology. I groaned and placed my head on my locker, "Morning, Grumpy," a familiar male voice greeted. I looked at Shane with absolutely no energy to reply. I simply nodded, making him chuckle. I shot him a dirty look, "And you are laughing because..?" I trailed off. We were already walking towards our Chemistry class. Did I mention I hate chemistry? Well, I do and thankfully I have Shane with me to keep me entertained. We share Calculus and Chemistry, a good thing in both my not so favourite subjects I have my entertaining best friend. "Because generally, girls go crazy when they see me, they manage to give me their best smiles and you on the other hand are giving me annoyed and sleepy glares. You really are different," he completed. "What do you expect? I woke up with a really bad hangover, which is, by the way, better, but not gone. My mom practically dragged me to school and I have chemistry on an early freaking Friday!" I sighed.

On reaching the lab I put my books down and looked over to my partner. His name was Jordan.. no Joe... John? I don't remember. He hardly ever talked to me and he's damn studious. According to Shane's friends, he's a perfect 'nerd', he wears those thick round glasses, his presence is almost unnoticed, never seen in the cafeteria, avoids eye contact and above all he is as good as mute. It's been half a year and he has talked twice tops! I gave him a smile to which he nervously looked away. "Hey bro!" I heard a voice. I looked up to see Shane standing with his hand on my lab partner's shoulder. Shane whispered something to him and within a minute or so, the guy got up and carried his book to the other end of the classroom. Shane smiled widely and pulled out a stool for me before seating himself on the one beside me. "So what's with scaring away my lab partner?" I asked. He chuckled before answering me, " I didn't scare him off, I told him to take my seat as I wanted to sit here."

"And why would he listen to you?"

"Cos' I told him our parents are getting us married and I want to talk a way out!" He said pointing between us.

"Ok." I nodded, and then it hit me. "You said what?" I widened my eyes. "Late realizer you seem to be." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

The class went by, as usual, Shane showed me an easy but disgusting way of memorising chemistry equations, by making dirty jokes on them. He made a joke of everything making me laugh like an idiot. It was great to be his friend and to be around him. My foul mood seemed to have disappeared by lunchtime. I was eating chocolate chip cookie at my regular lunch table. Oh, how I love anything made of chocolate! I suddenly felt a gentle pat on my shoulder; I turned around to see nobody. I turned to the other side to see who it was, "Booooo!" he yelled! "Woah!" I shouted in horror, covering my face with my hand. "God, you!" I pushed him lightly making him sit in the chair next to me. "As I said, you are different. Other girls would probably say 'hey you' and pull me closer and you are pushing me away," Shane winked. "What's with all the flirting man?" Another masculine man said. "Off my territory!" Nathan roared. He stood behind me fuming with fake anger. What are they up to now? "Th- there's nothing. I-I swear, my lord. T-there's nothing." Shane stammered going on his knees, begging. "I shall not spare you for this!" Nathan roared again. All I could do right now is look at these boys behave as if they were Ian's age. Nathan then pulled out a ruler from his bag pack and swiped it from near Shane's neck. "Nooooo!!" Shane screamed and lay on the floor.

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