chapter 27... Planning

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"So? What do you think about my plan?" He said with a satisfied grin on his face. "It's.. It's really good," I tried my best to make my smile look genuine. "Liar!" he chuckled, "Diana why would you even try lying to me?" he laughed a little and continued, "What is the matter? You are not happy?" "Oh no, don't get me wrong. The plan is really good. I'm sure Ian will love it. But do you think they would let us celebrate a birthday party in an indoor play area?" I asked, we are in Shane's room planning Ian's birthday. Shane has a notepad filled with ideas that started from taking him scuba diving to a road trip to Washington DC; this indoor play area was kind of the only sane option. He just shrugged, "Why not?" "I mean there are going to be other kids playing there, wouldn't it be weird if we cut a cake and have our little celebration and eat food while pretending there's no one else there? These are little children, it'll be mean." I answered. "Then there will be no random kids," he smiled looking at me, "huh?" "I'll book the entire place for the day," he said looking at the notepad in his hand. "Are you kidding me that will cost us a fortune!" I exclaimed. "Us? Who is that? Diana Ava Summers get your damn gift! This is my gift to Ian." He tossed the notepad on his bed. I knew exactly why he was doing this; he knew I couldn't afford that kind of a party. I cannot spend thousands of dollars on just booking a place; we need the decorations, cake and food too. "You don't have to do this, Shane." I looked at him, "I know. But I want to." "Why would you spend so much on his birthday?"

"D, as a kid I never got to do stuff like these. So watching Ian and Nia enjoy their childhood for me is like catching up on my childhood days." He lied on his bed, "I am going to do everything I can to give them what I couldn't have. I want my sister to have a childhood the one she loves and Ian, he's family! I want him to have all that I would give Nia." I tore my eyes off him and looked at my feet, is it too early for me to like guys again? 'Cause right now this guy beside me is making it difficult for me to breathe! "Don't worry; the guy that runs the place is a friend of mine. I'll talk to him. Ok?" he said. I just smiled and nodded, "I should get going," I got up to leave, "Why? Stay longer!" Shane pouted and whined like a little kid asking for candy. I chuckled, "I must go. Bye." I announced, but before I could take another step towards the door he grasped my wrist and pulled me towards the bed. And before I knew it I was lying on the soft mattress of his bed, I tried to get up, but he put his arm around my stomach and placed it on the other side of the bed, obstructing my way. I was too shocked to react, so I just lied there losing myself in his mesmerising blue eyes. My hand instinctively rested on his arm that was around me and he leaned in. My eyes automatically shut, I could feel his breath fanning my neck, my breath hitched, the elephants and birds were back, jumping and fluttering in my stomach. I could feel his breath on my right ear, I tilted my face to my right a little and he whispered, "We'll go to visit the play area tomorrow, rent it beforehand." My eyes flicked open, I gave him a slight push and dashed towards the door and without a backward glance, I ran outside.

"Booooooo!!" someone screamed and jumped right in front of me. Scaring me to death, I took a few steps back only to land on the carpeted floor, I just sat there hugging myself and my eyes shut tight. I heard laughter so I slowly opened my eyes to see, "Scarlett Eric Smith!!" I was still sitting on the floor, "What the hell are you doing?" "That.. Was...Hilarious!" she said between her fits of laughter. She gave me her hand and helped me up, I rubbed my butt feeling the pain, "My butt hurts!" I told her and wrinkled my nose. "Want me to help you with that?" she suggested seductively and we made our way to the stairs that lead to the door. "You're crazy!" I laughed. "So, did he ask you?" she asked out of the blue.

"He who?"

"Shane, of course."

"And what was Shane supposed to ask me?"

"To the prom, dummy! Seriously, Diana, do you live under a rock or something?"

"Why would he ask me to prom? He is my best friend."

"So do you know who his date is?"

"No," I answered quickly wanting to get done with this conversation.

"And do you have a date?"

"No," I answered.

She wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively. "Do you have a date?" I deadpanned. "Nu-uh" she answered, "What do you think of Nathan?" I asked "W- what? Nathan? Why would you think about him?" she looked away from me. "I don't know I happened to notice your sudden inclination towards him over the past few weeks." "What? I don't know what you are talking about," she said waving her hand dismissively. "Hey look, we are outside my room ok, meet you later bye!" she said in one breath and dashed inside her room closing the door behind her. I chuckled; we have all noticed how she blushed when he is around. We could use this to trouble her I thought as I made my way out of Shane's house.

"Why is tomorrow so bad?" Amber asked over the phone. "I have something important to do tomorrow. I said honestly, "I'll tell you guys what ones it's done." "And is Shane a part of that important thing too?" I could almost hear Lia smirk through the phone. "Ya. It does. I asked him to come shopping with me and he denied it! Can you imagine he said no to me! And he had the same important work excuse," Scarlett butt in, "Awww, we have a new pair of love birds in the group!" Miyra sang. If you haven't already guessed, we are on a conference call. The girls want me to go prom dress shopping with them tomorrow but I have to go check out the indoor play area with Shane. "Yay! Now we can go on double dates. Finally, we can have a double date with a sane couple!!" Amber gushed, "Hey! You went on a double date with me and my ex-boyfriend ones!" Lia said. Laughter echoed on the line before Miyra said, "Diana, please try! Prom is nearing!" "It's like a week-" Scarlett cut in, "5 days from now," I sighed, "Ok. I can meet you guys at the mall at around 1?" "That sounds like a plan," Amber said. "So did Shane ask you yet?" she asked. "Guys seriously, he is my best friend and I care for him but I can't expect this from him. Just because I have these feelings doesn't mean he feels the same." I confessed. "What feelings?" Scarlett asked. Shit! "N-nothing! It's getting late, I'm sleepy. Good night guys," I cut the call before anyone could protest. God! What is wrong with me? I have to keep my feeling under check at least till I figure out what to do!


A/N: I got some free time so I thought why not surprise my readers with an update? I hope you like it. This part too is unedited. Please keep reading AFTL.



Love ya all :-*

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