chapter 32... Under the lights tonight

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Under the lights tonight


It was going great. This year was the 25th anniversary of our school so we had a different rule for the prom king and queen title. Every senior except the student body team had their names written on a chit. Our dean would pick out a random chit, like a lucky draw and the person with their name on it would be the prom king or queen. There were 2 bowls placed on the stage with all our names on them and the dean would pick out the winners at the end of the night. And just when I thought that was the best part of this Prom, they got food and the entire prom stepped a level up! The food was delicious. There were cupcakes, marshmallow dipped in the chocolate fountain, tacos, pasta, lemonade, virgin mojito and some fruit punch which I'm sure wasn't virgin anymore. "Let's dance some more," Shane suddenly got up and extended his hand to me. I chucked down my virgin mojito and walked to the dance floor with him. Our hands linked with one another, my free hand when on his shoulder and his hand went on the small of my back. We swayed with the music and Shane would occasionally spin me around, all the while avoiding eye contact. "Are.. you okay?" I asked. "Yeah.. ya I'm perfect." He looked at me momentarily but looked away again. "You don't seem perfect," I said.

"It's nothing really. There were just a lot of people on our table."

"Those people are our friends. What is so important that you want to say that they couldn't hear?" I teased to lighten the mood.

His grip around my back tightened and he pulled me closer, "I could want you all to myself sometimes, what's wrong with that?" he said in dead seriousness. We were so close, I didn't even realise when I started to heave. He leaned forward, his breath fanning my face, I could feel his lips aim for mine and I instinctively closed my eyes. Just before he could kiss me, the music stopped and the lights turned on. He stepped away from me and we clapped along with the other couples on the floor. I was still feeling weak in my knees when the drink started acting up, don't get me wrong, it was a virgin drink; I just had to use the bathroom. "Hey," I leaned a little towards him, "I need to use the washroom, can we go?" "Ya," he chuckled. He waited in a corner and I quickly went to the restroom. I did my business and threw a look at my image in the mirror, fixing my hair a little, I got out. I walked back to where I had left him waiting, but he wasn't there.

I looked around the room, where could he be? "Have you seen Shane?" I asked Nathan, walking back to my friend's table. Nathan looked down but David quickly said, "I think," and he tried to avoid looking at me and started fidgeting with his hands, "I saw him... go outside." "Thanks, David," I smiled though he wasn't looking Ok, he's shy in a creepy way. I walked outside, he still couldn't be found, I even asked some people standing outside but to no avail. I sighed and turned around to go back inside. Maybe he went inside and is looking for me. I was about to go when I heard a girls voice, "Ouch Shane!" What the fuck is that! I walked with quick steps to the backside of the school from where the noise had come. When my eyes landed on the picture in front of me, I froze. My feet gave up, my mind went blank and it suddenly felt difficult to breathe. Shane was standing there with Briyana, leaning into her, and from the looks of it, they were kissing. I stood there feeling stupid. I wanted to trust Briyana, but it felt like she had done it again. She managed to take away another guy I genuinely liked, forget liking, she had managed to take Shane from me, my Shane. Tears sprung in my eyes, I stood there motionlessly, how could Shane do this to me? How could he leave me behind and come here to make out with her? "It's ok, Bri. Go directly to the nurse's room." "What about my lips?" she asked, "Put some ice on it the swelling on the lips will eventually subside, nobody will even know what happened here." He said. Her lips were swollen, because of... Shane? The tears in my eyes were escaping violently, but I didn't care anymore. My date, my Shane was outside kissing a girl on our prom. Briyana nodded and turned around with her hands covering her nose and lips. She looked at me as if nothing had happened, "Are you alright?" she asked never taking her hand off her face. "I'll leave you two; I'm in a kind of a situation myself. You take care, Dia." She said before running off.

"There you are. You came earlier than I thought," Shane walked towards me. "Don't you dare come near me," I raised my hand signalling him to stop. "Why?" he gritted his eyebrows, "Are you seriously asking me why? Let's see, because you left me in there all by myself and came out here, you never told me before disappearing and when I came out looking for you, you were here sucking at another girl's face!! And on top of that, you dare to tell me I came earlier than you expected. So what, you were going to call me after you were done with your little make-out session so you can go back to being my "best friend"?" I was breathing heavily at the end of my little outburst and Shane just looked at me like I had grown ahead. "D, you went to the washroom-" he began but I butt in, "Oh so I go to the washroom and you come out here to suck at other girl's faces?"

"Babe, will you let me finish?" he reasoned. I stood there with my hands folded to my chest, "I got a call from mom; the music was too loud inside, so I came outside to get it. I thought you would take time, so I didn't tell anyone where I was going. I was about to come back in when I heard a girl scream so I went to check. Briyana was there, she was there to put up some extra props and lighting. But while fixing it, she bumped into something. She had a cut lip and bleeding nose." I suddenly felt guilty about shouting at him. What is wrong with me? Did I just show distrust towards Shane? And who is he to me? I mean I know I like him, but he doesn't know that. And why on this Earth am I still crying? "Sorry," I said looking at my feet. "So? You are crying because you thought I was making out with another girl?" He took a step forward, "I'm not crying. It's the rains maybe," Seriously, Rains? How stupid am I? "Well it looks like it's only raining on your face then," he chuckled and erased the tear on my cheek with his thumb.

"Are you mocking me?" I asked

"Oh, I dare not." He smiled, Oh that Godly smile. "Coming back to the point. Why were you crying again?"

"It's um.. Nothing."

"Really? It doesn't look like nothing." He took another step closer, coming dangerously close to me. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I don't believe you." Shit! I am going to say something stupid. I don't want to ruin this; I don't want to say something stupid. "I know you a little too well to know when you are lying." He continued, "Will you tell me the truth or do I have to find it out myself?" he nuzzled my ear sending a tickling sensation through my body. Our breath was erratic; he nuzzled my ear again making my body want more. Come on, Diana, woman up! Give him a smart ass reply. "So you think I'm crying because I'm in love with you?" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Where did that come from? What happened to the smart ass reply! Before I could take my words back, Shane beat me, "I was hoping that to be true," I looked into his eyes. He was serious, there were pure adoration and love for me in his eyes and I'm sure at that moment my eyes reflected the same. "Why?" I asked. Seriously, where is all this courage coming from? Without wasting a single minute Shane claimed my lips, it was a gentle and loving kiss, it took me by surprise at first, but then I kissed him back. We pulled back after some time, "I love you," he said. I blushed crimson, "I love you too," I answered. I leaned my forehead to him before he engulfed me in a hug. "Ok, call me crazy, but this place is romantic." He said, I looked around to look at the ambience.

There were 3D figures of Saint- Jacques Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Palais du Louvre and Eiffel tower, little lanterns were throwing dim light at us; to our left was the school building which was located on the edge of a cliff, so the right side had a railing rod and an open sky beyond that. "It is," I chuckled, "You do know how to make a moment special."

"Well I don't think I can take the credit for this one, but if you are praising me, I'm all ears!" he smiled making me laugh. Can this day get any better?

Well, it did. That day Shane and I were pronounced the Prom king and queen, and the prom king and queen's dance was my first official dance with my boyfriend. I always thought love gives pain, and honestly, it does, but that day I realized, it gives you a partner to share it with too. I am so glad I have Shane and I love him. And the best part so does he.


A/N: What do you guys think???? I am so excited for you all to read it!! Also, Diana and Shane's prom dress picture is attached at the beginning of the chapter. This chapter is unedited and I apologize for the mistakes in the chapter. I hope you guys have a broad smile on your face after reading this, just like I had when I updated it.

But, this also feels like the beginning of the end. I hope you guys had a wonderful journey with the book.

There will be just 2 or 3 more chapters till the book is complete. Don't forget to:



I love ya all :-*



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