chapter 25... Cleaning up some shit

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Cleaning up some shit

A/N: Warning! Abusive language.


So he's just sitting there on a freaking couch in a fucking balcony with Briyana Daniels and getting cosy with her? While I was supposed to stay home and think he is out of the country in Europe for a business meeting? He is the one who came begging for a "second chance", then why cheat? Without thinking twice I stormed through the stairs to his room. I climbed up the stairs aware that my friends were following me but I didn't care any more. I rushed to where the room in the direction of the balcony, it has to be the room on the extreme left. I rang the doorbell noisily a couple of times and waited for him to open the door; the girl who introduced herself to me as Kate, while ago stood beside me facing the door and sobbed uncontrollably. Why is she crying? Also, where have I seen her? Think harder, Diana! Come on! That's when it hit me, I knew where I had seen her and she's the girl from the picture I had found in Shane's room. Yes, she is that girl. But why is she here? And what is with the tears? I knocked on the door hurriedly, if anyone saw me right now they would think I'm a lunatic, but that is not my concern. The door finally opened and there he stood, shirtless with his hair ruffled. Wes's mouth hung open as his eyes went back and forth between Kate and I. "Kate, D-Diana?" he stammered. How did he-? My eyes widened a bit when I recalled the handwriting behind Kate's picture. It looked familiar, but it wasn't Shane's, it was Wes's! He was fooling around with me and Kate too? "Baby, who is it?" Briyana said appearing from behind him, I thanked my stars when is saw she was dressed. I looked Wes dead in the eye, "So, Europe, huh?" "Diana.. I just.. um.." I didn't even realise when my hand came in contact with his cheek, there was a loud 'thud' and the next thing I know he was gripping his cheek. He had a look of disbelief in his eyes. "What are you doing?" Kate gripped the upper part of my arm, "What right do you have on him? How dare you hit him?" she asked, "And you must be his lawyer?" I deadpanned. "No. I'm his fiancée. I am sorry but you have to sort it out with your guy. You are mistaking my fiancé to be your boyfriend just like you did in the café a couple of months ago." She said, "What? How do you know that?" "I work there. I was on the counter when it happened." She stated. "So, that is why you disowned me at the café?" I turned to Wes and 'thud' another one on his face! "You moron! Everyone told me that you don't deserve me, that I could do much better than you. But I never listened to them. And now I realise how wrong I was, I was running behind a piece of shit! We dated for 2 years and all this time you were engaged to her?" I pointed to Kate.

I am mad, but I won't create a scene in the hallway, there is an event going on downstairs and though they can't hear us if any guest comes up it won't look good. Regina worked hard on this one, this is important for her and I can't do this here. I pushed Wes inside the room and followed him in. I saw all my friends standing by the door. "Close the door, Briyana," I ordered and she thankfully didn't argue. She was staring at me wide-eyed with her mouth touching the ground. Nobody except Shane knows how horrible I can be when I'm mad. "What did you call me when you used to be upset every night, a bitch, right?" my eyes flicked back to Wes, "Is that enough bitchiness or do you need more?" I pointed to his cheek which looked swollen. "All this time I felt guilty for kissing Shane. I thought I was cheating on you. I called you the entire last week but you never answered, you just messaged me you were busy. Is this what you were busy doing? I felt so horrible about myself for kissing the guy I like just because I was dating you! But you are engaged to someone, screwing someone else and dating me. Classic, right? Wes, if she is your fiancée and Briyana is your....Well, whore, then who am I? The other woman? Oh, I'm sorry the second other woman 'cause you have a fuck buddy and she gets to be the other woman." I sighed and chucked humourlessly, "I really thought giving you another chance was a good idea but now regret it as much I regret you, our relationship and every single minute I wasted being with you. Such a waste of time you were! I can't even imagine I used to cry for you. I loved you enough to turn a deaf ear to everyone who told me you were not good enough. It was about time I cleared the clutter in my life!" Wes looked at me stunned but didn't say a word. I turned around to leave, but I looked over my shoulder at him. He had some blood on his lower lip, well done, Diana. "Show me your face one more time and I swear you will be sorry you ever laid eyes on me!" I walked towards the door, but stopped right in front of Briyana, "You have insulted me a lot of times, but right now, I pity you. The great Ms Popular Briyana Daniels has such a shallow choice in men. You knew I dated Wesley and you're still screwing that? What is it about my leftovers that you like? Raise the bar, Briyana you don't look bad yourself." With that, I walked down the stairs. I'm so done with the whole love bullshit!

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