chapter 4..... Taking a stand

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Taking a stand


Shane's team won the match by 6-3. The whole crowd cheered loudly, our team had made it to the semi-finals. Some people were going to the ground to congratulate the winning team. I held Wes's hand and we went down too, somehow, he looked more restless now. I approached Shane to congratulate him, but Wes just wouldn't let me talk to him. He would just cut in and ask me to leave, it was annoying and odd! I pulled Wes aside and asked him, "What's wrong? Why are you being so weird?" "Because I am bored of your little friends, it's boring, ok! Just a football game! They treat it as if they won 1000 dollars!" he yelled. I sighed, "Well, everything isn't money. Everyone doesn't think of the money the whole time. Just.. can't you be happy in other's happiness? Stop thinking money the whole time!"

"Oh! So I am money minded? And what about you, what do you think about it? Boys? Even after having a boyfriend?" he shouted.

"Stop shouting! We're in public! And boys? What're you even talking about?" I tried to calm him down. "That guy you were talking to on the phone when we met the other day," he yelled rudely. Half the crowd was looking at us, by now. "He is my classmate, I had his journal!" I explained.

"Journal, right! What about that Shane guy? You are flirting with him most of the time?"

"Flirting? Where is this coming from?"

"Weren't you fooling around with him in half time, when your boyfriend is just sitting on the bleachers?" Wes yelled.

"Are you out of your damn mind? I was just talking to him, for God's sake. I met him on my way to the washroom!" I felt so hurt by the way he was accusing me, tears automatically started building up in my eyes.

"So, I can't even make guy friends?" I said attempting to control my tears as my voice cracked.

"Great, just great! Now you will start crying and gain everyone's sympathy and I have to be the evil one. I was an idiot to like you!" he yelled.

He had created a scene in front of the whole town, I felt so embarrassed. I didn't know what to say or how to react, "Seriously, Wes? You are so hurtful! You just-" His hand was gripping my arm tightly, causing red marks on my arm, I gave his hand a slight push. He gripped my arm again, tighter this time and pushed me hard on the ground. The whole crowd looked at us, as lied on the ground. My top was soiled and my skirt had shifted up, thank God I had my short pants on! I was so embarrassed, I quickly got up and straightened my skirt. People around me were now giggling and gossiping about me! I just stood there, looking at my feet and slowly wiping the tears that were now flowing rapidly on my cheeks.

"Dude! What is the matter with you? Are you some sort of a psycho?" I heard Shane's firm voice, he stood in front of me. Wes took a step towards Shane, "She's my girlfriend, I can do whatever I want with her. You are a bloody nobody to talk in between us. So just, back off!" "Of course I am nobody," Shane answered, "And I am surely not a psycho like you!" Suddenly Wes extended his fist towards Shane and in quick reflex, Shane held Wes's fist tightly and pushed him away. I was shocked, I couldn't understand whatever just happened. "Don't even try, my entire team is here!" Shane whispered to Wes with gritted teeth. Wes gave me a pointing look which transformed into a smirk.


"Nice choice, I see all the reasons why you spend time with him. You can use him as your bodyguard, and of course for your other 'needs'!" He made air quotes, giving Shane and I one last look and walked away. Shane turned around and hung his leather jacket on my shoulders. "Let's go! You don't need to wait here anymore." He opened the passenger seat door for me before slipping to the driver's side and driving off.

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