chapter 9... After a hurricane comes a rainbow.

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After a hurricane comes a rainbow


A/N: I would like to dedicate this chapter to my best friends, Tammy and my sister Dru. Thanks for being there always! Love you guys.

Seeing the helmets and the tandem, she started jumping up and down like a child. It felt great to see her happy. The other night when she told me about her and Wes, I couldn't sleep for one fucking minute. I stayed up all night thinking about how I could get my crazy Diana back. By my Diana I mean my best friend Diana. If not anyone, I have to give her what she deserves. And firstly she deserves happiness. "Shall we get going?" I asked her, to which she nodded her head up and down. At first, the ride was a bit difficult but then when we got a hang of it, it was fun. Every time she would laugh or giggle it would make me happy. I stopped at a wired fence, this will be our first amusement park ride. We got down the tandem after parking it. "You have got to be kidding me!" she screamed. "Why?" I looked at her confused, "Go-karting!" she smiled from ear to ear. "I love this thing!" She ran to the man who was coordinating the game; I followed her lead. The man gave us instructions and told us we had 5 laps considering the track was pretty big, 5 was good! We wore out jackets, gloves and helmet. After the man gave us thumbs up, we drove off. I was in the lead when Diana suddenly sped off from behind me on the bridge created on the track. "Hey! You are too fast to be 30! Don't you see the speed limit?" I pointed to the sign with 30 on it. "Those aren't even real, Mr Rules!" she laughed. "Shit!" I cussed and accelerated. I took the turn that she had taken just seconds ago. There stood her car motionlessly. There was a red signal that she was patiently waiting for, probably to turn green. I chuckled to myself and drove past her yelling, "Miss Rules, I thought they weren't real!" "Damn it!" I heard her say as she started driving again.

After 5 laps and my victory in the race, Diana liked to believe that I cheated as her kart was on a halt when I overtook her and also because I didn't follow the 'signal'. Now, it's her turn to pick a ride? It's ok, right? Then, why do I feel so nervous looking at that smirk on her face?


This guy I call my best friend is a cheat! He drove past me on a red signal! Do you believe him? What if someone was coming from the other end of the one way oval-ish Go-kart track? Ok, I heard that too, it sounds stupid now. But hey, I lost! Now it's my turn to choose a ride, I'll choose something weird! I looked around for something when my eyes landed on a perfect booth that looked more like a shop. "We're doing that!" I pointed to the shop. "Really?" he asked, looking unsure. "Yep! It's my turn and I choose it." I ran to the shop. I halted in front of the shop and read the board: 'Make Me a Cartoon', weird, I know. Should we be doing this? I am not telling Shane I'm having second thoughts. Too late, Dia. We entered the shop and went to the reception, "Good afternoon," the lady on the other side greeted. She looked in her early 30's with her blonde hair tied in a messy bun; She wore a white button-down shirt with red trouser pants and a tie that had marvel cartoon figures printed on it. "You guys are here for a photoshoot?" She smiled. "That's right," I nodded. "So, please come with me." She said entering through the curtains and we followed her. "You draw a chit with the cartoon name on it, it's up to you which character you would like to take up from that cartoon," she began after making us sit on the sofa that had small pillows. One pillow had a batman, the other one had Mario and there was also one with a Mickey Mouse. "You get to dress up into 4 characters." The lady whose name I read as Miranda said. "So, I choose 2 chits and she gets to choose 2?"

Shane finally asked, to my relief. "That's right. I'll get you the bowl," she said as she turned to reach the top shelf before holding a red bowl filled with chits in front of us. I put my hand in and pull out 2 chits after fishing a bit. "Don't open 'em," Miranda stopped me, "let him choose his chits so u guys can open them together." Shane put his hand inside the bowl and picked up 2 chits that were easily reachable. "Well, let's see what you guys got!" Miranda grinned. I carefully opened the folded pieces of paper. Tom and Jerry, Pokémon: it read.

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