chapter 13... Ignoring her

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Ignoring her


There are days when you play like absolute shit! Soccer was my game, but today's practice match was plain shit! The coach looked worried about my game as there was this important game coming up. I had to hear a huge lecture after the game about how my performance wasn't "up to the mark". I sighed heavily as I parked in my garage. I looked over to Diana's like I usually do, but there she was! She had her back in my direction, she was talking to someone, I couldn't see who she was blocking that person for where I was, it's just Amber, Lia or one of her friends maybe.

I parked my car and jogged over to her. "Diana!" I called grabbing her attention. She turned around revealing the person that stood in front of her. To say that I was shocked is an understatement. It was the last person I expected to see. "What are you doing here?" I asked pointing to him. "Umm.. We were talking, that's what he was doing." She answered casually. "Ya! I can see that, but why are you even talking to him? He of all the people? Why Wes?" I looked at Wes and back to Diana. "Hey! That's not how you talk to me! You know that's rude," Wes said. "I care less if you find it rude or polite. In case you haven't noticed I'm not impressed with your presence!" I mocked. He looked me in the eye and stepped closer. This punk is going home with a bleeding nose! I was ready to hit him square on the nose when she stepped between in. "Stop it you two," Diana said pushing us away from each other and standing between us. "Shane," she looked at me, "We is here because I called him!"

"What? Why?" I asked confused. In reality, I felt bad, but there's no way I'm telling her that or even showing it on my face. "Because..," she began. "Because we decide to sort things between us, and.. And we patched up." "You what?" I almost shouted. "Trust me, it is for the best." She said folding her hands to her chest. "Best, for whom? Did you-" She cut in and said, "Shane, can we talk later? I'm in the middle of something. I have to talk about stuff to Wes. We have a lot to catch up," She said. "Yah!" I nodded and walked away. I need to talk to D about this, what is she even thinking?

Diana's POV

I saw him walk away. I had to gather all the courage I could sum up to control my tears. I was standing in the front yard just looking at Shane walk away. "You ok?" Wes's voice cut my thoughts. I had almost forgotten he was there. "Ya sorry," I tried smiling. "Look Diana, I am guilty of what I've done. I understood your value when I lost you. I wanted to call you, but I was... I didn't know-how. I am sorry!" he said in one breath. I could see that they meant it. I sighed audibly, "It is ok I guess. I mean what you did wasn't on, but we can start afresh." I saw a figure in Shane's window, I looked up. He was standing in his window, looking at us. You have to distance yourself from him, Diana. Just do something that will keep him away. I quickly looked over to Wes and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"How I have missed you. I almost forgot the way you smell." He said. I looked at Shane's window from the corner of my eye only to see him go away. This is going to be one hell of a task, Diana!

I sat in the garden on that very bench where Shane and I started as friends. I miss him so damn much. There was that day when we hit it off just well as friends and there is today when we are at the same park but I am on this bench and he is there playing with Nia and Ian. When he came with Nia to the park, I wondered how I would ignore him but he made my concern disappear when he behaved as if I didn't exist and went over to play with them. Not that it bothered me. I was reading a book, ok, I was pretending to read a book. My entire attention was directed to them. My phone rang loudly beside me flashing Lia's name. "Hey, Li!" I answered "Where the hell do you think you are? You could at least answer your phone. You haven't been to school for the past 5 days. Care to explain?" she screamed on the other end. "Calm down, woman!" I tried to calm her down. This didn't work well, because she yelled angrily over the phone yet again, "Calm down, my ass!" God, I missed her so much! I laughed at my best friend. "There is so much I have to tell you," she began, "you missed a lot of drama back in school, babe," I swear I could hear her jumping excitedly over the phone. "Go on. Tell me all." I smiled. "I will, tomorrow at school." She said. "Are you seriously going to do that? Make me excited and then tell me to wait for tomorrow?" I reasoned out. "Yup! Show up tomorrow or I'll drag you out from your house!" "Alright, see you, tomorrow babe!" I chuckled and we hung up. "Let's go, Diana," Ian said standing by me. I held his hand and the four of us walked towards our houses. I was trying to come up with a way to avoid this weirdness. Usually, when we reach my front yard, I and Shane would have a little chat and then we would go to our respective houses. How am I going to do this? What do I say if he asks me about Wes? "Bye Ian!" Shane said and Nia repeated the same. "Bye Diana," Nia smiled sweetly. I looked over to Shane who wasn't even looking at me, I was about to say goodbye when he turned around and walked towards his house with Nia. Guess I won't have to avoid him, he's ignoring me himself. Now I know how he felt when I asked him to excuse me and Wes the other day. I just sighed and walked inside with Ian.

"You cannot be serious!" Amber crossed her hands to her chest. "Please tell me this is some fucking joke!" Lia exclaimed! "Ok, so I am not the one to overreact this way, Miyra started calmly, "But what were you thinking!!" she raised her voice. Yes, you guessed it right. I told them about me and Wes patching up. "You know this is crazy right?" Amber said touching my shoulder lightly, sitting next to me on the bench. I felt guilty for not telling them the entire thing, what happened with me and Shane. I would tell them eventually. Just not now. "Earth to Diana!" Lia said waving her hands in front of my face. "Sorry what?" I had just completely zoned out. "We were asking how? I mean why?" Miyra said looking a bit too worried.

"About that umm-" I began, just to be interrupted by the bell. Thankfully, the break was over. I didn't know how to answer that one. "We are meeting after school," Amber stated firmly "and no talking about this when we are not together in the same place," she gave me a serious glare, making Lia disappointed. I nodded before making my way to Calculus. I didn't really like calculus but I was good at it. I shared this class with Lia and Shane. Lia sat diagonally opposite to me on my right and Shane sat beside me to my left. Lia had to use the washroom so I walked myself to the class. This was going to be bad. Shane has been avoiding me since yesterday. I bumped into him this morning in the school; he just turned around and walked away as nothing had happened.


A/N: I'm back with another chapter. I know I'm updating slow and I'm really sorry for it!! but I hope you are enjoying the book so far.



keep reading.

love ya all :-*

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