Chapter 16.... A family I would trade the world for.

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A family I would trade the world for


I got up dusting off the imaginary dust off my dress and walked inside to find Wes and leave. It wasn't very difficult to find Wes as most of the crowd was either sitting on the tables chatting or at the bar getting drunk. We party better than these oldies! I just called my boyfr- Wes's parties boring. Wes isn't my boyfriend, is he? But why am I freaking out? Wes was somehow more than convinced to leave the party. We said our goodbyes to Mr and Mrs Parker and some others before we left. Wes stopped the car in my house's driveway and quickly got out to hold my side of the door open for me. I stepped out giving him a small smile and he walked me to the door, if only he could have been this chivalrous before.

Seriously my brain needs to stop doing this. It's kind of creepy; I mean I decided to give him this chance now I should stick by it. I gave him a chance to run away from Shane and your feelings give Wes a chance to mend his ways, seriously brain stop talking! "Diana?" Wes said interrupting my conversation with, well myself. "Yes," I turned around to face him. "I- I um.. wanted to thank you for giving me this chance. I'll do everything I can to set things right. I'll give you the relationship you deserve and dreamt off, I promise." He said with a smile. Isn't this where you blush? I thought, well my brain did. I smiled in response and looked to my shoes. I could see his feel taking a step forward as I looked up to him. He placed his hand on my waist and leaned forward, to kiss me!

Shit, I don't want to kiss him. Why not? What happened to give him a chance and shit? You agreed to the date, now kiss him. But I can't kiss him. I know he is my date and I want to give him a chance and be my boyfriend and have a relationship. I feel like I'm... I'm cheating! Cheating on whom? Shane? I mentally kicked my brain, God! What do I do? I stepped behind and let his hand slide down from my waist. He looked at me confused "I'm.. I uh.. uhm.. I'm sorry. I c-cant. I'm just... just not-" smooth, so smooth. "It's alright. I understand." He smiled rubbing the back of his neck. "You're not ready. Next date maybe." He winked. I smiled surprised that I didn't feel anything when he winked, earlier I used to go weak in the knees and those weird things in the stomach. But I felt nothing at all. "Good night," I waved as he headed back to his car.

I entered the house and dropped the keys in the bowl kept in the living area. I could hear Ian talking excitedly to someone in the dining area, so I walked over to find mom and dad listening to whatever he was saying. "Hey." I smiled "Dad you are back." I grinned. Dad mirrored my expression as mom said, "You are back an hour early? It's just 9. Since when did you start leaving from parties an hour before?" I just shrugged as dad walked over to me. "You look so pretty, sweetheart. It's just been 6 months, I left a little doll behind, I find a young princess standing in front of me." I rumpled my nose at my dad's mushiness, "that's just so mushy dad!" he chuckled as he slung his arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple "You will know when you become a parent." Dad stayed in Philadelphia for work, both my parents are heart surgeons. Dad got a call from one of the doctors from Philly a year ago for a conference and some cases, so dad went there and mom stayed back to look after Ian, me and the hospital. I hugged my dad, he can be mushy and emotional but I missed him so much. "I missed you, dad," I whispered against his chest. "I missed you too, doll." He said hugging me back. "Dianaaaa....." Ian sand as he ran to him me, or my stomach, to be specific. "Hey, big boy. Why are you not in bed?" I asked him, holding his head near my stomach. He pouted, "Because daddy is here?" "So you will skip your bedtime," I raised my brow.

"Yup," he popped the 'p'

"What happened to the good boy?" I asked.

"I'm still a good boy. You said sharing about my life with my family is a good thing, so I want to tell you about my new friend."

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