Chapter 7.... The drunken talk

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The drunken talk


Beautiful! That was all I could think of when she climbed down those stairs! She looked breathtakingly beautiful. She was hurriedly skipping down scribbling something on a piece of paper, a note maybe. I walked up to the staircase and waited for her to come down, but before she could reach the last step, she tripped and was about to fall. I quickly gripped her wrist and pulled her up to avoid her from falling and getting hurt. Thankfully, I was successful in my attempt. I pulled her towards me and before I knew my hand landed on her waist. She looked intensely in my eyes, "I was um.. just writing a note. So mom-" she began. I could sense her restlessness, think about something, Shane, think about something. "Clumsy much?" I laughed and helped her stand up. "Drunk already, huh?" "Shut up!" she said trying her best not to laugh. "I'll just put this there and come," she ran off to the coffee table in the living room.

We reached outside the house where the boys were waiting for us. I walked up to them with Diana behind me, "Hey guys," I greeted, "this is Diana aka D." "Hey guys," she smiled and waved. There was a noisy chorus of 'hey,' 'hi' and 'hello.' It was only Nathan who came to her, "Is your dad a drug dealer?" he casually asked "Umm.. I don't think so," she looked at me confused. "Cause he clearly made an addictive piece!" Nathan winked at Diana. Seriously, that's the worst pick up line he has ever used. We all laughed at Nathan's cockiness.

We entered the house and greeted the guy. Poor thing he has no idea what this party is going to turn into! We all wished him a birthday, it was hilarious when Luke called him "Birthday Boy" and the dude blushed. We then started with our mission, there 2 huge containers, one had an orange punch and another had a coke. Bye-bye orange punch and hello tequila. I poured a whole bottle of tequila in it leaving just enough for 6 shots in the bottle; the guys can have those later. I was going to keep myself sober because I had to drive back and I was going to film the mess this party will eventually become. I also don't want Nia to see me drunk or even smell alcohol on me.

It was just a matter of time before all the people present at the party were wasted, the music was booming and the crowd was going crazy dancing their asses off. People were pushing each other in the pool, some talking to the walls and glasses, school enemies making out, some people crying over something that happened years ago and I was filming all this. It was fun watching them go crazy, especially the nerds. Mike and Conor, my soccer teammates were so drunk, I am sure they are going to have the worst hangover. That reminded me about the tequila I had kept for them, I better put it back in the car before anyone gulps it down. I made my way through the sweating bodies of the people and went to the huge orange pulp container where I had kept it. Shit! It's not here! Where can it go? There was a loud thud noise. I looked in front to find the host of this very party lying on the floor and dancing with some crazy moves, laughing at the sight, I started filming him. He is so going to be all over YouTube! There was a small pat on my back and I turned around to face whoever it was.

Holy shit! Did she get drunk too? "D, are you ok?" I asked her trying to hold her straight. "Ok?" she laughed "I am better than best! This thing is sooooooooo damn gooooood!" she held out the bottle. I widened my eyes; she had almost 6 shots of tequila all by herself? "If you widen them anymore, they will pop out!" She pointed to my eyes and laughed before passing out. I picked her up and got her inside the car. I have to go get these guys and bring them to their houses. So I gathered everyone and got them to the car. Ok, headcount, Diana on the front, Austin, Mike, Conor, Luke and shit, where's Nathan? I ran back inside to find him. I searched the whole house, even the rooms. I just can't find him. I ran back to the poolside, I searched everywhere before I spotted him coming out of the pool. I ran up to him, "Dude! Where were you?" I asked running my hands through my hair. "I.. I don't know how it happened. But I just can't see him?" Nathan looked at me worriedly; For a minute I thought he isn't drunk anymore. "Who?" I enquired. "Nemo!" he answered, and I was wrong he is still drunk. "I can't find Nemo, Shane. What do I tell his dad?" he whined like a kid. I sighed and got him in the car with difficulty.

I dropped them off at their houses and was outside Diana's house. How could I let her in and tell her mom that I let their daughter drink to an extent that she passed out? I walked up to her door with great courage and rang the bell. Her mom opened it instantly as if she was waiting for Diana to be home, "Hey Mrs Summers." I greeted her with a smile. "Hi, Shane," she said in a sleepy tone, "I am sorry but I had a long day so I am a bit tired," she yawned. "Oh no. It's fine, you can go to bed, I'll shut the door as I leave." "Thank you! But, where is Diana?" she asked looking behind me. Diana, right. She's lying in my car, unconscious! "She's coming. Here um... s-shoes are... giving her a tough time. So, she's walking.. s-slowly," I answered unsure if she would buy it. "Ok," Mrs Summers shrugged, "Good night, Shane." She yawned again before heading off to her room. "Good night," I said before she entered a room. I quickly ran outside, picked Diana up and got her inside her house. I carried her to her room and put her on the bed and tugged her under her covers, I do this for Nia many times. As I was about to leave, Diana held my shirt tightly near my chest, I tried to remove her hand from mine, "Umm... don't," she whined. "It's nice to have someone!" She spoke with her eyes still closed. I sat on her bed beside her with her head on my chest. I suddenly felt a warm tear on my shirt, I looked at her. She was crying? "Hey. Stop crying." I said touching her cheek, "What's wrong?"

"I loved him with all I could...." She was trying to talk between her sobs, "I gave him so many chances. He was 7 years elder than me, the least romantic guy I have ever seen... I tried to be mature for him, took so many mature decisions for him... I break my heart every day and still go back to him, just because I love him... dates, long drives, movies, all these words seem like history to me. All we talked about was work. No, his work. I gave up my idea of perfect, fairy-tale love, for him. I wanted my first love to be my last love and I gave that place to him. All the adjustments, compromises I made for him seem so useless now. He called me dumb, fat, worthless, a freaking good for nothing and even.. even a whore so many times we fought. I gave up all the dreams and expectations a girl has from her guy and he can't even introduce me to his colleagues? I went to the café on seeing his car in the car park and he just disowned me in front of his senior and all the people present in that place. I always tried to be the one for him and in the end; I am still not worth it!" She was crying like anything by now. "Am I that undeserving? Am I that bad a girlfriend? Am I..." That was all she could manage to say before she fell off sleep. I removed my hand from her shoulder, which I don't know when I kept there. I took her hand off my shirt and got up from her bed.

Before leaving, I turned around and saw her asleep. I touched her head carefully, not wanting to wake her up, "You are not undeserving. You deserve much better than what you got," and with that, I left her house.


A/N: Hellooooo everyone! so how was this chapter? it's a little short I know. but this is all I could come up with. let me know what you think about the chapter



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Love ya :-) :-*

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