chapter 22... The detectives

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Chapter 22

The detectives


"Off me, you moron!" I pushed him on the uncut grass. "Ouch!! Shane!" He whispers yelled. "What are you doing, man? It's the 5th time you have stepped on my feet in the past 30 minutes!" I complain" I'm sorry dude but I don't know what we are here for," Nathan said still lying on the lawn. "Did I not tell you?" I began, "We are spying on Wes, that's his house," I whispered pointing to the house in front of us. "I know that, but it's 8 in the night, I'm hungry and it's so fucking dark and cold out here! Nathan whined as he rolled on the grass like a dog. "Just get up man, you are going to get yourself and most importantly my car seat dirty! Now up, and try to look through the window if you see anything." I helped him up.

I heard him sigh as he got up, "The is a man in his late 50s a woman in her early 50s watching some stupid show for the past half-hour and were both standing outside their house in the dark and cold staring at them like idiots and I'm hungry!! It cannot get any worse-" but before he could complete his rant, the sprinklers went off, "I spoke too soon, Shit!!" Nathan shouted loudly. "Don't shout, " I whispered and started running away with him on my tail just as we heard the front door click open. I quickly hid behind the bushes but Nathan being the dumb ass that he is was caught standing. "Hey, you young man," Mr Lawson said. Nathan made another useless attempt to run but slipped and fell flat on his butt beside the bush that hid me. I quickly pulled him behind the bush.

"There's no point hiding. Either u come out on your own or I call cops" Mr Lawson announced. "Go!" I whispered to Nathan. "Why should I go. This was your genius idea. You go!" He yelled. "He saw you!" I defended "I'm here because of you so you should take the responsibility." I sighed, "Rock paper scissors?" "1.. 2..3.." Nathan counted and made a paper, whereas I had made a stone!" "Damn!" I said as I stood up. "What do you want?" Mr Lawson asked. "Umm.. sir I'm lost, " I lied. "It's pretty cold outside and your clothes have gone bad. Come in freshen up." Mrs Lawson said appearing behind her husband. Mr Lawson nodded and walked inside the house as I followed his suit. If I hadn't gotten this douche along, I wouldn't have been here. Now, what will I do if Wes is here? "Go straight down the hallway and turn left, there is the washroom." Mrs Lawson said, "oh dear, your clothes are dirty. Wear these which I clean those up," she continued.

I did as she said and after cleaning myself up, I looked around the living room. I was glad Wes wasn't home, his parents seem like genuinely good people. The house wasn't too big but it was storeyed. There was a fireplace in the living area and the interior was homey. There were many family photos too, these family photos can tell me something about Wes. I turned my head to look at Mr Lawson, he was eying me suspiciously analysing my every move, scary! I have to say something this is getting awkward, "Hello Mr Lawson," I smiled. "How do you know my name?" he asked quickly. This is bad, make something up Shane quick! "I.. uh.. Read it on the mailbox?" I said but it sounded more like a question. "What are you doing here?" he asked never taking his shit scary eyes off my face "My friend gave me an address, said one of his cousins lives here, so I was checking the name on the mailbox when your sprinklers went off, but I guess I got it wrong anyway." He sighed, probably convinced with my answer. He rested his back on the back of the sofa and shrugged, "Ok. What is your name, young man?" if I tell him my name and he mentions it to Wes the plan would fail, "My name is Nathan," I smiled, "Your house is really good, sir." "Thank you," he said as Mrs Lawson appeared with a glass of milk and a plate full of cookies, "We recently got it renovated, all thanks to our to be daughter in law," Mrs Lawson chirped placing the plate in front of me. God these cookies look so delicious, if this wasn't Wes's house I would have eaten these all up. I am ignoring food for you, Diana, this better be worth it! "Have a cookie dear," she offered. I thanked her as I picked up a cookie. My eyes fell on the huge picture just above the fireplace. It was a picture of Mr and Mrs Lawson and 2 guys; one of them was Wes and the other one I didn't know. But this other guy looked exactly like Wes, but he had blue eyes and blonde hair like his mother. Mr Lawson must have noticed me staring at the picture that was taken 5 years ago, they are our children," he smiled recalling the happy memory. "It's a beautiful picture, you seem to be a close family," I said, "Yes we were," Mr Lawson nodded, "But after my elder son Asher passed away, Wesley had to work long to keep things going around this place. He has a stable job that pays him well. Earlier we used to spend a lot of time together, family outings and picnic but it all kind of stopped after Asher passed away," "I'm so sorry, sir," I apologised. "That's the last picture we have of him. It's from Wes's 20th birthday," Mr Lawson sighed.

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