Chapter 21... Then came the queen bee

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Then came the queen bee


"Please," he said as he pulled out my chair. I smiled and sat on the chair while he went to sit in front of me. Wes and I were out for a lunch date! Can you imagine a lunch date at the Royal café, one of the most crowded places? This was the first time in our entire relationship that we were in a crowded place, during lunch hour and that too not hiding from the others.

"What will you have?" he asked scanning the menu. I was far from thinking about food, I had another matter to worry about. I just shrugged and continued to nervously fidget with my fingers. You are dating this guy; you have known him for a long time, just ask him! My irritating brain said, so I'm just going to woman up and ask. "Wes?" I finally managed to say. "Just a minute," he said as he ordered out food. "Ok. Now tell me," he smiled and looking at me with adoring eyes. "Can-can I ask you something?" he just nodded in response. That's good enough, Diana. Keep going. "W-What did you um do?" I'm not sure that came outright, but I already said it! "What did I do? You mean.." he knitted his eyebrows but the smile stayed plastered to his lips. "Right, I mean. W-when we had b-broken up. What did you do then?" I managed to say it, but my lungs were seriously out of air. His face turned pale as if he had seen a ghost, the smile he was holding was gone. His eyes were a little wide and he was visibly perspiring. "I-I did nothing m-much. Just.. Work and stuff, you know," he stammered. "Really? Nothing?" said a seductive girly voice.

There she stood with her hands on her hips and a pout of her lips, "I could find that offensive, you know," she said winking at Wes. "What are you doing here, Briyana?" I asked. She turned to me with a murderous glare, "Doctor Daddy own the café?" she asked; I stayed quiet but didn't look away from her. "Thought so. That gives you no right to ask this question." She continued. "We are in the middle of something, can you leave us alone?" I said trying to be as polite as I can. She shifted her glare back to Wes, "Make sure you tell her about your little adventure." With that, she walked away clicking her perfect pink heels on the tiled floor of the café. God! I used to be best friends with this girl a few years back, I thought. The sole reason why I don't fight with Briyana and create a scene because I know it's fruitless doing so and also because we used to be friends, best friends. "What was that about?" I said pointing at the place where she had disappeared. Wes avoided looking at me as he silently played with the table cloth. "You have to tell me the truth if you want us to keep going out," I stated firmly. "Alright," he said after a few minutes, "The Company I work at is signing a deal with the Daniels and it's a big one. As a part of the team on this project, I have to keep them happy and satisfied with my services. Ms Daniels here has been a great help in this project, she can convince her father very well. So I took her help." Though he told me this, he was still not looking me in the eye, he was hiding something. "That's it? So you were doing your job, right?" I asked and he just nodded in confirmation, "Then why is it making you nervous?" I asked. His eyes shot up to mine and I could see he was surprised, "She umm.. She used to treat me like a servant. 'Get me this, get me that!' she used to order me around the whole time." He said in one breath. The waiter came and placed our food in front of us and left with a smile, "Now you know the truth, can we eat now? I'm starving." He said and dug into his food. That bitch!

"What a bitch!" I screamed. "Calm down! This is a window we are talking through, the neighbours can hear you!" Shane said. I told Shane about the whole conversation Wes and I had on our lunch date. I glared at him to which he innocently shrugged and said, "What? I don't want Nia and Ian learning the 'B' word!" I sighed, "Briyana hates me and she's not torturing Wes. She blackmailed him saying that if he didn't tell her who he was dating she would get him fired. And when he refused, she practically threw herself at him. That's when he had to tell her about us. Can you believe her? Could she be any nosier?" When Shane didn't say anything, I looked at him. He was thinking about something intently. "What?" I said irritated. "Nothing, it's just weird." He said and I gave him a confused look, not understanding. "Don't get me wrong, but I know Briyana very well. She'll not be interested in just anybody's personal life. She is only interested in knowing about people she knows. Why would she force Wes to tell her about his girlfriend? Unless.." "Unless she already knew about him and me," I completed it for him. "Something doesn't add up here, we have to dig this deeper." He said in a mysterious tone and I just rolled my eyes.


"Do you think I should just confront Briyana and tell her to stop?" she wondered. "I don't think that's a good idea. She won't listen to you; in fact, she might just insult more or cause problems for Wes at his work. Let's not put his job in danger here." Talking to her about Wes was so difficult, I mean I like this girl so much but I just had to be the best friend and support her in this. "You are right. But what do I do? Just sit here and let her treat him as her slave?" "D, Wes is old enough to take care of himself. It's just a matter of time, once the deal is finalised he won't even have to see her again." I told her. "Ya, maybe you're right." She sighed. "Maybe? I'm always right!" I grinned. "Good night, Shane," she chuckled. "Good night," I replied.

I lied on the bed staring at the ceiling. I have to do something about this Wesley dude. I had to find shit about him. I just dropped the topic to not get Diana worried but there is something wrong with this scenario. I was pulled out of my chain of thoughts as I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I said. "Shane?" Scarlett said with her hand popping in through the door. "Come in, Scar." I smiled and she walked to my bed and stood beside it. "Shane I know how much you hate this but can you please listen to me?" she began, I nodded of her to go on. "There is a business gathering this Friday and it's really important for Aunt Regina. She needs this deal for her hotels, will you please be there?" she pleaded. "Scar you know how boring these gatherings are. I just hate it." "I know you do, but please help her out with this. She wasn't even going to ask you I told her I would convince you to go. You have to be by her side Shane," she said. "Fine. I'll go!" I said you can't win a fight with Scarlett, never. I'll have to take Austin, Nathan and Scarlett tomorrow in confidence and tell her about this Wes and Briyana thing. They could help. Yes, I have to do this, for Diana.

"Are you serious?" Scarlett looked at me with horror. "You are right, man; Briyana is nosy but only about those she knows." Nathan nodded his head. "This story though doesn't seem complete to me. There are too many gaps we have to fill," Austin said mirroring my serious expression. "That is exactly what I thought," I placed m hand on Austin's shoulder, "Briyana has to know Wes to treat him like a slave and even if you say that she met him through her dad it's difficult to believe considering she has no interest in her dad's business whatsoever." "Exactly, so why would Briyana suggest an entire deal to her father?" Austin asked, "Maybe she wants to learn the business now?" Scarlett answered, "I don't think so. We have known her for a while. Her family business was always a no-no for her," Nathan said. "Also Briyana doesn't do anything if it doesn't profit her in the end," I told Scarlett. "Guys," Austin stood up suddenly looking at us with wide eyes, "Maybe she isn't helping her dad, she's helping herself. She doesn't want the deal, she wants the guy!" Scarlett was the next one to get up and look at us with saucers in place of eyes, "S-She- she's trying to d-destroy Diana!" We were sitting at the backside of the school where there were some rocks and no CCTV cameras; this was a perfect place to discuss this thing. "Why would she want to hurt Diana?" Nathan inquired. "Briyana, Lia and Diana used to be best of friends, but they had a fight and they fell apart. Lia and Diana are still best friends, so according to Briyana she was abandoned by her best friends." Scarlett explained. "That's it? That's the reason why Briyana would want to hurt D?" I asked. "Also, Diana was supposed to be a cheerleader, but her dad had to move for his job, so she backed out. Since then Briyana has been feeling like she was the teams 'second option'. She thinks she got to be a cheerleader because Diana rejected it." Scarlett said. Wow! Losing your place in the cheerleading team for your family, only Diana could do that! "This may also be regarding Shane," Austin added, "What about me?"

Now, what the hell did I do? "Diana is your best friend and you like her more than just a best friend, you want her to be more than just a best friend in your life and that makes Briyana jealous. Duh, bro!" Scarlett said in a dumb tone. "Hey! That's not true I don't like her more than a best friend!" Seriously, how the hell do these guys know this? "Dude, just don't fight it. We all know this," Nathan said. "And I'm not bunking another class because my brother won't man up and agree he has a crush!" Scarlett said swinging her back on her shoulder as she walked out towards the school building and Nathan and Austin followed her lead. Great! Just great! I shook my head and sighed.


A/N: Early upload!!! I was just so happy to see more than 6000 readers that I thought I would surprise all you amazing people with an early update. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Keep reading. Keep supporting. Also, pick a team!!

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