chapter 11.... Stories and more

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Stories and More


I came running inside my room and crashed on my bed. I had to pay the price of befriending the school's 'most desirable' guy? I buried my face in my pillow and cried. My mom had left me a text saying that she was staying at gran's place as Ian refused to come home, he enjoys there as there are my kids near gran's house. My mom wouldn't know I am home as I was supposed to stay at Amber's. Briyana is to be blamed, I guess. I heard the doorbell ring; I quickly wiped my tears and tried to look normal. I don't want my mom and Ian to see what a crappy life I was having. I mean it's 10:00 pm it has to be them. Maybe mom convinced Ian to come back. I ran downstairs and swung the door open. There stood Shane with his hands hanging to his side, he wore a very worried expression as he asked, "Are you ok?" he breathlessly added, "I am sorry. I-" "Go away!" I cut in rudely. "Please just go. Leave me alone, I don't wanna see anyone. Just-" it was all I could manage to say before the tears started escaping my eyes again. I turned to my heel and ran to my room. I heard the main door shut, good he went. Just then I heard a faint knock on my room's door. The doorknob turned, revealing Shane. I was sitting on the floor, but on seeing him, I got up. "What the hell? Why are you here?" I yelled.

"Diana, I couldn't go leaving you in this condition." He stepped inside my room. "Really? You couldn't leave me alone in my own house, but you could leave me all alone in the school cafeteria with the entire school laughing at me!" I shouted. No, I didn't! I don't know what happened there?" he raised his voice, taking a step forward to stand right in front of me. "Of course you dint know. Now pretend like you don't know about today either and just go!" I said pushing him. I pushed him twice, but then he held my hand by my wrist and pulled me closer to him. I buried my face in his chest, still crying. I found myself melting in his hug as I held him tightly with both my hands locked to his waist. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed it slowly, as his other hand rested on my head, holding me closer. "I can never leave you alone, D. when you told me about your break up, I knew I had to get you out of it on my own.

I wanted my best friend back. You know why... Because you are special. You are very special to me!" I looked into his eyes, the way he looked at me; I knew he meant every word he uttered. I can hardly believe the high school dream boy saying as sweet as this to me. We both sat on the floor leaning to the side of my bed, I wasn't crying a lot, but some tears managed to escape through my eyes. Shane put his hand around me as I rested my head on his chest, I could hear his heart beating frantically, just like mine. This might sound crazy, but it felt perfect there with him. I went back to all that Briyana had said to me. Shane doesn't date; she said both the times she created a scene. I don't see how it concerns me? "Shane, why don't you date?" I asked and immediately regretted it. Why am I so stupid? "I am sorry, you don't have to answer that." I said without moving from the now comfortable position. "No. It's fine." He said, "I can tell you." He sighed before talking again, "I don't date because I don't believe in dating." "Why not? Love is a great feeling." I butted in. "But your boyfriend made you cry every day, how is that great?" he asked hesitantly. There is something more he's not telling me about. "I know. But it has to be a great feeling. I don't know what is in store for me but look at my parents. They have been married for 20 years and they still love each other so much." I smiled against his chest. "Ya, you saw your parents. I never did! Your parents love each other but mine-" he stopped as his chest started up and down rapidly with his heavy breathing because of his little outburst. I shifted a bit and looked into his eyes, sitting up straight. His eyes evidently reflected pain. "Your parents?" I enquired. "No. nothing." He said never looking into my eyes. "You sure?" I tilted my head a little so he at least looks me in the eye. And when he did, I could see the weakest and the most fragile side of this tough and strong guy I call my best friend. It is maybe a bad memory or a fear of anything troubling. I placed my hand on his trying to comfort him. I shouldn't push this any further. "My mom and dad got married because they loved each other," he began "but I never knew love ends and neither did my mom. At first, everything seemed perfect, but then came the bad days. My parents used to fight daily; his voice was so loud that even after I closed my room's door I could hear him clearly. I could hear and see my mom cry every night and wake up the next day as if nothing ever went wrong. Everything good my mom used to do for that man, he only used hurt her! Then when my mom was pregnant with Nia, she thought everything will be fine once the baby comes into the family. But on her baby shower, that man did something no man would do to his pregnant wife. The ceremony was about to begin and he was drinking with his friends, my mom sent me to call him 5 times, but he never came. So she went out herself to get him. I was standing inside the house watching them talk through the window as they stood in the backyard. It seems they were fighting, their fight got bitter and..." he stopped. I gave his hand a light squeeze to let him know I was here for him. I knew this is the memory that has made Shane commitment-phobic.

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