chapter 12... The Escape

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The Escape


My eyes slowly opened to see a very unfamiliar ceiling. I blinked a few times and looked around. I was in Diana's room. How the hell did I get in here! I looked beside me only to find her sleeping peacefully. I had my hand around her, as her hand rested on my stomach and her head on my shoulder. The memories of last night flooded my mind, our conversation, the peaceful silence before our 1st kiss, the sex. A small smile made its way on my lips, Austin had been right all along. He had told me many times that my behaviour towards Diana clearly states my feelings towards her. He told me that maybe she is more than a best friend to me, but I always refused. It's all making sense now, it's true and unlike before, now I am not scared to accept that I like Diana. I am crazy about this girl!

When I saw her at the party last night, my heart was hammering in my chest. The days she avoided me were so horrible, so I grabbed her in a bear hug not wanting to stay away from her for even a minute. I wanted to run behind her when she left but I had to take Lia to Amber's car and though Austin was driving I had to go with them and make sure the girls reached Amber's house properly. I couldn't leave Austin alone to do that. When I got to Diana's swollen eyes, the tear marks in her cheeks and her teary eyes made me feel a pinch in my chest. The talk we had in her room made me realise how much I like her. She was just so important to me. I looked back at the sleeping Diana in my arms and kisses her forehead, "I like you a lot, Diana. " I whispered. My kiss must have woken her up. She tossed a bit before she opened her eyes and smiled at me. I smiled back.

I would love to wake up by her side every day! Get a grip dude. You are way ahead of time. Suddenly, her smile faded and her eyes became dark in horror. She lifted her sheets and looked under them. "Shit!!!" She cursed. She quickly pulled out another sheet from below her nightstand and put it over herself. She pushed away from the bedsheet we were sharing. I still couldn't figure out what was happening. She then wrapped the sheet around herself and got up. "Diana, what's wrong?" I asked. She looked straight never turning around to face me, she answered, "Shane please get dressed and go." "Wait.. what?" I said, "I mean why?" Now I was getting pissed, "I'll talk to you later. For now please!" She requested before she walked to the bathroom without another glance.


This is so annoying. I feel like shit! It's been 4 days and I have seen Diana since that day. She hasn't shown up in school, doesn't reply to my texts, doesn't answer my calls or call me back and yesterday when I went over to her place her mom told me she is at her granny's place. This is just so stupid! I was stupid enough to feel for a girl, stupider as that girl is my best friend and stupidest that I even slept with her. What the hell is wrong with me! I stood in front of my locker, aimlessly staring at it.

"Hmm.. that's an interesting locker, there," said a high-pitched familiar voice. I turned around to come face to face with Briyana. "But I am sure I am more interesting," she walked closer and grabbed my collar seductively. You have to teach her a lesson, Shane she is the one who insulted the girl you like! I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, rolling over to the next locker with her back touching the locker as I stood in front of her. There was nobody in the hallway; school starts at 8:30 am.

It's 8:15, students will be coming any minute. Perfect! I whispered in her ear, "Damn Bri. Why do you look so hot? You make it so difficult for me to control myself." I slowly pulled away and looked at her. "Then don't," she whispered seductively and pulled me closer. I pinned her hand to on the sides and went closer to her neck. My breath was fanning her neck. Yuck! I could hear the faint noises of the other approaching the lockers. She had her eyes closed, so I slowly left her and stepped aside; leaning to the wall on the opposite side. She was still in the same position pinned to the lockers when everyone came in. It's just that she was standing there alone. "Hey! What ya doin' man!" I yelled. Everyone had seen her that way and all those who were stupid enough to miss it were now looking at her, thanks to me. She opened her eyes to see all students looking at her giggling, gossiping and clicking pictures, I'm sure she was embarrassed. "Getting' horny in the mornin' huh?" a junior shouted from the crowd. She gave me an angry look before storming off. Now that's what ya get when ya hurt ma girl!

Diana's POV

I have been at gran's for the past 4 days. You guessed it right, I am avoiding Shane. My gran is really cool; she is kind of like my go-to person. After my little "incident" with Shane, I could think of nothing. So I called Gran up and told her the entire story. You cannot guess what she said, like I said cool, maybe I should have tried coolest. She said, "I hope you played it safe!" and I could hear the wink in her voice! So that is what she decided to tell her 17-year-old granddaughter who lost her virginity! Now that I think of it, I am not the only one who has had sex in the whole world. Why am I even making a big fuss about it? Maybe because you wanted to get married first and have only 1 guy make love to you. My brain said, ok seriously shut up brain! "Honey, how long are you going to hide here?" I heard gran's comforting voice as she sat on the windowsill seat beside me. I used to sit there and look outside for hours as a child when I would be mad at my mom or anyone for that matter. "I don't know, Gran. I'm just not ready to face him!" I confessed. "You will never be until you confront him," she said putting her hand on mine. I could feel my vision blurring because of the tears. I lied on the seat with my head on her lap. "You have to face him someday sweetie, then why not now? Also, who ditches school in senior year? I have told your mom I need you to stay with me, but I feel wrong to lie to my daughter." I nodded knowingly. "I'll go pack up. Can you please call mom and tell her I'm coming?" I said erasing my tears. "Diana?" she called after me.

"Ya, Gran."

"I know you can do this. But listen to your heart before you do anything. Remember, you can love many people. But truly, madly, deeply, you fall in love only once. If he is your truly, madly, deeply, don't let him go." She smiled. "But how will I know that?" I asked. "You just will," she shrugged. I nodded and gave her a little smile. "It was lovely having you here, as always. Try coming sooner," she said. After I had packed up everything, I sat on the bed looking at my phone. I had decided what my next move was going to be. I had to do this, for the best.


A/N guys I am extremely sorry. I know it's been like a million years since ai last updated. I have really been caught up. I will try my best to update sooner. Hope you enjoyed this one.



Give me your feedbacks.

I dedicate this chapter to all you lovely readers. It's you guys that inspire me to write. Thanks. Love ya all :-*

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