chapter 2...... Something sweet, something bitter

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Something sweet, something bitter.


God! I hate Mondays. After a beautiful weekend, Monday comes along and ruins it all. I opened my eyes and glanced at my phone - 1 text from Amber asking me to get her shrug that I had borrowed. I walked to my bathroom, looking into the mirror. I saw the tracks that tears had left on my cheeks. It reminded me that I had fought with my boyfriend and I haven't got a 'sorry' text yet.

I quickly got ready for school as I didn't want to be late. I grabbed my car keys and headed out of the front door after saying goodbye to my mom. Ian's school starts before mine, so he's already at school by now. As I walked outside, I saw a handsome guy in a formal suit leaning on a silver Chevrolet with his hands folded to his chest. "Good morning, darling. You look beautiful in blue," he said looking at me. "Hi. What are you doing outside my house? Aren't you getting late for your work?" I asked, genuinely surprised. "Well, I'll be going after lunch today, so I am your driver today, ma'am!" Wes smiled and then bowed down. "Well, that's something new." I smiled.

He opened the passenger seat door for me and I got in. It was a 15-minute drive to the school. We were silent at first, but then Wes broke the silence, "About yesterday... Diana, I am really sorry about yesterday. My boss is giving me a hard time. You know how he is, I was even thinking of quitting but then I thought about my mom and dad and stopped myself. I hope you understand. I didn't mean to hurt you." I simply nodded, letting him know that I was listening, but there was nothing I could say. Maybe, he is stressed and fighting with him would mean stressing him out even more. So, I didn't say anything. I looked at him and gave him a comforting smile. By now we had pulled over in front of my school. Before I could turn around and open the door, he held my hand, stopping me. I looked at him confused. "D, I love you." He said planting a kiss on my lips. "I'll be waiting here after your school. See you then, darling." He smiled. "Wait by the corner, don't come here unless you want to get caught with me. It's early so there's no one, but that will not be the case after school. And you were gonna go after lunch right?" I asked. "There's not a lot of work, and also, my boss is out of town. So I can meet you." He grinned. I walked inside the school gates after smiling at him and saying goodbye. It's going to be an awesome day. Mr Wes Lawson surprising me! That's something new!

The atmosphere at school seemed weird. The whole school was gossiping about something, not that they don't gossip, don't take me wrong. But the constant whispers and commotion felt different. I was in no mood to pay heed to it, so I just walked about in my own soundproof booth. I was extremely happy today, what Wes had done for me was special. He has never done anything like this before. I was just waiting for school to finish so I could go home, with Wes.

I attended all the classes, though they were boring. I was a typical last bencher; we made paper rockets that we would throw around when the professor wasn't looking. We even asked stupid questions to trouble the professors. Amber, Lia, Miyra and I- that's my group. The bell went, signalling that it was lunch break. The girls and I headed towards the cafeteria, grabbed our lunch and sat on our usual table; the one on the extreme right corner beside the huge glass window. Amber, Lia, Miyra and I, were very different people, we had 4 different views about 1 situation. Though our ideologies were different, we loved each other and always stood by one another in need. We even had different taste in food. That reminded me, I had a yummy lunch in front of me. I looked at my food, cheese pizza for lunch, the aroma itself was enough to make my mouth water! I was about to take a huge bite of my cheese pizza when I heard someone whining. I glanced over to the 'popular table' located at the centre of the cafeteria where the noise came from. It was Briyana, the head cheerleader, the obvious miss popular and the ultimate queen bee. She was sitting beside Shane Greg, the heartthrob of Riverswood High. Almost every girl had a die-hard crush on him, he is all a girl would want, they say, handsome, polite, aqua blue eyes, soccer team captain, rich but there was a rumour going around that he never dates, he doesn't believe in 'dating', 'love' and stuff like that. God knows why Briyana is behind him all the time if he doesn't date at all. Anyway, so she was sitting next to him and whining about something, Shane didn't look even slightly interested in what she was saying.

Suddenly, Miyra spoke, "Why is she getting on my nerve? Doesn't she have a better job to do than sitting at the table and slutting around those guys?" I was a little surprised at Miyra, she's the shy and studious one amongst us. Amber looked over to Briyana, answering Miyra, "Shane Greg is moving a few blocks down. She has been trying to grab his attention since forever and he doesn't give a damn. Now that he's leaving her neighbourhood, it's a huge loss for her." "Wow! That's the saddest thing that might have ever happened to her!" I said sarcastically. Amber looked at me and chuckled as the others laughed. "That is, Austin told me that since the time she got to know about Shane moving from her neighbourhood, she hasn't gone shopping for 2 days! 2 BIG DAYS!!!" Amber said raising her hands and making an echo of '2 big days'. We all started laughing, Amber was humorous, and so was Austin. Austin is Amber's boyfriend. He's in the soccer team too and he is Shane's best friend. Austin is a great guy, smart, caring, he loves Amber a lot. He takes care of Miyra, Lia and me like we are his sisters.

Suddenly, there was a loud, shrill noise of a chair being pulled aside. I looked in the direction of the noise. Shane got up with an annoyed look on his face and almost yelled at Briyana, "It's ok Bri! Get over it, man! Can you not overreact? Please?" He then walked out of the cafeteria. There was a puzzled look on her face as she ran behind him. Austin came over to our table and sat next to Amber. "You guys should really allow me here, with the kind of drama that goes on there, I can probably make a fortune if I tape and sell it." He sighed. I just opened my mouth to tell him he was more than welcome here when Amber shook her head, "Nope. I want girl time with my best friends and you can enjoy your time with your best friends." "Don't you think we stay away from each other a lot these days? It's difficult, you know, to see you around and not do this." He said kissing Amber's cheeks. He then whispered something in her ear making her laugh. It's kinda cute watching them together. Sometimes I wish I had a normal relationship!


A/N: I know it's a bit small, sorry.... what say about the chapter, guys?



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Love you guys. :-)

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