chapter 34.... To forever

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To forever


It was 11:44 am when it happened. The thing you dread the most, that moment in your life when everything you have done in your life flashes in front of your eyes. The happy times, the people you love, the day you graduate, everything you have ever held close to your heart. Ian and I were having a sibling moment in one of the markets when I spotted an ice cream shop and insisted on getting ice cream. It was a busy street and I was too excited, so I just crossed without looking, I reached the other side and turned to see my family, friends and the love of my life looking at me worriedly before a strong hand covered my face and then a black bag went over my face and everything went dark. I could hear my family scream my name but I was being shoved in the car and driven off somewhere. I tried to make noise and scream but I must have been drugged or something, I could barely make any noise and my eyelids were slowly closing and the last thing I remember was the car halting and everything went dark.

You know for someone who was kidnapped I feel rather well; there is a soft mattress I am laid on, something like a brush of my cheeks and felt someone doing something to my hair. Oh my god! What if they cut me into pieces and sell my organs! Shit! What if they cut my hair and put me up for prostitution! I opened my eyes hurriedly and was greeted by a loving face of a woman in her mid ages. "Oh, you are finally up! My assistant is done with your hair and that dress looks lovely." She smiled. What the actual fuck! "I am sorry, I'm being rude. I am Sienna and that's my assistant Lucy." She said pointing to a woman beside me, I smiled hesitantly. "That dress is stunning," Lucy smiled warmly. So, prostitution, it is. I looked down at what I was, it was anything but slutty. My dress was actually kind of gorgeous. "Our job is done, we should be leaving," Sienna said collecting her stuff, "No wait! Why am I here? What are you going to make me do?" I asked desperately. "I am not sure I can tell you that. We were just told to doll you up." "What? No. Please wait. Help me out of here. I have been kidnapped!" there was a cell phone beside me that rang as if on cue. Sienna and her assistant quickly left leaving me alone in the room. I picked it up unsure of what else to do. "H-hello," I answered. "I am giving you 2 minutes to get your beautiful self out of that room and to the roof." It was a man's voice and he sounded firm and unfamiliar. "No! What if I say no?" "Well, then your loverboy will just have to pay for your mistake." "Don't do anything to him! Please, what do you want?" "I want you up here in the next 60 seconds and if I see a single tear in your eye, your brother is going next." "No. please, I'm coming. I'm coming." I hung up and got off the bed. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and wiped off my tears. They seemed to have put on waterproof makeup. Now that's experience. I'll manage this somehow; I have to go to the roof at least. I walked out of my room to greet a man who looked like a bodyguard. He looked at me and led me to the elevator. I got in and it automatically started moving, I didn't fail to notice the two men dressed in suits standing behind me in the elevator. I took a few deep breaths. You have to do this for your family, Diana. You will come up with an escape, I'm sure, I kept telling myself. The loud ding on the elevator signalled I had reached the roof and the doors slowly opened.

But before I could take a look at my surrounding the men standing behind me tied a blindfold to my eyes, a quick scream escaped through my lips, but I recovered quickly. One of the men pushed me a little signalling me to walk. I walked to what seemed like a helicopter, at least that's what it sounded like it. The man then dragged me to my ride made me sit. It would be an understatement to say that I was freaking out; I have no idea why I haven't passed out or thrown up out of fear! The guy safely strapped me in and the helicopter took off. They could be taking me anywhere, they could sell me off to a mafia or make me beg, make me a prostitute, sell my organs one by one till I have nothing left, kill me or anything horrible! I was happy just a couple of hours ago, I was with my family and friends, the man I love in the city of love and now here I am being taken somewhere for God knows what reason. I felt the helicopter lightly touch the ground. I was taken outside, it wasn't too cold but it was pleasant.

"We're here!" said a voice and suddenly the blindfold on my eyes were taken away and though the area was very well lit, I struggled to see. I blinked a couple of times and looked to my right. There it was; the most mesmerizing view of the Eiffel tower. I felt a familiar hand on my knee and quickly looked at the person sitting in front of me. I leapt as fast as I could and hugged him tightly. "I thought I would never see you again!" I sobbed, "I'm sorry for scaring you like that," Shane said. Wait a minute. "This was all your idea? Why? Why would you do that! Are you insane? You scared the shit out of me!" but before I could go on he knelt in front of drawing a small box from the pocket of his suit. I looked at him flabbergasted; I didn't know how to react. "Let me begin by apologizing for the trouble I put you through. I am sorry. But to be fair this is how we have always been, driving each other crazy. I have never played dress-up at the amusement park with anyone, I have never climbed through anyone's window, and I know that I was a popular kid in school but I never sang songs or followed any girl in the corridors, or played Sherlock in anyone's previous relationships except yours. And if I'm being completely honest I would do it again in a heartbeat." I had tears in my eyes and for the longest time in my life, I stood there frozen.

"You have been there for me when nobody stood by me, you made me the man I am, you loved me in my darkest hour and never left my side. You stayed by me through senior year, my mom's wedding and college. Will you please stay with me forever? Walk with me too for our entire lifetime? Diana Ava Summers, will you please marry me and give me a forever to last?" A helpless sob escaped my lips, I could just nod. I was too overwhelmed to say anything! Shane slipped the most beautiful ring on my finger and kissed me deeply. It was not the first time he was kissing me, but it was our first kiss to a forever and beyond as they say.


A/N: So this was the last chapter and with this, I complete my book. It has been a lovely and long journey, mostly because I updated slow. I appreciate the patience you all have shown towards me. To be honest, when I read the first chapter and come back to the end, I see how I have changed throughout this book and none of this would have been possible without your help. I might or might not put an epilogue, it's on time to tell. A Forever That Lasted is officially complete, unbelievable, but true. I hope you had a good time reading it. This chapter too is unedited, so I apologize for the errors.

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I love you all and I hope you read more and more lovely books here on Wattpad. Take care you all, thank you once again for reading my book and being a part of my journey.



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