Chapter 28... Prom?

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"So after this, you are meeting the girls for prom shopping?" He asked his eyes were fixed on the road; we drove past several houses and trees. "Yup, that's the plan," I answered looking at him. "Do you.. I mean, Do you-?" he stopped mid-sentence. "Do I have a what?" I asked never taking my eyes off him. He was nervously tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, "You know," he shrugged, "A date?" "Oh," I looked down to my feet, "No," I answered honestly. "We're here!" he announced a little too enthusiastically and parked the car in the parking area. We walked into what looked like the reception area. There was a reception table on the other end of the room, in front of us. We walked in further, there was a waiting area to the right side with an 'L' shaped sofa that was gold in colour, a coffee table with few magazines and some toys lied on it; to our left was a big wooden door with 'Fun begins' written on it; so I'm guessing the play area is behind that door. The entire room was painted red making the room look bright and lively. The reception desk had a backdrop of several pictures of kids playing happily in the play area along with some certificates and on the top Rico's was written in big and 3D letters.

"Hello. How may I help you?" the man at the reception greeted us with a warm and genuine smile. "Hey," Shane said, "I am Shane Greg," he shook the man's hand, "And this is my friend, Diana Summers," I followed suit smiled. "Jeffery," the man smiled, turning back to Shane but not before giving me another smile, "So, Jeffery I suppose Marcus told you about us?" Shane asked, "Oh yes!" Jeffery smiled as if suddenly recalling, "You are Shane Greg, of course. Please pardon me; I was expecting a much older guy!" He smiled. Shane chuckled, nodding. "Please follow me, I'll just show you the play area," Jeffery said taking us inside the big brown door. To say that the play area was huge is an understatement. Jeffery took us around the room. There were ladders, slides, an enclosed pit with colour balls in it and what not! We came back near the door we started from, "The left side is free, so we can set up some chairs and tables for you, the wall at the back can hold a 'Happy birthday..'" He trailed off, "Ian," Shane answered quickly, "Ian, right. So we can put the 'Happy Birthday Ian' sign there and I can put some balloons around this place. You can also tell me what food and drinks you would like so we can set that up too," Jeffery said. "Thanks, Jeff," Shane smiled, "If you don't mind, may I?" Shane asked pointing to the play area like a kid. "Oh! Of course. Go ahead," Jeffery said. And before I could see what was happening, Shane started running at the play section like a little kid. He removed his shoe hurriedly and went inside. "D, What are you waiting for?" he said. Shane can be a real kid at times. "I'll give you two sometime," I heard Jeffery chuckle before he left the room. "Shane?" I called after him, realising he was nowhere to be seen anymore. I slipped out of my ballet flats and went inside the play area. I kept calling his name but he didn't answer, so I went further inside. I reached a square area filled with colourful plastic balls. A smile played along my lips, I love this thing. I stepped in kicking some plastic balls. I was walking to the other side when something held my feet from below, there was a loud noise and something emerged from the inside. I screamed in horror and landed flat on my butt.

There stood the devil in front of me with his hands on his stomach laughing at me like an idiot! Seriously what is it with these cousins and scaring the daylight out of me?! "Shane Reid Greg! Are you out of your god damn mind!?" I asked. He just ignored me and continued laughing, I joined him, realising how funny it was. When our laughter died, Shane lied beside me, "You think Ian will like this," he asked "Are you kidding me? He'll love it," I answered. "Great, so I'm booking this place for next Friday," he said, "Shane, are you sure? I mean this place is going to cost you a lot."

"Nope," he said popping the 'p'. He got up and hit his head on the top; this place is small for us, considering it's for kids. "Oww!" he cried, "Are you ok?" I asked, but before he could answer I burst into fits of laughter. We wore our shoes, "Who's your date at prom?" I asked out of nowhere and regretted it the minute it slipped out of my mouth, "I am sorry you.. You don't have to answer that, Shane" "No, it's fine. You're D, I can tell you," he began, "There is this girl I really want to take with me but I haven't asked her yet. I might ask her tonight. Let's just hope she says yes." My heart sank hearing him say that, it felt like someone had punched me in my gut. But why do I care who he takes to prom? 'Cause, you like him, Duh! My brain said annoying me. "You ok?" he asked looking at me worriedly, "Um.. Ya. Ya, I'm fine. We should go; we have been here for a while," I said avoiding his eyes. We walked out. He went to the reception and I waited in the waiting area checking my phone. There were some messages from the girls. "We got it," Shane smiled as he approached me, "Great," I smiled. We had lunch in the diner near Rico's before Shane drove me to the mall.

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