chapter 6... Friend indeed

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Image of Diana's party dress! :-) hope you like the chapter. enjoy reading :-)


A friend indeed


I opened my heavy eyelids; I blinked a few times before opening them and getting acquainted with the light around me. My head was throbbing and I was shivering with cold. I was obviously sick. I looked around to see where exactly I was, as I remember passing out near the door. I was in my room, lying on my bed securely tugged under my covers. How did I even get here? "Hey. How do you feel?" I looked in the direction from where the voice had come. It was Shane; he had this worried expression pulled on his face. "I'm fine," I said before trying to sit up. "No.. no.. You need rest," he said touching my shoulder. "The doctor has prescribed medicines and-" "The doctor?" I cut in. "Ya, you know the person you call when someone's ill. I just spoke to him over the phone. Did you hit your head that hard? Can you tell me what number this is?" he asked sticking out 2 of his fingers. I rolled my eyes while he chuckled. "What I meant is you needn't have called the doctor"

"People just say thank you, you know?" he continued, "so, as I was saying, the doctor said you may have fainted because of low blood pressure. You have a fever coz you are stressed and that is because you are overthinking about stuff. I- I told him you're facing some issues in your private life." He said, never taking his eyes off the ground. I knew the reason behind my health very well, so I just looked away from him to avoid any questions he wanted to ask. He was sitting on the chair beside me, he leaned forward and took my hand in his, "D, you are my best friend and so, I am worried about ya! But I won't ask you or push you into telling me about it. If you feel you need someone to talk to or anything, I'm here!" He smiled reassuringly. This is why I say he's a great friend, I was speechless... no grateful.. No tired.. God! I don't know what I feel, but I'm having these mixed feelings. I just smiled weakly and nodded.

After some time, he left or you can say I had to push him out of here so he could go for his soccer practice that he was going to ditch for me. By then Ian was the only one home, he made Ian a sandwich and I must say Shane has a nice way of getting kids to do what he wants them to do. He handed over the landline phone to Ian before leaving and said, "Captain Ian Summers, mission take care of Diana is handed over to you and those are your cadets," he pointed out to some, ok many teddy bears in my room. Don't judge! I still like teddy bears, they are adorable! "Any emergency, my number is on this," Shane handed Ian a paper.

Even the thought of this little game made me laugh, it's sweet how taking care of me is a mission and they both are the 'captains.' Shane and his ideas, I tell you! I was bored lying on my bed so I decided to go check on Ian, I had told him to not enter my room as kids pick up illnesses easily. I opened the door of my room which was ajar and saw Ian sitting outside. He was asleep and leaning against the wall. He looked really cute in the navy blue police cap and a piece of paper pinned to his t-shirt with 'Captain Ian' written on it. His left hand held his toy gun and the other hand had a piece of paper. I picked it up to find 'Captain Shane' written above Shane's number. I smiled and shook my head in disbelief. Just then, I heard the door click, I was about to scream in horror when I heard my mom's voice, "I'm home," that might have woken Ian up. He jumped up in front of me and frowned, "Dia, if u don' go inside, I'll call Captain Shane," he ordered. "Ok.. ok I am inside," I raised my hands in surrender, before walking back to my bed I lied on it silently. Mom pushed the door open and gushed inside, "Oh, sweetie. How do you feel?" she asked worriedly. "I'm fine. How do you know I wasn't well?" I asked "I called home, Ian told me." She said patting my head like a kid. "So, you came home early for me?"

"Of course, what do I do when my baby is unwell?"

"Thanks, mommy!" I pouted and hugged her.

I couldn't take Ian to the park and it upset him a little, but he went anyway with mom. It seemed like mom played with Nia and him in the park so he looked pretty happy.

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