Chapter 24... Implementing the plan

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Implementing the plan


"Oh my gosh!!" Amber exclaimed. "You look a...amazing!" Lia gushed, Miyra just stared at me wide-eyed with a smile on her lips and her hands rested on her hips. "You are so beautiful, Diana!" Scarlett jumped up and down in excitement.

The girls gathered around me in my room. After I introduced Scarlett to the girls about 2 weeks ago, she became a part of us in no time. The girls grew fond of her and so did she. So we hang out together, a lot. She soon started attending our night outs and slumber parties, she also became a part of the silly tradition we have of getting each other ready for when we have dates, just the other night we got Amber ready for her date with Austin. What is weird is that I don't have a date tonight; in fact, Wes is out of the country for a business meeting and the girls are over to doll me up for something I have no idea about. I was just going out somewhere with Scarlett, she is dragging me with her to a place she wouldn't even tell me. Scarlett picked out a really pretty dress for me, while Amber and Lia worked on my hair and makeup and Miyra was in charge of the music that played in the background as I got dressed and my footwear. To be honest I'm letting them do this because I could do anything right now to get my mind off that kiss.

I'm so desperate to not think of Shane and the kiss that I can do anything and by anything I mean anything, even dancing on the porch singing Christmas carols!

"Come on let's go," Scarlett said pulling me out of my room. I waved the one last time to the girls as an oh-so-enthusiastic Scarlett dragged me through the fleet of stairs. She was excited but she looked worried at the same time. There was a glint of nervousness and worry in her eyes every time she looked at me. I tried asking but she wouldn't answer. "Mrs S, we're leaving!" "Oh you girls look lovely", mom said appearing from the kitchen. Tell me everything about your evening when you come back!" mom kissed my temple and looked over to Scarlett, "She's going with you so I'm not worried, but you both be safe and come home before 11, okay?" 11?? Really?? I have to be home before 10, it's my curfew, but if she is letting me stay out till 11, she must trust Scarlett. "Sure," Scarlett grinned as we heading out to get into her black convertible sports car.


"Oh my! You have a very handsome son, Regina." A lady told mom addressing me. I just smiled at her not knowing what else to say. I wasn't here for the praise, nor because I wanted to come, I was here to expose Wesley. I slipped my hands in my black trouser pants and scanned the room to see if he is here yet. I had to find him or this entire thing will be a waste, Scarlett just texted me she is on her way with Diana. "Can you at least try acting normal? You look like some cop on a secret mission." Mom whispered from beside me, I looked down at my clothes and chuckled. I was wearing black trouser pants with a white shirt and a black coat. The top two buttons of my shirt were undone and my hair looked really good. "Mom, I look handsome, there's no way I look like a cop."

It's been almost 30 minutes since Scarlett texted me they had left and I haven't been able to find Wes. I was bored out of my mind and my cheeks and arms were aching now. I have to smile and shake hand with every walking, talking and breathing object, which included Mr Sam's 4 pugs. "I'm thirsty mom, may I please grab some water?" I signalled to the water cans kept a few steps away. I could feel the tears of joy building in my eyes when she said yes. Okay, I may be exaggerating, but I was genuinely very happy. I chucked the drink in one go and tossed the empty can in the waste bin, that's when I heard someone giggle. This was a business function, who on this earth is giggling at a business meeting? A very disturbing thought of an old man hitting on a cougar came to my mind. I was about to leave when I heard it again, this time I followed the noise that was coming from behind a pillar. And I froze when I saw Wesley nuzzling Briyana's neck! Yuck! Just get a fucking room, guys! And just as if on cue, Briyana pulled out a key card from the purse and waved it in front of Wes's eyes. "You wanna take this outside?" she said seductively biting on her lower lip.

Wes smiled and took the key card from her but dropped it on the floor in the process. What a dud! What did Diana even see in this guy? I strained my neck to see the room number written on it. 106, it read. I hid behind the pillar as they ran from beside me to the exit that led to the elevators. I sighed and strolled back to mom, "What took you so long?" she whispered screamed. I chuckled knowing that she gets nervous at these parties and that is one of the reasons why I accompany her here. "Why are you nervous now? What happened?" I asked, "I don't know, Shane. It's not every day that we do stuff like this, sneak in on people and expose scandals," she looked at me worriedly. "You are talking about D and Wes?" she nodded not taking her eyes off me. We all decided on telling my mother about this whole thing so she can be our disaster manager if anything goes wrong. "I know it's crazy and none of us knows shit about exposing anyone, but mom I have to do this. I have got to tell her. She is my best friend, I owe her the truth." She smiled at me but her eyes followed something behind me. Her eyes widened and a wide smile spread across her lips which soon transformed into a grin.

I turned around to catch a glimpse of whatever this was and soon enough I mirrored my mom's expression. My heart hammered against my chest and when her eyes met mine, it felt like it was just her and I in this room, everything else was just a blur. Damn, this girl is making me cheesy! She looked breathtaking in the purple dress I picked for her; I had Scarlett take it over to her place because it would be really weird to give her the dress, especially after the kiss. Oh, the kiss! It was so amazing! the feeling of her soft lips against mine, holding her close to me as she melted in my arms. No. no, focus Shane, focus! The dress looked better than I had imagined, she had let her hair loose on one side and diamond studs in her ears.

She walked towards me with her eyes locked in mine and how I wish I could just grab her waist, hold her close and kiss those perfect lips. "I hope she is strong enough to handle this heartbreak all over again!" Mom sighed and whispered. I looked at her tearing my eyes off Diana, "I mean I tolerated the torture your dad did because I loved him too much. I only hope she doesn't repeat my mistake. But after we left I had seriously considered suicide, but I didn't because I had you and Nia. Diana can take this, can't she, Shane?" A sudden wave of fear and shock took over, I remember how terrible Diana was when she broke up and how I saw her cry every night after fighting with him. I looked at her as she kept walking towards us. She can't take it. She won't be able to see it, what if she tries to harm herself? Oh no! I have to stop Scarlett. Before I could move, Scarlett appeared from behind Diana and said something to her, Diana just nodded and walked to the same exit Wesley and Briyana had taken an hour ago. Scarlett followed her giving me a thumbs up! "No no no," I said to nobody in particular and rushed towards the exit. They were standing, waiting for the elevator. I pulled them both out through the door opposite the function venue. It looked like it was the backside.

"What?" Scarlett frowned, "Shane, are you alright?" Diana asked as her brown orbs bore mine! "D, I-" Nathan and Austin walked towards us with Kate, Wesley's fiancée before I could start. "I have seen you somewhere," Diana said walking to Kate. Fuck! I just hope she doesn't remember that she saw Kate's picture in my room. "Guys, we can't do this," I panted, "Let's take her home," "What? Why?" Nathan yelled. "We worked so hard on this, Shane," Scarlett cringed her nose. "I know, but she won't be able to take it. She was terrible the last time they broke up. This will break her!" I explained. "Break who?" Diana said as she came towards us. "D, it's nothing, really-" Her eyes flicked to something behind me and her expression changed. Her jaw clenched, "Isn't that Wes?" she said. I spun around and so did the others. There he was, on the balcony of his room. He sat on a couch seat that was placed on the balcony with Briyana on his lap and he was nuzzled her shoulder. Shit!


A/N: Another update! I know I should update more often, but I have a lot of studying to do. I update as soon as I get a chance. So please don't hate me.

This chapter was a quick update and so it's unedited. Write me a feedback; I would love to hear you guys out. You guys already know my email id and if you don't it's in the author's note of the first few chapters.



Keep reading and supporting me and AFTL like you always have.

Love ya all :-*

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