Chapter 19... Best friend? Best friend.

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Best friends?

Best friends.


I paced for a little while on the porch. I needed to talk to her; I can't stay away from her any longer. If not my girlfriend, she can be my best friend, again. I mustered all the courage I could and rang the doorbell. "Oh, Shane! Good afternoon," the familiar female voice greeted me. "Good afternoon, Mrs Summers. Is Diana home?" I asked with a smile. "I'm afraid not. She just left about an hour ago." She answered.

"Did she say where she was going?"

"I'm sorry, dear. But I know that she wanted to be alone."

Great so that jerk is not with her. "Alone," I muttered. "Yes, when she was little, she used to hide in her closet when she was upset. Now, I don't know where she runs off to when she's worried." Mrs Summers sighed. "Ok. I'll just go meet her there." I smiled. I'm her best friend I'm supposed to know where she is. So where could she be? She's.. she's... She's at the lake! Yes, she told me she just drove to the lake and sat on the rocks. I turned the car keys, making the engine roar to life. I have to meet her.

I wasted no time reaching the lakeside. I ran like a mad man causing me to trip and fall, thrice! As I neared the secluded area where the rocks laid by the lakeside, my eyes landed on a familiar figure. She had her back to me, yet she still looked beautiful to me with her brunette hair tied in a high ponytail. I walked to where she was and sat beside her. I looked at her. Her cheeks had tear strains, her eyes were closed but some stray tear escaped anyway, her lips were trembling with all the crying she has done. I could just sit here and look at her forever. It took me a lot to control myself from turning her and kissing those lips. I just wanted to hug her so bad. I wanted to tell her what I felt for her, how horrible this past month has been. I wanted to hold her, make her mine and never let her go. I was caught off guard when I realised she was looking at me. My eyes locked in her; none of us said anything that moment. "I'm sorry," she said breaking the silence. I placed my hand on her hand and she didn't seem to mind. "I messed it up! I messed it all up, Shane. I ruined our friendship. I never even got the chance to tell you how much I like-" she paused abruptly looking away from me. "Never got to tell me what?" I asked, what did she want to tell me? "It's too late now," she sighed and continued, "You are with her now." "With whom?" she thinks I'm seeing someone? "Scarlett Shane, you are with Scarlett now." She said looking at the lake water. "What?" I broke into fits of laughter. Did she think Scar and I? "What are you talking about?" I asked as my laughter died slowly. She looked at me confused. "You and Scarlett...?" she shifted uncomfortably on the rock. "D, you are so cute!" I pinched her cheeks that were a light shade of red. She looked away to avoid the blush creeping up her face. "There is no me and Scarlett," I shook my head. "Why?" she asked. "What do you mean why?" I was just trying to trouble her. "I mean, I thought, you know..." she whispered as she drew imaginary circles on her jeans.

"Well, Scarlett and I are not together. I cannot date her because I don't want to date her, I mean yes, I love her," Diana looked at me with pain in her eyes, does it bother her that I said I loved another girl? "But she's my cousin." She looked relieved and embarrassed at the same time. "I thought Nia is your only sister." She asked. "Scarlett is my first cousin. She's my mom's elder brother, Uncle Rick's daughter. They stay in Florida, but after what happened with my parents they came to stay with us. They stayed for 4 years but they had to go back. Uncle Rick wasn't into the family business so he gave it to my mom and has his own business back in Florida. Mom, Uncle Rick and his wife, Aunt Amy used to be very busy with my parent's divorce, I was only 12 back then and Nia was just a baby. I and Scarlett used to look after the baby. That's why I have a very close bond with her." I explained. She had guilt written in those beautiful eyes of her, "I'm sorry. I didn't really.. I don't know how I.. I am just..." she fumbled. "Hey! Hey, it's ok." I smiled. "D, can we be friends again? I kind of miss you." I must be sounding like a girl; damn what is wrong with me? She is going to say she wants to maintain the distance. She's going to say no. "Really?" her eyes lip up. "I would like that." she smiled, the one that reached her eyes. "I've missed you too Shane." She said and leaned forward to hug me. I slung my hand around her shoulder keeping her close and her head rested on my chest. This felt so right! "Diana? Are u happy?" I asked after some time. "Yes. I'm really happy. I got my best friend back, what else do I have to ask for?" she said as she sat up straight. I chucked, "that's nice to know. But I meant are you happy with him? Do you love him?" she was caught off guard and at the mention of the 'L' word; she started fidgeting with her nails. "Truth, I don't know. It's a little too messy to think about love right now."

To be honest, I did a little happy dance in my head when she didn't say yes when I asked her if she loved Wes. "Now that your 'knight in shining armour' is here," I placed my hand on my chest, "He will help you clean all the mess, starting with your room. There are probably some unknown species of plants there by now!" Diana broke into hysterical laughter. I just looked at her as she continued laughing; I have missed this sound so much! I would do anything in the world to have her laughing like this. I sat there with a smile plastered over my face looking at her. I know one thing for certain; this thing with me and Diana is way beyond liking. My feeling for this girl is much more than just liking. It's almost like I am falling for her.


A/N: There is a picture of the lake and the exact place where Diana and Shane were. (I know there is a really cute little girl's the picture who is very difficult to ignore, but this is the only picture I could find.)

Shane's POV is here!! Look who's falling in LOVEEEEE.... :-P

I hope you guys enjoyed it. You all are just an amazing bunch of readers and I appreciate you all waiting for me to upload and constantly supporting me. I would love to have feedback from you guys as AFTL is my very first book.



Keep reading and supporting.

You guys are special to me, every one of you. Love ya all :-*

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