Chapter 3...... Mr. neighbour

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Mr. neighbour


Finally, the day was over, with a quick hug to my girls, I headed out of my school. I glanced around, but my boyfriend was nowhere to be seen, I tried calling him but it went to his voice mail.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, I slowly walked towards my house. I turned around whenever I heard the sound of a car, just to check if it was him. But it never was. I reached home and opened the door. Ian came running towards me and hugged my tummy! (That's only how tall he is) "ta..da..da..da..da!! Ian special mayonnaise sandwich for a special sister!" He sang with his hands pointing towards the dining table. Ian stood there with a broad smile and utter satisfaction in his eyes. On the table, on a plate lied a mayonnaise sandwich, it didn't look perfect, but for a 6-year-old it was a masterpiece!

I sat on the chair in front of the plate. I looked at him, he was eagerly waiting for me to eat it. I took a bite, "It's perfect, Ian. But why did you make me this? What's special today, sweetie?" "nothin'" he replied, "you take care of me every day, today you were late, so I made you this. And also I am a soldier, Miss. Olivia (Ian's teacher, she tells him that he is a soldier to remove his fear of talking in public) said I am one, so I should take care of my sister!" I was having a really bad time being stood up by Wes and then there's my little brother who just does nice things for me. I hugged him tightly, I felt a tear in my eyes threatening to escape, I pushed them away and looked at Ian. He looked straight into my eyes, "Dia, do you not like it?" he asked. I shook my head, "I love it!" "Then why do you cry? I don't like to see you cry?" He pouted. I smiled weakly, "It's nothing, sweetie. I am fine" I sighed. "So because someone behaved like a good boy, as a gift you get to play in the park till 7:30 and I will play with you" I smiled, "Now off go, freshen up, soldier!" Ian jumped happily and with a loud "Yea" ran to his room.


Now here we are playing hide-and-go-seek, and I, a 17-year-old am searching for a 6-year-old kid in a park and I seriously can't find him. Shame Diana shame! Suddenly out of the blue, scaring the shit out of me, Ian popped up from my left side and with wide eyes looked at the gate, "Nia! Hi!" He said running towards a little girl who had just walked into the park. She seemed almost his age, she wore a pretty pink frock with pink flats, she had curly brown hair and pretty blue eyes. She was all in all a very adorable looking little girl. "Hi, Ian. It's good to have a friend here," she said softly with a big smile. Ian held her hand and they ran towards me. Ian looked at me, "Diana, this is my friend, Nia." He then turned to Nia, "That's my sister, Diana." "Hi, Diana. It's nice to see you," she said in her adorable girly voice. I stretched my hand out for a hand shake, "hello, Nia! It's nice to see you too," I smiled as she shook my hand.

"There you are," said a deep manly voice. "Stop running away like that, you give me mini heart attacks!" He continued panting. I looked in the direction of the voice and there stood Shane Greg.

The Shane Greg!

Shane jogged his way to us and stood beside Nia, she giggled and ran away with Ian. Finally, Ian had someone to play with! "Hey! I am Shane Greg." He looked down at me, smiling sweetly. "You look kinda familiar, you must be...??" he trailed off stretching his hand forward. I looked at him dumbfounded, I mean he is Shane Greg, he's popular and stuff but I'm not exactly invisible. "There?" He waved his hand in front of my eyes, "Oh.. ya.. Um.. Diana, Diana Summers" I shook his still stretched hand. "Diana, right. Where have I seen you?" he asked. "Same school, Mr. popular," I chuckled, where am I getting this courage from? I'd usually avoid having a conversation with any of the kids at my school. He nodded chuckling, "Right." There was a small pause before he continued, "I just moved here."

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