chapter 10.... A Party Gone wrong

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A Party Gone Wrong


It is so difficult ignoring this guy. On Monday when I decided to not talk to him, it's been a hard week for me. I had to practically call Lia and talk non-sense with her just to ignore Shane when I was in the garden with Ian and Nia. I have to remind myself every morning to not talk to him; I even switch off my phone to avoid his early morning calls I had gotten used to. It was already so hard to neglect him and he made it more difficult as he often threw things at my window like he usually does to call me. He even threw 'what's up,' 'are you ok', 'are you ignoring me' notes inside my window when he found it open. I had to pretend to be asleep when he came over, twice. But I had to admit that Shane was a huge help with the whole break up thing. Now that he is not here it feels really weird, I feel the pain all over again! Truth be told, the fact that he tries to call me or his attempts to reach me is soothing. It's like someone cares. As if on cue, my phone rang, just that it wasn't Shane this time. "Hey Amber," I said picking up the call. "Diana! It's Saturday night, let's do something! How about a party and then sleepover, my place?" she said enthusiastically. "Umm... I am not sure." I answered.

"Come on, there's a party at someone's house. Austin is picking all of us up, my parents are out of town. It's perfect! Please!!"


"please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top!"

"Fine! I'll come," I chuckled.

"We pick you up from your place at 7. Don't be late. Cya!"

It was already 5:30 pm so I had to get moving. I called my mom up to tell her my plans. It was Amber so she didn't mind. Now that I was going for my girls-night-in, and my dad wasn't here, she said she will stay at gran's. I quickly hopped in the shower and put on my white floral tank top, with blue faded denim shorts and white pumps after my shower. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail, with some liner, mascara and a thin layer of lip-gloss I was ready. Just when I was ready to go, the theme song of the popular show, FRIENDS was played, it was my ringtone. "Ready or not? We are outside your house!!" amber said excitedly. "On my way out!" I answered before hanging up.

It was a short drive and also the place wasn't too far. When we entered the house the party had already heated up, people were dancing like there was no tomorrow, red paper cup, that I assume have alcohol were being passed around, some were making out, in all a typical party. As I walked in making my way through, dancing, sweating and grinding bodies, I was stopped by a hand firmly holding my arm. Please don't be Shane! Please don't be Shane! I turned around to come face to face with this person, "There is my doll. How have you been.... Without me?" Nathan grinned, cockily. He has been doing that a lot these days. "Just fine," I answered laughing. Nathan left my hand and hugged Austin, "Where's Shane?" Austin asked. "Inside," Nathan pointed towards the other room, "Between girls.. and girls... and some more girls," Nathan grinned. Ok great. Ignore that room, Diana. We walked to the other side and sat in the backyard that faced a pond. Lia had already started flirting with some guys and Nathan left when some chick called him 'Nate', Amber and Austin hit the dance floor. So I and Miyra just sat there, all by ourselves.

It felt lonely; Wes wasn't here to hold my hand and cut me in everything I said to start his office stories, neither was Shane to tell me his stupid jokes, to cook up some prank on some drunk guy or to have long laughter sessions with. I sighed loudly. "So..." Miyra broke the silence, "What's with Shane?" I pursed my lips, "Shane was my best friend," I looked at her before continuing, "He is my next-door neighbour, Ian and his sister, Nia is school friends. We met at the park in front of my house and that's how we got talking. He was the best friend that helped me push the pain of my break up away. But he is now someone who doesn't care what others talk about his best friend. All he cares about is his jock friends and his reputation, I mean, yeah he did call me, messaged me and also threw me those silly notes. Crazy, I know. But he has put me down by not being there when I needed him. So, I am-" I stopped when I realized I was going on and on about my problem uselessly. "Upset with him?" Miyra completed. "Yeah, I guess," I said looking flushed. "OMG!!!" Miyra screamed shifting in her chair, making it move. "Don't tell me you like him!" She grinned. "What?" I looked at her puzzled. "Yea, u like him!" she stated with a satisfied look on her face, clearly happy with her words. "No, I don't," I rolled my eyes. "Come on, D! Wes was your boyfriend and you never got upset with him like this. Wes has hurt you so many times, I have never seen you mad at him this way." He said holding my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

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