chapter 31...Rose petals, candles and a Limo

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Rose petals, candles and a Limo


"Do you think we should invest more money in defence of the nation? I mean it's important right?" Lia looked deadpanned. "Huh?" "I am sure, Madam President, there must be some reason you are so lost." She shrugged. "No it's nothing," I shook my head. This was one Monday of my life I was looking forward to. It's prom day! The girls came around 11 and we headed to the parlour. I sighed loudly resting my head on the backrest of the chair. I closed my eyes and smiled. This whole 'I want to know what Shane feels' thing is driving me crazy. Yes, I want to know, I admit it's very exciting, but I am like a nervous wreck when I think about it.

What if he doesn't like me back? What if he thinks we are better off as friends? No, don't be crazy, Diana. It's just Shane, said one part of my brain while the other said that this is The Shane Greg, the guy you love! Love! That word had the entire zoo in my stomach! "Ma'am I am done with your nails. Please wait till the paint dries off," said the lady who was working on my nails.

"Diana, shall we leave?" Miyra said after some time, "Sure. You guys are ready too?" "Yup," Miyra nodded, "By the way, Diana, your hair looks gorgeous," I smiled, "yours too."

We got to my place and quickly put on our dresses, we were just touching upon the makeup when the doorbell rang, "It's David," Lia said after peeping out of the window to check the visitor. "What? I am not done yet!" Miyra complained. David was this really cute looking studious guy from France, though Miyra kept denying I knew she liked him and he seems interested too. A few days ago he asked Miyra to prom and she agreed to go. "You don't need any. You look beautiful!" I hugged her before she headed downstairs. Just like us, our mothers were friends too, they were at my place to click pictures and watch their daughters go off to their prom. Mom clicked a picture of Miyra and David. Our moms got a little overwhelmed, watching us dressed. Austin was next followed by Luke who seemed to have hit it off well with Lia; they followed the same clicking the picture routine and headed off. "How long does it take to come from the neighbouring house?" Scarlett said pacing the room, "It's ok, let him take his time," I assured her, "But I wanted to click a picture of you and my brother," She pouted.

The doorbell rang and Scarlett's face lit up, "That must be Shane!" she said, my heart started beating profusely, why is it getting so stuffy in here? Mom gushed inside my room and walked to Scarlett, "It's Nathan," she said "And he is looking hawwtttt," she sang. I chuckled at my mom's excitement. Scarlett's cheeks turned crimson, "I don't know why my stupid brother isn't here yet. I will wait for you till he comes. Let me just go tell Nathan to wait." She looked apologetic, "Hey, it's okay. He'll be here. Don't keep your date waiting." I smiled, "Are you sure?" I smiled and hugged her, "Well, I'll meet you in school?" I nodded before my mom took her downstairs. I sat on my bed reading my book. 10 minutes in, the door to my room opened with a loud thud and Nia and Ian came running.

Regina took them to her house, so Ian won't disturb us and also because he wanted to click pictures with his Caption Shane when he got ready. "What is it, guys?" I smiled, "Come on, come with us!" Nia pulled me up from my bed. I walked with them downstairs, "Where are you guys taking me?" "No more questions," Ian stated firmly, I chuckled at his cuteness but kept quiet. My mom and Regina stood by the door with tears in their eyes, "What happened? Is everything ok? Mom? Regina?" I reached for their hands, they engulfed me in a hug, "Oh princess, how did you grow up so early? You are off to your prom already," mom said, "But Shane isn't here yet." "Go out, you'll see," she smiled Nia and Ian waved me goodbye before my mother practically pushed me outside on the porch. My date isn't here yet and my mom is already pushing me out? What about my prom picture? Regina and our siblings are here, so where the hell is Shane? My eyes fell to the floor and I realised I wasn't standing on the wooden porch. I looked under my feet to find myself standing on rose petals, different coloured rose petals. I turned around quickly. There was an entire carpet of rose petals that went from the porch to the front yard and finally to the street. There were candles lit on either side of the rose petal carpet marking the route. An older guy was standing in the front yard pointing his camera at me and I walked. I walked on the petals to the street where they ended; at the end, on the street stood a black stretch limo. The sunroof was open and Shane stood peeping out with that beautiful smile of his. I didn't realise that I had tears in my eyes till my vision started to blur. Shane got out of the car and stretched his hand out for me. I held his hand and he slipped the corsage in my hand. "Turn around," he said. I turned around to find my mom, Regina and the cameraman. Shane put his hand on my waist sending a live current through my body to pose as they clicked our pictures. Shane opened the car's door for me and we got in. "You look beautiful, I can't take my eyes off you," he smiled. I blushed a little, "You look handsome yourself." We were already on our way to school when my gaze landed on his bow tie. "Did Scarlett tell you my dress colour? You are wearing the same colour bow tie as my dress." He chuckled, "No she didn't and I didn't even ask. I knew what dress you would wear." "How?" "I saw you enter the shop and I saw this dress on the display. I knew that you would get this dress." He scratched the back of his head.

I looped my hand in his as we entered the gymnasium. The theme was Paris, so all the monuments of Paris were made and hung around the area and also on the outer building of the school. There were golden yellow lights, lantern and white circular lights on the ceiling. There were bubble machines on every corner of the room, a huge fountain in the centre of the room and the aroma of fresh flowers lingered in the air. The atmosphere here was so romantic! "Strike a pose," said the man holding the camera. Shane pulled me to him, my chest pressed against his, I looked at him and he looked down at me and the cameraman clicked the picture at that moment. Hell, I wasn't ready! "Awww, how adorable!" Scarlett said pulling us out of our intense staredown. "You guys got Eiffel Tower in the background!" Lia squealed. "What did you guys get?" I asked while Shane hugged his friends. "We got Saint- Jacques tower," Miyra said. "Arc de Triomphe, "Austin answered putting his hand around Amber.

"Palais du Louvre," Nathan answered and winked at Scarlett who then started blushing. "We got Palace de Vosges!" Lia said fanning her face dreamily. "Diana!" called a rather girly voice. Briyana came running towards us dragging a poor guy behind her, "You look so pretty, Dia," she hugged me. "So do you," I smiled at her. She looked at the girls, "In fact, you all look gorgeous!" she said truthfully. "And you all got some of the most handsome guys in the room," She winked making me laugh, "Enjoy," she waved. "Ok, what just happened?" Lia asked after Briyana had left, "Was that Briyana Daniels being nice or am I dreaming?" Nathan questioned. "Long story short, we talked and sort some shit out. We got no bad blood anymore!" I chuckled.

"Look at all the stunning ladies and the handsome men here. I think it would be a shame if you didn't get to enjoy all this beauty. What say about a shuffle dance!" the DJ announced and the crowd cheered, hooted and wolf-whistled loudly. I danced with every guy in the room, but when I danced with Shane, there was something in the way he held me, something in his eyes, something in the way we danced on not only slow but also party songs that made me realise that this is going to be the longest and the greatest night of my life.


A/N: *Drum rolls* A new update!!

Also here is part 1 of prom, like I promised. I want to divide the prom part into 2 chapters but I didn't want to name it prom, so I named it this, I kind of loved this chapter name. I have added the image of the path that Shane has made for Diana to walk from her home to the limo. I hope you liked it.

I am overwhelmed by the number of readers!!♡

And thus the early update.

And because you people are so great I'm going to give you a little spoiler, the next chapter is very important and it is going to change Diana and Shane's life. Now whether it is a good or a bad change, find out in the next chapter.

Keep reading.

Don't forget to:


I would love to hear your special prom stories. So do tell me your special story.


♡Love ya all. You people are special to me


-D :-*

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