Chapter 15... A date.. again

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A date... again


Reaching the car park I saw some girls gathered ad they were looking at something. These gossip mongers I tell you! I walked to my car and was about to get in when I heard two girls talk beside my car. "She's sooo lucky, isn't she?" one of them squealed excitedly. The other one just giggled and nodded. I strained my neck over to look at whatever these girls were so excited about. It was just in time as they made way for a car to pass. It was Shane's car. They were all talking about him and whatever or in fact whoever it was with him. A beautiful looking girl sat beside him on the passenger's seat. She had brunette hair, almost the same colour as mine. His hair was longer but, they reached her waist while mine just below my bust. She was laughing as he told her something. They looked really happy. She had some tan and also she wasn't from here. I had never seen her here. "Ugh! They look so cute. I want to be jealous, but I just can't!" The other girl said. That just made me angrier... no hurt.. or jealous? Why would I be jealous? That's nonsense, I'm just upset. Yes, I am upset because he didn't tell me about this girl. The girls leaned on the car parked beside me. "Wow! That's Shane's girlfriend!" she said. They then looked over to me, I just smiled. "Hey. You are Diana, right? I'm Casey and this is June." Casey said pointing at her friend. "Hey!" I nodded and smiled. "You know everyone used to think you are Shane's girlfriend!" June said Oh! How I wish! What? Did I just think that? No, scratch that. "But it seems Shane was right, you are the best friend." June continued "So what's her name?" Casey asked. Nosey much! "I don't know!" I answered truthfully. I'll let you girls know when I do. Ok?" I smiled. They just giggled "Whatever her name may be, she's really pretty and damn lucky. I mean her boyfriend's Shane Super hot Greg!" June said excitedly. I sighed and shook my head in disbelief as I hopped on to my ride and drove off.

I reached home and opened the door with my keys as I stepped in I was greeted by Ian who came running towards me and wrapped his hands around my waist, hugging me. I placed my hand on his head, hugging him back. "I made your and mine picture in school. It would have been fun colouring the drawing with you." He said referring to the fact that I help him colour his drawings when he has drawing homework. "I missed you," he said making an 'o' of his little lips. I bent down, kissed his forehead and then pulled his chubby cheeks. "Ow! 'Da hurts!" he whined. I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "There, now it won't!" I smiled. "Did you eat?" I asked getting inside the house, "Yes! He shouted as he disappeared in the stairs going to the basement. He has all his games and stuff set up there, so that's where he is in the afternoon. I got into my room and lay down on my bed as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I picked it up seeing Amber's name on the screen. "Hello," I said over the phone. "Hey," said Amber which was followed by Lia's "Hi hon," and Miyra's "'Supp?" we had a kind of a rule to have a conference call when we had to discuss something or when one of us had a date. Please don't tell me we are going to discuss Shane, Wes and I issue over the phone! "A conference call?" I asked "Yes. You got a date, don't you?" Miyra asked. "So... you guys are going to help me get ready?" I asked unsure about what to say. "No. we just called you to tell you that we can't come over. So do this one on your own!" Lia said, it hurt me, but I understand they don't like Wes, so it's fair I guess. "Duh! Obviously, we are going to help you get ready," she said making me smile in relief. "We will reach your place in 15. Ok?" Amber said. "Alright, be here soon I have to be ready before 8." I smiled. "Why? Where are you going?" Ian asked me standing at the door to my room. I forgot to tell him. "I have to go out. I have a date!" I said. "And the park?" Ian pouted. Shit! I forgot I had to take him there. "I'm so sorry darling," I began when Lia spoke, "Don't worry I'll take him." I almost forgot I was still on the phone. "Amber and Miyra can get you ready and Ian is great with me. I can take care of that." "Thanks, babe!" I quickly thanked her and looked over to my baby brother who was still pouting, "Lia will take you, is that ok?" he jumped up and down with excitement and ran to his room!

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