Chapter 20.... Way to ruin the fun, Briyana

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A/N: 600 + readers!!!!! Yayayayayaya... I love you guys!!! hope you are enjoying the story. Welcome to the AFTL family!


Way to ruin the fun, Briyana


I walked with my food tray filled with a pizza slice, sandwich and soda to the regular table where Amber, Miya, Lia and I sat. But as I neared the table, I realised we had a company, again! Since I and Shane mended our friendship, a few days ago, the entire soccer team and Scarlett joins us for lunch at our table! I saw Mike at the table and he pulled up a horrible face as his eyes landed on me. As you probably guessed, I pulled one at him too. "Hey, beautiful!" Nathan winked at me, "Wana sit by your man?" he asked in a thick British accent, as I reached the table. I pressed my lips together to avoid laughing. "May I?" He asked taking my tray from my hand and pulling the chair out with his free hand. "Please," he signalled to the seat and placed my tray on the table in front of the chair. He bowed lightly, "It's a pleasure, your highness!" he said. That's it, I can't control my laughter. I broke into fits of laughter and as did the others. "So, what did I tell you guys? I'm a true gentleman, what say, D Darling?" he wiggled his brows. "Gentleman?" I asked, "I thought you were imitating a butler!" I said. Laughter rang through the cafeteria.

"Hello, partner in crime!" Shane said as he sat beside me. "Hey," I greeted him with a smile. "Those were some great jokes!" Austin said taking his seat beside Amber. I chuckled as I recalled our jokes. Mr Phil was teaching us and the other students were paying deep attention but Shane and I were making random noises. Mr Phil asked us what was wrong and told us to settle down. "We will if you answer Diana's question," Shane said making the class look over to the last bench where we sat. I didn't like a lot of attention, but being friends with Shane Greg I had come to terms with it. I stood up and cleared my throat looking at the professor with all seriousness. "Go on miss Summers," he said. "So sir, what is the similarity between you me and Daniel Craig?" I asked without a hit of humour. From Mr Phil's face, I knew I caught him off guard, he wasn't expecting anything like this. The students had already started chatting and giggling. After a good 5 minutes, Mr Phil gave up. "Ok. That's it. I don't know. You tell me." He said. "We all don't know the answer to this exact question." The entire class started laughing and Mr Phil was giving his best shot to not laugh himself. The rest of the lecture went by students laughing and distracting each other with the joke and Mr Phil too seemed distracted by it. It was Mr Norman's class before the lunch break, he is famous for being strict, and he tries to deal with matters patiently but loses his cool quickly. He is also famous for giving long lectures and getting carried away in those. So when Mr Norman asked if any of us had any doubts, Shane had raised his hand. "Yes, Mr Greg," Mr Norman said. Shane didn't even bother to get up. "Knock Knock!" Shane said. The entire class turned to Shane with wide eyes, some even gasped. Mr Norman rubbed his temples and sighed, needless to say, he was pissed. He still played along. "Who's there?"

"I ate myp-"

"I ate myp who?" (It sounded like I ate my poo)

The class was filled with students laughing their minds off and Mr Norman was lecturing us how we are good for nothing and will do no good in our future. That was like 2 free lectures for us, first Mr Phil then Mr Norman.

"It was," Shane said looking over to me. "She's the best person to have such fun with," he continued. Our eyes locked in each other and the rest of the world was just a blur. It was just me and those beautiful aqua blue eyes. "Hey guys, I'm here!" Briyana walked over to our table and stood with her hands on her hips. Ever since the guys started hanging out with us, ours was the new 'popular table' and the old one was abandoned with just Briyana and her so-called BFFs. This had troubled the head cheerleader to no extent. "No thanks, Briyana. I think I'll stick to my girl." Nathan said slinging his hand carelessly over my shoulder. "Whatever, Nathan!" Briyana rolled her eyes. "Let's go Shane!" she smiled seductively at him and twisted the end of the blonde hair around her finger. Seriously, what is her problem? He's my best friend, just back off! "I think we are fine. We kinda got used to this place." Shane said not looking at his food.

"Oh come on. You sat here for 2 days and now you are saying used to this?" she whined. "God just give up and go!" Scarlett muttered under her breath. "Tell me about it. Just won't quit the drama!" I whispered. Shane chuckled beside me. "Quit it, Summers!" Briyana smiled wickedly, "Heard you are back with your ex?" she continued. I stood up, making a fist of my hand that's it, I'm losing my calm. I'm going to punch her today! Shane stood behind me and place his hand on my shoulder to avoid me from lounging on to her and punching the daylight out of this bitch. "Don't forget to ask him what fun he was having when you guys had broken up. I'm sure he has a story to tell." She smirked. "Whatever Briyana," Scarlett said looking least interested in her. "I'm not interested in talking to you, don't you see?" Briyana said shifting her evil eyes to Scarlett. "None of us is interested in talking to you, don't you see?" Scarlett said mocking Briyana's tone. "Ugh!" Briyana said and stormed off. I sat down and so did Shane. "You just spiced up the lunch hour with a verbal catfight!" Mike said "Meow" Scarlet said making a claw of her hand. I smiled weakly. I wonder why Briyana keeps talking about Wes. She's a bitch, but she won't repeat stuff unless she's hiding something. But what? What is she hiding? Who told her about Wes in the first place? Even if she knew about him why would she call him Wes and not Wesley? Does she know Wes? But he never mentioned Briyana. I leaned to Shane, he was sipping his soda. "Shane?" I whispered so I don't disturb the conversation others were having. "Hmm?" "Did you in any case, even unknowingly tell Briyana about Wes?" I asked. "No" he shook his head. "Then how does she know?" I enquired. "I don't know. Maybe the soccer game where he... you know?"

That makes sense, "Maybe. But how does she know we had broken up and now we are back together?"

"I don't know. Did you tell anyone yourself?" He asked. "I'm not stupid to around Briyana's friends and tell them about my dating life." I narrowed my eyes. "Then just go ask Wes." Shane shrugged. I nodded in response and asked him again, "Are you sure you didn't tell her?" "And why will I do that?" he shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe you were drunk or something." I said jokingly. "You know me, I'm never that drunk." He said leaning towards me. "Really?" I teased. "Never. I was not even drunk when we were together that night." His tone suddenly serious as his eyes bore in mine. But my heart started thudding in my chest and something tickled inside my stomach. I looked back in those aqua blue orbs, the time froze and so did we. His aqua orbs peep into my soul through my eyes and I lost myself in his eyes all over again.


A/N: I'm back with another chapter! Yay! I hope you liked it. Guys, I get very little time to upload new chapters so these are unedited. I'll proofread them when I have time, but as of now, I'm sorry for any errors in the story. Keep reading and supporting me.



Love ya all :-*

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