Chapter 26... Briyana Daniels like never before

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Briyana Daniels like never before.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to Janhavi. I updated early for you. Thanks, love.


"What are you doing?" she asked as the music played in the background. "Are you seriously asking me that? What does it look like? I'm leaving!" I did my best to not let her see the tears that had made their way on my cheeks. "Dia, I said I'm sorry. It was just a stupid dare, so I had to do it. Plus my dad's taking care of the expenses and your car will be delivered to you tomorrow looking brand new!" she grinned. "You think this is about the car?" I took a step towards her. "It's not? I mean I did thrash your car." She shrugged and folded her legs to the bed. How the hell can she be so comfortable on a stranger's bed? I let out a frustrated sigh, "I saw you!" tears welled up in my eyes again "I just saw you make out with the one guy I liked since eighth grade! You knew I liked him, you knew that too well and you still kissed him! That's not what a best friend does!" I yelled. "Oh, he was a horrible kisser. You need someone better!" she rolled her eyes, "That's not on you to decide!!! And why do you look so weird? Are you drunk?" I asked. "No.No I had that health drink they served downstairs. It's awesome!" she pumped her fist in the air. "We need to leave, you are seriously drunk!" I dragged her out of the bedroom. This guy whose house party we are at, Carter, disappeared an hour into the party, needless to say, the crowd is going crazy with no one to control it. We were just sophomores and I don't think drinking without wild seniors was a good idea. "Dia, you should hang out with my new friends. They think you are stupid, but I'm sure they'll be fine ones they get to know you," she spoke as I held her hand and made my way through the crowd. "Your friends think your best friend is stupid and you are ok with it?" I asked, "You know what? Don't answer that. Let's just go, I don't want anything horrible to happen to you." I said we made our way to the kitchen, we have to take a left to the living room and the main door is just to the other side. Suddenly she stopped, "Why are you so... so... yourself? You don't need to care for me, I can take care of myself," she said. Ok, that was rude! "So, I'm not going to hold that against you, because you are drunk and you probably don't know what you are talking about," I said. She raised her hand in surrender, "My job here is done. I got her here." She announced, that's when I noticed that everyone in the kitchen were seniors and I recognised some as her new friends. "She's all yours," she shouted and ran to one of the guys. I noticed the eggs, tomatoes, fruits and drinks in their hands. Then without a warning, they started throwing them at me! "No! Please stop!" I shouted, "Stop it! Please help me! Ask them to stop, Briyana!" I screamed and screamed, but nobody listened, not even Bri. She was supposed to be my best friend and she just sat there and watched her friends bully me.

I took a deep breath as I reached the café. She is not my best friend anymore and she has no reason to hurt me now. And how long was I going to be afraid of what she did to me in my past? It's been 2 years I have no reason to be worried. I entered the café and was greeted by the familiar aroma of coffee. Briyana and I used to love this place; we used to visit here so often. I scanned the entire place, just when I thought she was going to turn up 'fashionably late' my eyes landed on her. She sat at the same table we used to sit at when we used to come here. This table was in the farthest corner of the café and had no chairs, instead, it had a couch that was arc-shaped and it gave you as much privacy as you need. "What is it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked reaching the table. I didn't feel the need to beat around the bush any more. "This place brings back so many beautiful memories. We used to be such great friends. Look our little art is still here!" she pointed to the left corner of the table where a seashell was carved and it had 'B and D' written on it. We had made it when we were in 5th grade. I shook my head, "I'm leaving if this is why you called me here." "Diana, please let me explain. Just sit, okay," she said. I sat down and folded my hands to my chest. "I wanted to say that I.. I am so- sorry," she began, "I am genuinely sorry, Diana. I know you hate me and if I were you, I wouldn't even show up here. But I knew you would come. You were always the better and bigger person between us. I am going to sound extremely cheesy and desperate but I still care for you.

It's probably the guilt of what I did to you or it's the realisation that there is absolutely nobody I can rely on or call my best friend anymore. You were the only best friend I ever had and you may not believe it but I miss you." I let out a humourless chuckle, "Says the girl who slept with my boyfriend." "I didn't sleep with him!" she said, "After what I did to you at Carter's party, I wanted to apologise but you were ignoring me and that prank made me famous with the seniors, my chances at the cheerleading squad started looking bright, it just seemed so important back then. You attended the next party after a month with your new friends who wouldn't even let me look at you. I saw you hang out with Wesley, I knew you liked him and after that I kind of spied on you two and realised you were dating." She sighed and continued, "So when he came to my dad's office with his work I immediately recognised him, but the way he eyed me was just weird. After running into each other a few times at my dad's office he asked me out, I thought you two were over because he told me he was single." "Well, then why didn't you 'spy' on him then?" I asked making air quotes, "I did! I was there when he pulled up that nasty trick in the café, I saw him disown you, then come after you and also the conversation he had with the girl behind the counter. I knew there was more to Wesley than what you see, so I continued going out with him to find out more about him, the closer I got to him the easier it became to draw information from him. I insulted you at that party and taunted you on Wesley so you would stay away from him. I needed you to say away from him so it would hurt you less also he would spend more time with me and I would get to know more about him. Do you know he talks in his sleep and answers questions about whatever you ask him truthfully?" she informed. "Are you telling me that all this time you were just looking out for me?" I cannot believe her, how do I know this is not a part of a bigger lie? She nodded and said nothing, "Then why didn't you just tell me to stay away from him and what is the whole thing with Shane?" I asked, if she is being honest now might as well get to know the entire thing. She chuckled, "And you would listen to me why? I had to be the bad guy here, Diana because that's who I am to you. When you become a head cheerleader, Diana you have to be a person everyone knows, a person that is popular, extrovert, a stuck up bitch and even the boss if you need to be. It doesn't matter who you really, it doesn't matter if you don't recognise yourself when you look at your reflection in the mirror. You have to have a bad girl image if you want people to know you. And about Shane," she grinned and shook her head, "I really liked the guy, but he likes you and it's pretty obvious, you like him too. So I never came between you guys, I owe you that much, that's what ex-besties do, right?" she smiled, ok I give her this one, I smiled back. It was my time to talk now, "Briyana this is just too much to take. I want to trust you, I really do but I just can't help but be sceptical about this. I need time to absorb all this." She nodded, "Can you forgive me? I am not asking to do it at this very minute, but can you try?" I smiled and nodded, "I will. It might take some time, but we'll get there."


A/N: So what do you guys think of Briyana? Should Diana give her a chance?

Keep reading AFTL. This part is unedited I'm sorry if there are any typing errors.



Lots of love:-*

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