chapter 5... Taking care

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Taking care


Okay! So, now I feel guilty. I yelled at Diana, she was going through a lot and yelling at her, had to be the last thing she needed. But, I did it, I even waited for her outside the school for a long time and she hasn't turned up yet! It's almost second period now and I haven't seen her, it feels odd, kinda sad. Damn! I am the worst best friend ever. That's what you get when you only have girls around you that are ready to get into your pants. My experience at being best friends with a girl is zero! I don't know, I mean the way she is suffering because her relationship is a bit similar to mom and...

"Mr Greg?" I heard

Ya right, mom and that man, the shittier Mr Greg. But, um.. that's not my voice.

"Mr Greg, are you with us?" Mr Stones, my history professor asked.

"Oh, yes sir. I am sorry." I apologized, this dude is giving me a hard time, my friendship is at stake and he's concerned about freaking history? If I don't make it up to Diana, my friendship with her will be history! I mentally chuckled at that thought. I am weird at times.

I walked out of the class as the bell went. I needed to see Diana, I had a lot of explaining to do. I sighed, not wanting to attend this class. 'M just going to ditch this one. I got my phone out and dialled Austin's number. "Hey dude, 'sup?" Austin's voice suddenly broke through the dialling tone.

"I'm bored so I'm just gonna ditch class. You attending yours? Do you want to hang out?"

"Nope, but um.. I have to be with Amber, like take her out for lunch and stuff. It can be really tough managing your girl, you see!"

I chuckled, "Ya, ya. Good luck with that bro. I'll see you later." We hung up.

Great! So that's how my both best friends, Diana and Austin decided to bail out on me. It's too late to even go back to class now.

"Hey, dude, where have you been yesterday?" Luke asked, "Whatever happened to your friend after the game was horrible. I thought you would get her to the party. Change the mood."

"Agreed man. She's hot! And the party was good too, good attempt." Nathan patted Luke's shoulder. My entire soccer team was around me. I would have gotten bored if they weren't around. Thank God for these jobless idiots!

"Good attempt!? The party was lit!" Luke said looking a bit offended. "Yah! Except for the fact that all the chicks that came to talk to us wanted to ask for more vodka or Shane." Nathan laughed and so did the others.

"Guys, let's hit the ground and have a warm-up game," Conor suggested. "Cool," I said giving him a thumbs up. "Guys, by the way, there's a pool party at some dude's house this Thursday, wanna make it happening?" Conor asked with a huge grin. "That a question!" I smirked, I love making these boring parties happening, especially the ones that are thrown on the weekdays. "The last one carries all the beer bottles to the party!" Nathan announced and started running as the rest of us ran behind him.

It was a good game, being a friendly one, there was no winning or losing team. By the time we were done playing there were a lot of girls had gathered to watch us, it was a good opportunity for Nathan who was trying to grab their attention. I tried looking around to find Diana but she was nowhere to be found. "Guys I'm heading home will catch up later," I announced and turned around to leave.

I dropped Mike off the corner, I was about to enter my garage when some moving object caught my eye. I looked over to check what it was and there she was. Sitting on her porch, with her legs folded to her chest, her hands holding them near and her face buried in her knees, like a cocoon. If I wasn't familiar with her features, I would have never known who this was. I parked my car and headed to her porch, I sat silently beside her for a few minutes. I finally gather courage and opened my mouth after taking a few deep breaths. "D, I am... umm... sorry for yelling at you. But I just couldn't see you suffer. He hurts you every day. We have been friends for over 3 months and I have seen you upset almost every fucking day and you..." that's when I noticed she hasn't even moved to look at me.

Is she asleep? "Are you listening?" I asked touching her shoulder, that's when she looked up, straight into my eye. Her eyes were blank, nothing, no emotion in her eyes. She looked as if she was hit by a bus. Twice. "What's wrong?" I asked trying to stay calm when in reality I was so freaking worried. "Diana?" I said a bit louder. She still didn't say a word, just a lone tear escaped through her eyes. I slowly wiped it with the pad of my thumb.

As I touched her cheek, a current went through my hand. She was warm, she was burning! Her cheeks were so hot as if they were set on fire! I put my hand on her cheek and then her forehead. She had a fever, high fever. "Diana, we have to take you to your room. You have a fever, it's high. Get up!" I ordered. She just got up without saying anything. I walked her to the door holding her beside me. I opened the door and told her to get in. As I left her hand, she walked in a few steps and suddenly fell to the ground. Unconscious.

"Diana!!" I screamed.


A/N: hey guysssss.....

Sorry for the late update, I know it's small, but that's all that I could come up with.

So.. what do you think? Shane's POV finally!!



Send me feedback guys I would love to hear it from you!

Love ya :-*

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