chapter 30... Ian's birthday.

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Ian's birthday


How can anyone look hotter every passing minute? I mean what is wrong with Shane why can't he just look ordinary? Does he have to look like a God damn Greek God? "If you don't mind, may I come in?" Shane asked still standing on the porch. "Oh Ya, I'm sorry. Please come in," I opened the door wider. "Where is the birthday boy?" he asked loudly when he walked in. "Shane!!" Ian shouted as he hopped down the stairs. He ran towards Shane and did some weird handshake they do, Shane can be a kid! I took the opportunity to talk to Nia who came a few hours before to play with Ian. "Hey, sweetie. Will you come upstairs with me for a minute?" I stretched my hand which she gladly took. "What happened?" she asked once we were in my room. "Can you keep a secret?" she nodded her head up and down as her beautiful eyes bore mine. "We have planned a surprise birthday party for Ian," I sat on my bed and watched Nia's eyes lit up. She clapped her hands and jumped up and down with joy. "So I want you to change into this dress," I handed her the dress. I put 2 little hairpins in her hair and a little lip-gloss on her lips. I love Ian so much, but I always wanted a little sister that could wear the pins, hairbands and other things I had when I was little. So when I put my little hairpins in her hair I felt like an older sister revisiting her childhood.

I changed my clothes and put on little makeup, when I went downstairs with Nia I saw my parents laughing at something Shane and Ian were saying. It made my heart swell watching them get along with Shane.

"Mom, dad, we're taking Nia and Ian out for an ice cream, we will be back soon," I announced getting their attention. "We are going out for ice cream?" Ian smiled widely. We said our goodbyes and left. Ian has never had a big birthday party; last year mom and I took him out for ice cream because mom had to go to the hospital early, and the year before that we had invited some of his friends over and had a little celebration in our back yard. Our parents used to be so busy that there was a very rare birthday they were both homes with us and because of this kind of lifestyle our parents never had the time to take us to an indoor play area.

This might sound weird but Ian has never been to an indoor play area and neither had I. "Isn't the ice-cream shop to the left?" Ian looked out of the window. "Yes, it is. But we are going to a different ice cream shop because it's your birthday," Shane answered. Ian seemed to be happy with that answer so he went back to playing whatever he and Nia were playing on the backseat. Ian didn't seem to have noticed the board when we walked in; he was playing busily on the video game in his hand. We took him to the play area. "SURPRISE!!" Ian startled a little but then he realised what it was and a smile appeared on his lips. All his friends, their parents (the kids were small to be left under our watch in a play area), gran and our parents were there. His friends and he played in the indoor play area for hours, the DJ played good songs in the background and a little crowd was dancing too. After the cake was cut and everyone was served pizza, Ian came running to me, "Thankewu sho mush, Diana," he hugged "It was Shane's idea. This party is his gift to you," he looked at Shane who was talking to Scarlett, he ran towards Shane and hugged him too, "Thank you so much, Shane. This is my best birthday ever! You are a hero!" Shane's eyes were filled with adoration when he leaned down to Ian's height and gave him a tight hug, "You are more than welcome, Soldier."

"He loves you so much," Lia appeared beside me. I stood with my hands on the back of an empty chair looking at Ian and Shane, I shook my head, "He doesn't. Why would he? I am just an ordinary girl." "So?" Scarlett said from beside Lia, "He is the most popular guy in the school, extremely handsome, gentle and kind. Why would a guy like Shane even find me attractive? Forget love. Why-" "But she never took Shane's name." Scarlett cut in. "I was honestly talking about Ian this time," Lia raised her hands in surrender. "How long are you going to fight it, Diana?" Miyra stood on the other side, "You don't find true love that easily. If you get it, don't let it go!" Amber sat on the chair in front of us, her eyes fixed on Austin. I pulled out the chair I was holding and sat on it, "It's just that whenever I thought of a life without Wesley, I never thought I would be able to like someone again. I always thought that if we broke up I would be done with falling in love and that is why I held on to him. But Shane, I don't know, is this right?" "You would think about what it would be like to break up with Wesley when you were with him?" Miyra asked, I nodded in response, "Have you ever thought what it would be like to live without Shane?" she asked. My eyes turned in to saucers, that thought had never even crossed my mind! I just took it that he will always be there, the things he had done for me, the way he makes me feel and he never gave me a reason to imagine a life without him. "You had admitted it yourself that it is easier when you are with Shane. You can be yourself without pretending," Lia said, "You talk to him endlessly, you both look out for each other, care about one another; he doesn't let you shed a tear, in fact, you always have a smile on your lips and a sparkle in your eyes when you are around him." Amber said, "If this isn't love, I don't know what is?" Scarlett grinned. "I know my brother, Diana. He is crazy about you. You can see it in his eyes, or the way he talks about you." "I wouldn't do whatever Shane does for you if I wasn't smitten with this person." Lia said, "Yes, I would not investigate and stalk a guy because he might be cheating on my "Best friend" and I definitely would not sing songs for my "best friend" in the cafeteria," Miyra made air quotes at best friend. I was smiling widely like a freak by now. I remember the time I ran off to gran's house after that night with Shane, her words echoed in my ears 'You can love many people. But truly madly, deeply you fall in love with only ones.

If he is your truly, madly, deeply, don't let him go.' I felt a light tap on my shoulder; I turned around to find his godly face. I stood up from my seat, "May I have this dance?" he extended his hand that I gladly took. He took me to the dance floor just as the song ended, "This one's for all the lovely couple out here, take time for each other. Your kids don't care what you are doing right now!" The DJ announced. Some of the people chuckled and stepped on the dance floor. Ian Friend's parents along with my parents, Shane and I danced as Elvis Presley's 'can't help falling in love' played. His eyes bore mine, he possessively held my waist as we danced, his eyes would fall to my lips and then meet my eyes again, I felt butterflies in my stomach and my body was on fire. My throat felt dry, my heart was hammering against my chest and so was his.

Maybe, just maybe, the girls were right. It's not just me, maybe he likes me too. I had to find out. He was worth a shot. We were worth a shot.


A/N: I finally uploaded a new chapter. The chapter is unedited so I apologise if there are any mistakes. This one is a little smaller and the next one will be small too. But I promise some prom in the next one *winks* I can't contain my excitement for the next chapters. I promise you will have fun reading them. Also thank you all so much for 1k readers!!!! You people are the best!!! Make me smile wider:



Keep reading. Lots of love:-*


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