01- Adeline Knight- A night at the club

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"Fuck" I muttered underneath my breath.

I clicked my buzzer and my assistant Clara sped frantically into my office.

"Is there anything you need, Ms. Knight?" She said cautiously, trying to seem not as scared as she was but failed miserably. She was one to wear her emotions out on her sleeve for everyone to see.

"I need you to clear my schedule for the rest of the day and schedule a meeting with Mr. Francisco as soon as possible." I said as I called Nick, my personal driver, to bring my car to the back.

Clara looked shocked for a moment then nodded and left my office.

It's not like me to leave in the middle of the day just cause I get pissed off, but this time, if I didn't, I would probably scare off half of my employees.

I made my way out of my office and into my private elevator that only a few people had access to so that I could get in and out of the building easily. When I reached the first floor, the elevator dinged and opened to the small closed off office in the back, I stepped out and took the door out.

When I opened the door there was a tall figure standing there. As soon as he heard me his face immediately turning to me, looking me up and down. A pair of unfamiliar eyes studied my face, slowly trailing down my body and back up again, lingering a little at my chest.

What the fuck?

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I said to him making his eyes snap from my chest back to my eyes.

"Sorry love, I have to take you. Boss's orders." A sickening and mischievous look filled his eyes.

When I finally realized what was going on, I was a step too late. He took the first swing, luckily I was trained and with my fast reflexes I dodged it, catching his fist with the plasmid my hand.

"My face wouldn't look as nice if you hurt it pretty boy." I said innocently as I twisted his fist making him growl in pain.

Then I took the opportunity to vent out all the built up anger and punched him square in the nose with my free hand and he surprisingly dropped to the ground.

Nick finally pulled up and ran out of the car to see what was going on, eyes wide when he saw the unconscious man laying on the ground in front of me.

"Had a bad day, Ms. Knight?" He chuckled. "Looks like you were able to release some of that anger. He doesn't look to good."

"No, he was just weak. I only swung once, then he hit the ground." I shrugged, taking my eyes off the body on to ground to look at Nick. "Take care of him, I don't want to see him before me again."

"Do you need me to take you somewhere?" He questioned.

"No, I got it. Just deal with what's in front of you for now, I'll take care of the rest." He nodded and handed me the keys to my black Mercedes.


As soon as I got home I took a shower and when I finally got out, I slid on a matching black set of lace lingerie and a garter belt that I had bought the day before. I also slipped on a form fitting black mini dress with slits on both sides that exposed my legs just the right amount.

I fixed my hair into a loose ponytail with beach waves that was easy to pull out—you can probably guess why—and with a touch of makeup I was ready for the night at the club— not just any club, a bdsm club that I had been wanting to go to since it opened recently.

I had a membership at another club for a year but it had ended a little while back. I didn't bother to renew it since I wanted to try a different one.

All of the doms there were the same, they all had one goal, to get an obedient sub or slave at their call 24/7, I didn't want to be that.

I had tried getting a dom when I first started going to that club but none of them wanted to— "deal with my attitude"—

So with a simple phone call, I was able to transfer my information to the new club so that I could skip all of the confidentiality paperwork that I had to sign.

I wanted someone who knows how to put me in my place, not for them the get annoyed at me and throw me to the side to watch them pleasure another sub, did I mention I had a problem with sharing what's mine?

I like to take control when it comes to business and sometimes in the playroom if my partner doesn't.

The doms there didn't like that and hated when I didn't obey them on occasion.

While I drove to the new club, I thought about maybe there, I'll find someone who can contain me to the point where I would willingly submit.


When I walked into the building the air smelled of alcohol and sex. There were many sub and dom partners on the dance floor, some grinding on their doms, some on all fours with a leash, and some were kneeling beside their doms while they talked to others.

I decided to go check out the bar since I didn't want to feel like the only one on the dance floor without a partner.

Yup. Just drown all of your problems with alcohol. Great idea Adeline.

As I made my way to the bar I suddenly felt the burning heat of a pair of eyes glued on me. I looked around to see who it was, it took me a little before my eyes made its way to a man in a black suit with a amazing jaw dropping body.

I felt a swarm of butterflies in my stomach when we made eye contact and I then felt my whole body getting warmer when he didn't look away.

I decided to ignore the burning need in between my legs and walked to the bar gesturing to the bartender.

"Are ya new here? What would you like to drink?"He asked giving me a wink.

"Yea, just a dirty martini please." I paused thinking if I should ask, I decided to. "Who is that man up the in the black suit?"

"Oh, that's the owner of this club. You don't want to mess with him. He's looking for a slave" he stopped for a second but continued, "he's extremely picky but I guess you could try your luck."

"Before I can give this to you, I need you to look over and sign these papers." He said frowning.

Without looking at the papers I already knew what they were. Every club like these have them. It's to make sure that everyone here feels safe and don't have to worry about getting exposed when they are not here.

"I had my other club transfer my information here this morning, I have looked at and signed those papers already." I replied. Not interested in having to do it twice.

"Oh thank the lord, you don't know how many times I've had to say that since this club opened." He sighed. I rolled my eyes playfully and laughed.

Then out of the corner of my eye I caught him staring in my direction again, but this time I noticed that his hands were balled up into a fist and he was practically throwing daggers at the bartender with his eyes.

This was going to be fun.

The bartender handed me my drink with a slip of paper. I handed him an 100 dollar bill in return.

"Keep the change" I said giving him a wink.

"Text me, I'll be waiting." He said giving me a wink back laughing. I nodded back at him.

I got off the bar with my drink and made my way to the dance floor.

It's show time baby.

Published- 2/6/2022
Word count- 1373

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