25- Lorenzo Devlin- He's as good as gone

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I don't really know what would happen tonight so I made sure that Adeline didn't get too much to drink.

I left her with one of her friends and I went towards the back of the party where there was a guard standing in front dressed in solid black.

"Name." The guard asked, not moving from its spot.

"Lorenzo Devlin" I answered.

He tilted down his head and top hat that he was wearing covered his face. I could still see some of his mouth and it looked as if he was smirking beneath the dark shadow of his hat.

Maybe it's just the party lights playing tricks on me.

He stepped aside to let me in and I click a button for back up as I walked in, I had a gut feeling that I would need it sooner than later.

The room was pitch black and as soon as the door clicked behind me, I heard it lock.


"Well.. well.. well.. , look who decided to join the mafia world again." A voice said, letting out a deep murderous chuckle to the point I could feel it vibrating off the walls.

I could tell exactly who it was. Ace. This motherfucker is everywhere.

"I knew it was you." I sneered, spinning around to make my eyes adjust to the dark room. "It had your name written all over it."

"Oh really?" He replied.

The lights then turned on and I snapped myself around to face the only other person in this dreadful room.

He was sitting at the end of a table, a really long one, probably a conference table, really what this room was made for but I could already tell that it was going to become bloodshed by how wonderful everything was going at the moment.

I pulled the gun that I had tucked away in my belt and cocked it back, aiming it straight for his head.

I moved it slightly to the side and shot, making it barely missing his head as a warning to not try anything stupid.

If I didn't have to get information out of him, he would have been a long time ago.

"Woah there buddy. Calm down. Let talk." He said, a smirk lifted upon his face.

"What is it that you want, that is making you try to kill me on multiple occasions?" I asked still aiming the gun at his head.

"Well if you want to start there, multiple things really." His said, glaring at me.

"One... you tried to take the company that I shed blood sweat and tears on and—" Before he could keep going, I stopped him.

"That was the whole fucking deal! You give me your company. Your daughter get to marry me. Simple as that. But you, you were the one that tried some stupid shit." I fumed.

"You were the one that tried to get away! I was going to marry your daughter even though I still didn't have to company in my hand, thinking maybe I'll get it after the wedding ceremony. But you decided that you wanted to back out and kill my people for trying to stop you from running away." I explained aggressively, reminding him of what he did.

I didn't even mention that fact that he killed my brother. The next moment, I heard some people bust down the door to the room.

I spun around, relieved that it was my backup.

"Don't even try. I have my men surrounding the building you won't get out of here alive." I heard him chuckle slightly.

He has gone mad.

I eyed one of my men and he nodded back at me, letting me know that I was clear to leave.

"Take care of him. I don't want to see him ever again." I said, leaving the damned room.

As soon as I turned to leave, I heard a gun on rapid fire.

I turned around to see blood scattered everywhere, the walls, chairs, on bodies. I looked at the culprit who was not standing behind the conference desk, aiming it directly at me.

His eyes were bloodshot and he was laughing uncontrollably like a maniac.

He had killed probably a good dozen of my men. Why the fuck have they not killed him already?! I took matters into my own hand and pulled out my gun, shooting directly at his head, the bullet making a cracking sound as it made contact with his skull.

I scanned through all of the men that were left to make a mental count to inform Michel of the situation but my eyes lingered on one specific person on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. I couldn't really tell but I knew that this person played an important part of my mafia before I disbanded by the badges that was on his vest. 

I was going to take a closer look but then I remembered, Adeline. I can just take a look at the history later.

Only one thing was on my priority list right now.

I left the blood filled room and re-entered the actual party area, everyone who was at this so called "party" had already scattered or had been ushered out probably after the first gunshot so I drove back to the safe house to make sure that Adeline was still safe and there.

The car ride back felt like an eternity with the image of my dead men forever etched into my mind. Even so I've got things to do.

I called Michel to cross that off my never ending list of things to do.

I felt on edge the whole time, some things were just not adding up but I couldn't exactly place my finger on it.

I ignored it and informed Michel of the death count of our men and the life status of Ace.  

That's probably the only thing that had gone in the right direction on this horrible night.

The one thing that I knew for a fact was, Ace is as good as dead.

What is making Lorenzo unsettled about this whole situation?
Where is Adeline?
Who is the man with the vest that was covered in badges?
Why is Lorenzo on edge?
When will Ace's plans come to an end?

Who knows?
Published- 5/1/2022
Word count- 1060

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