26- Adeline Knight- Mistrust

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I don't think I clarified this earlier, and you may have gotten the hint but, italicized words mean they are either thoughts or dreams, whichever one makes more sense. Anywho, enjoy! 😏

Lorenzo took me to this party but then left me with Emery to socialize. It doesn't seem like a normal bar that one would go to though.

Everyone looked so high class and extremely snobby to the point where it made me uncomfortable.

There where rich white men. A lot of them.

I felt a drunk Emery yanking on my arm and pulling me to the dance floor. "Come onnn! Live a little! Danceee wwith meee!" She slurred.

She needs to go home.

I tried to slow her down and convince her to call it a night but she wouldn't listen to me.

Everything seemed normal. Until it wasn't.

One second I was being pulled to the dance floor and and next second, I heard a gun being fired.

Everyone got ushered out but I tried to stay in as long as I could. I was trying to find Lorenzo but then it hit me.

This has to have something to do with him. That's why he has been all weird today.

I felt so betrayed, why wouldn't he tell me what it was for?

Dejected, I left with the last of the people that where in this "party" and I saw Emery sitting on the sidewalk, passed out.

I opened her phone and called one of the boys on her contact list she doesn't name booty calls so I called a random person. I'm sure any of them would be glad to take her to her home.

As soon as Emery got picked up, I called a cab to go home. My home.

I opened the door to my house and took in the familiar scent of, well... me.

I decided that I could just shower tomorrow morning so I just removed the makeup from my face, changed into something more comfortable, and took out the vibrator that he put in my, setting it on the bathroom sink, feeling incredibly agitated, I made my way to bed.

Even though I tried to distract myself from thinking about why Lorenzo did what he did, it was the only think that kept coming back t to my mind.

As soon as I was under the comfort of my own bedsheets, I drifted off to sleep.


"And this, is my gorgeous wife and my beautiful baby girl." My father said, pointing to my mother and then to me.

My father is quite the actor. He was never like this to us at home, but still, I enjoy it while it lasts.

"Dad! I'm not a baby anymore! I'm already 17 years old!" I said, trying to not make myself look smaller than I already was.

"You'll always be my baby girl, darling. No matter your age." He said, laughing. The men around him laughing with him.

They were all men and women that looked rich and famous, making me feel really out of place.

The one of them came up to father and said something in his ear. I couldn't really make out what the person's face looked like but I could hear snip bits of what he said.

"He's at ..... with my daughter..... company... in a few years." Was what I could make out of it.

"Go with your mother for a bit. I have some business to take care of." He said, then he walked away.

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