27- Adeline Knight- Fear

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I stripped myself from my clothes and knelt by my bedroom door, waiting for him to come back.

I had no idea what he was going to do and I am scared of what he is capable of but I couldn't find myself to take a few things and leaving.

He didn't seem like he was in a horrible mood when he left so I hope that he's not too harsh with my punishment.

I knew I was getting one anyway with the way I talked to him, there's no way that he would let me off the hook.

I don't know how long it was but I was slowly growing more and more tired as time went by and there was still no signs of him coming back.

I was about to just get up and crawl in bed but then I heard my door click, he's steps were aggressive and I could tell that he was pissed.

I sat back up in my kneeling position and bowed my head as I heard him open my door.

"I see that you can obey and be respectful like your told. What you did earlier was unacceptable. Do you understand?" He said, his voice full of anger as well as lust.

I nodded, scared as he has never been this way before with me.

"Words." He said darkly, aggressively forcing my chin to look up at him. The grip he held on my chin was harsh and it started to hurt.

His eyes were dark red and filled with an unmeasurable amount of anger.

"Yes sir." I said, trembling. Scared of what's to come.

He pulled me up to my feet by my chin and whispered in my ear. "Remember your safe word darling." He said.

That made me feel a little better, knowing that he would stop if I needed it to.

He picked my up and threw me over his shoulder earning a unexpected gasp from my mouth. He landed his hand hard on my ass as to shut me up and I bit on my bottom lip to keep quiet while tears started to form in my eyes.

He's scaring me.

He made his way to my bed and threw me down on it with my face towards the bedsheets and my ass up towards him on full display.

"Keep it here, I don't want to have to keep readjusting you." He said harshly.

I heard the sound of him unbuckling his belt and sliding it out of his pant loops.

"Count, and thank me after each one." He said, not giving me much time to prepare before he whipped it across my ass.

"Ah!" I cried out from the sudden impact, a few tears escaping my eyes.

"I don't hear you counting." He warned, his voice morphed into something that I couldn't recognize.

"One." I managed to whimper between tears.


"Two." I cried, more tears rolling down my face.



His hits were aggressive and nothing like the gentle man that I once knew.


"Four." I sobbed. We had barely started but I was already almost at my limit. My ass felt like it was on fire and each hit stung more and more.


"Five!" I screamed, gripping onto the bedsheets for comfort and overall support. I couldn't take it anymore and I felt my body starting to collapse.

"Ice-cream. Ice-cream! ICE-CREAM!" I shouted from the top of my lungs, stopping everything.

I flipped over onto my back and winced as my butt hit the bed. He tried to pull me in toward him as his eyes returned back to it's normal color but I backed away.

"Please...go away. Leave me alone." I sobbed, wrapping the blanket around my naked body.

He sent me an apologetic look and walked away but I didn't need it. I felt soo used and I probably cried a whole sea before I actually fell back asleep.

The next morning, I woke up the the click of my bedroom door and I opened my eyes to see Lorenzo with a plate of breakfast and a small potable folding table for breakfast in bed.

He took the breakfast and set it on my nightstand and he sat down on the edge on my bed. "Can we talk?" He said, his voice filled with guilt.

I turned away from him, pulling the blanket all the way up to my chin so that only my head was out.

"Go away." I said, not wanting him in my presence.

He walked away and I was surprised that he listened. A few moments later, he came back with my robe in his hands.

"Put this on, baby. You'll catch a cold." His voice was sincere and warming but I didn't want to believe it.

He let out a sigh when I didn't do anything.

"I'll be right back with some healing cream. Please put the robe on when I'm gone." He said, then I heard him walk out of the door.

I did as he said a put on the robe and leaned against the headboard waiting for him to come back.

My mind was telling me that I need to leave him but my body just wasn't letting me. I knew that part of me still cared... even after last night.

He came back with something in his hand and when he saw me with my robe on, I could tell that he was fighting back a smile.

He set the cream down on the nightstand and unfolded the folding table on my bed.

"Eat the breakfast while it's warm." He said, putting the food on the table.

I picked up the fork from the plate and started eating, finishing the food after a good amount of time.

"Can I be alone for a bit?" I asked, as he took the plate and table away from me.

"Will you let me put the cream on you? I'll leave as soon as I do, I promise.

My mind was doing circles trying to figure out if I should or shouldn't let him.

"It'll make you feel better. I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable, I'll stop if you say so." He says reassuringly.

I thought about it for a moment and nodded.

"Just lay flat on your stomach and I'll do the rest." He instructed.

"Perfect." I felt the bed dip on the side and felt his hand on the arch my back making me flinch.

"May I continue?" He asked, slightly rubbing my back and calming me down.

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

He brought his hand down to the bottom seam of my robe and lifted it up slowly, his breath hitching when he dropped it on my back, my whole butt on display.

"Is it bad?" I asked, feeling vulnerable.

"It'll get better soon." He replied.

I heard him opening the container for the ointment and then I felt his hand on my butt. He brushed his hand around to spread out the ointment, making sure to get everywhere.

I winced as he reached a certain area that was extremely sore and he immediately pulled his hand away.

"Sorry. I'll be more careful." He said.

I nodded and he continued, then putting my robe back over it after he finished.

"I'm going to go." He said, then taking the dirty plate and leaving. "Text me when your ready to talk. Please."

I didn't plan on it. Maybe.

After I heal. My mind, heart, and ass.

Published- 5/8/2022
Word count- 1266

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