09- Adeline Knight- Don't test me.

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When I got close enough to my car, I unlocked it and felt a pair of hands grip my hips. He pulled me closer to him and his hot breath made my breath hitch as he nibbled on my ear and kissed my neck.

"Give me the keys and get your pretty ass in the passenger seat, type your address in while your at it." He demanded.

"Fuck no, you don't own me. What I'm doing on my own time isn't any of your concern." I said turning around and glaring at him while prying his hands off me.

"I would change my tone if I were you." He threatened, my whole body heated up and my face was probably as red as a tomato with all the thoughts running through my head.

"No" I sad pushing him for an even more dominant side of him.

"What the fuck did you say? I didn't hear you." His whole demeanor changed and his hand wrapped around my throat gripping it lightly making me shudder under his touch.

"Don't test me if you can't handle it." I nodded and he let go of me allowing me to walk to the passenger seat.

When I sat down, he was in the driver's seat adjusting the back view mirror and the seat.

I went to the built in gps and clicked home, as soon as he saw it he backed out of the parking lot and followed the gps, only stopping to look at me when we had hit a red light.

I felt small under his presence and when he placed his hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently, my plans with Archer flew out the window.

"Spread you legs for me and put your hands behind you back, and don't you dare try to move then, I want them out of the way." I complied and the pencil skirt I was wearing slid up my thighs and bunched up around my hips, exposing the black thong that I had changed into this morning.

"Fuck, you look so good. Now, don't make a sound, these windows might be tinted but this car isn't sound proof." I had gotten my windows tinted for a reason but never thought about sound proofing it, maybe I should do that soon.

He placed his hand back on my thigh and moved it up until he reached my thong. He moved it aside and slid his finger over my entrance making my back arch in the car seat.

"So wet already, aren't you just a needy little slut." He chuckled, his eyes not leaving the road.

He moved his hand away and he pulled something out of his pocket— A. Vibrator.— this dude carries around a vibrator? Wtf?

"I had a feeling that I would see you today. Just didn't expect that I would have to punish you. I don't mind thought, bad girls need to be put in their place." As soon as he finished speaking, he pushed the vibrator against my clit and a loud moan escaped my lips.

"Sensitive now, are we? Keep quiet and don't you dare come without my permission." He worked the vibrator in a circular motion and I could feel my climax starting to appear.


"No. You think I'll let you after the attitude you gave me?"

"I- I can't hold it." I cried.

"It's funny how you think you have a choice."

I tried to move my hips away but he followed it, not letting me get away.

I couldn't hold it anymore and I moaned out but before I could come, he removed the vibrator and turn it off.

I cried out with tears in my eyes, taking deep breaths, before I could return back to normal, he placed the vibrator back on my clit and I gasped, surprised at the contact again.

Then again he denied me from a beautiful release.

The third time was the most painful, I could feel his fingers curling in my hitting my g-spot every time. And again when my body was about to release, he removed his hand placing it in his mouth, licking every bit off.

Before I could feel the orgasm go away, I moved my hands to relive myself not wanting to get denied again.

When I felt it almost over the edge, we hit a red light and he used one hand to force my hands behind my back.

With the other, he gripped my throat making me look at him.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" He asked while I had tear rolling down my face from the need of a release.

"I- I couldn't take it. I needed to—"

"The only thing you need is to obey me. Nothing. More." The red light turned green and he moved his focus on the road but still keeping my hands behind my back.

We weren't far from my home and the silence was torture.

When we pulled into my driveway, I felt embarrassed. It's not like there was a need for me to get a big house since I was living alone. But now that he was in from of it, it felt like the smallest place compared the every other house.

He removed his hands from me to park and once he did, my phone rang.

I pulled it out of my purse and looked at who it was,



It's 6:30 and hadn't said anything about canceling. Welp. Good thing he called now.

Lorenzo looked over my shoulder to she who it was.

"Answer it."

"Hey. I'm going to head over there soon, is there anything you want me to bring?" He sounded exited but that was the very least that was on my mind.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm feeling a little sick and I don't think—" Lorenzo leaned over the center console and started sucking on my neck and started to circle his finger around my clit.

"Ah— fuck...." I moaned, completely forgetting that I was on the phone.

"Adeline? Are you okay?" He sounded worried, completely oblivious of what was happening on the other side of the phone.

"Oh a yea... I felt like I was going to puke and I couldn't breath for a second." I felt Lorenzo smile against my skin, listening to my horrible attempt to cover my moan.

"Oh... okay. Let me know if you need anything." Archer said.

"I will. Thanks" I hung up on him and moved my focus to Lorenzo.

Before I could do anything, he got out of my car and took the key, making his way to my front door. I followed behind and got to the door as he opened it with my set of keys.

As soon as I closed the door behind me he spun me around and pinned me against the wall.

"Now would you like to lead me to your room or do you want me to fuck you right here?" He smirked, I wouldn't mind either but I pointed to the door of my room.

He stepped back and I walked towards my room. When we both entered he shut the door behind him.

"You've been a bad girl, how should I punish you?" He questioned pushing me onto the bed.

"Any way that would please you sir." I said, fully aware that it turns him on.

"Safe word?"


Published- 3/6/2022
Word count- 1245

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