20- Lorenzo Devlin- Playing With Fire.

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I woke up the next morning to Adeline's body almost completely on top my mine. I could hear her light breathing as her body rose and fell at a beautiful rhythm over mine.

I grinned as she stirred a little in her sleep, making her move off my my chest and onto a body pillow next to her. I decided that this would be a good time to get up without waking her.

I got dressed in the clothes I was in last night, leaned over the bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead before grabbing my keys off her counter and leaving her home.

I started the car and glanced at the passenger seat where she sat yesterday and noticed a card that wasn't there before.

I picked it up and studied the card.

Alexander Knox.
Leader of the Russian Mafia.

Not this shit again.

I swore with my mother to not associate with any Mafia business after the whole ordeal with Melissa but I couldn't sit back and watch as Adeline deals with this herself.

Dealing with them is like trying to deal with a pack of wild wolves, except fire isn't an option and that's all that they're really scared of.

I drove back to my office at the club and called over Diem. He has dealt with the Mafia alongside me while everything was a mess.


"Hey, what's up?" Diem said, walking into my office.

"I would like you to look into something for me." I said, motioning for him to sit in the chair across from me.

"Depends on what it is." He said.

I slid the card across the table and he picked it up. Diem is skilled with computers doing this is an easy task for him.

"Really Lorenzo? The mafia? Does your mother know?" He questioned.

"No she doesn't, and I'll eventually tell her if it gets serious." I replied.

"If you say so. I'll take this home and call you if I find anything." He said, putting the card in his pocket and standing up.

"Thank you." I said, giving him a small smile.

"Don't thank me just yet." He replied, and left.

I was on edge, waiting for a call from Diem felt like an eternity. What did Adeline get herself into to make contact with the Mafia. The Russian mafia to be exact.

I know how dangerous they can get, a deadly kind of dangerous.

A few hours after Diem left, I got a call back.

I answered immediately, putting the phone up to my ear.

"Wow. After the first ring? Whoever this is associated with, they must be important to you." Diem chuckled.

"What did you find?" I scoffed.

"Geez. Calm your balls." I could practically hear him roll his eyes through the phone.

"I've got good and bad news. Which do you want to hear first." He said.

"Good." I said, keeping it short.

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