29- Lorenzo Devlin- Guilt

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Leaving Adeline's place a few days ago was difficult. It was heartbreaking, traumatizing even.

Seeing her in that state reminds me of who I am and the things that I'm capable of. The things that I do when I lose it. The way that I turn right into the dictator my father was when I let loose.

I'm afraid of what I could do. The more that I look at her and the more I think about it, it's a constant reminder of what a monster I let myself turn into.

I resulted to writing some letters. Yes. Letters.

I left one for every day that she decides to not speak to me. It's like my comfort thing. My mother used to write things down when she was upset and then she would crumble it up and throw it away.

Once, it picked it up and read some of it. It's wasn't at all what I expected. It was so gloomy and full of emotion that I couldn't depict from being such a young child.

The only thing that I remembered was that I had always wondered why she never decided to let my father see them. Maybe if he saw that the way that she was feeling, things would have been better.

I would drive by Adeline's house every morning before work and on the cover in the corner I wrote each date.

It was soothing and I guess a way that I could cope with everything better.

I finished writing my letter for the night and tucked it into the pocket of my jacket. To drop off the next morning.

As I was about to go to bed, I got a call from an anonymous number. I didn't know if I should answer but I did anyway.

"Hello?" I answered, not giving any information about me.

I heard a cry on the other end of the phone, "*hiccup* Enzo, I-I'm so scared!"

Oh. Melissa.

"What? What happened?" I knew exactly what happened but I couldn't let her know that. I mean. I was the one who killed her father.

I heard another cry, "Sorry, can you came pick my up? I want to go out for some drinks but *hiccup" I don't have anyone with me."

I felt the need to go since I put her in this spot so I reluctantly agreed. "Send me your address, I'll come get you in ten."

I unblocked her number and a few moments later a location came through. I sighed and changed into more appropriate attire to go out and drove to Melissa.

She got in my car still sobbing and a crying mess. I handed her a tissue and she took it and wiped her tears away.

I spoke to her as little as possible and just let her do the talking instead. When we got to the bar, I took a booth near the back of the room so that I wouldn't catch anyone's attention.

I choose a booth that was higher up so that I could oversee the place just in case Melissa is trying some funny business to get revenge.

She ordered a bunch of alcoholic drinks and was intoxicated after just a few of them. She can't hold her own, she never could.

He sob got louder and more dramatic by each shot and I could see that she was talking but I wasn't able to concentrate on the words actually coming out of her mouth.

My eyes were train on a certain someone. A certain someone who hasn't bothered to let me know of her well being for the past few days.

Her hips swayed perfectly to the music and her fluid movements drew attention from every man in her area.

She looked happy. She looked great. I had come up with two options when I left her house that day.

Either she spends her days moping around or she's living her best life with anyone she wanted every night. I really hoped it was the first even though I knew the second would be better for her.

But seeing her here now, I know that it's the latter.

I saw a her friend pointing as me and I panicked so I pulled Melissa on me and made her back face the crowd so that if Adeline were to see us, she would see only her back.

After a few moments I saw that she was making her way toward us and I panicked again.

Melissa cried even harder and she threw her arms around my neck, the unfamiliar touch made me extremely uncomfortable.

Adeline locked eyes with me and everything around her stopped moving. The shock and hurt that was filled in her eyes made me flinch, snapping me out of my trance.

I looked at Melissa who was skin to skin with me and then back to Adeline who looked like she was about to cry. Betrayed.

I saw her move and bolt for the dance floor and I shoved Melissa's body off of mine and went after her.

By the time I made it through the crowd and outside, she had already left. I ran my hand through my disheveled hair and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Im done for the night.

I called my personal divers and he picked up on the second ring.

"Come pick up Melissa. I'll send you the address in a second. I'm leaving." I said, knowing that he would be her in about 5 minutes.

"Yes sir."

I hung up and got in my car. Shit.

How was I going to clear this up? I need to go home. I'll figure it out tomorrow.

The next morning, I woke up with the sun shining brightly on my face. I turned around to face the opposite direction and then groaned as I saw the time. I needed to get up soon anyway.

I got a quick shower and made some breakfast as well as prepping for some dinner tonight.

I have to spend my day at the club to arrange for some equipment that was broken during a scene. They were really gettin into it.

I drove toward to club but not before dropping off my note in her mailbox. I really hope that she is reading then and is considering talking to me again.

What I did was unforgivable and I didn't know what came over me but I want to fix it. I probably could have but then she saw me yesterday with Melissa and she probably got the wrong idea.

As I was getting my work done in my office, my phone rang. I was so frustrated and was going to leave it and call them back but I decided to answer anyway.

"Hello?" I answered, my tone reflecting how I was feeling.

"Is this a bad time?" The person said, their voice shaking as she spoke.

Then it registered who it was. Adeline.

"Oh, um. No..." I said, fixing my tone but still not knowing what to say.

"Tonight. Dinner and talk?" She said, a little more confident than before.

"I already prepped dinner tonight. So you can come over." I paused and realized that maybe that would be comfortable for her. "Or anywhere else, that's fine too I mean."

"No. It's okay. I'll come over. Is 7:30 okay?" She asked.

"Whenever, the door will be open, just walk in." I said, letting her know where she stands.

"Okay then." She said, it sounded like she had more but she cut herself off. "Oh, uh. That's all I had."

"Okay, I'll see you tonight." I said, then hanging up as soon as she replied.
Their going to see each other again! Ahhhh! Yay!

Published- 5/15/2022
Word count- 1302

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