02- Lorenzo Devlin- Something new

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It has been what? — 15 fucking minutes since she has walked into my club and I still can't take my fucking eyes off her.

I've stayed in my spot on the balcony of the second floor since the moment she had walked in.

I was about to do my run through so that I could go straight home after a meeting but fuck— I could stay here forever if I was able to stare at her all day.

As soon as she walked in she held a presence that no one could miss. From what I could see there was at least 5 men just staring at her. Probably undressing her with their eyes and eye-fucking her.

She walked her way to the bar and caught me staring before turning away and ignoring it. I bet she got stares everywhere she went. I wouldn't be surprised, she's gorgeous.

I don't know what it was but something about her intrigued me. I have been looking for a slave for the longest time, none that I have been with where the right one. There was no connection, just a fuck buddy you could say. One where everyone else was off limits.

At this point I don't even care if she's not what I'm looking for, I'll take as much as she's willing to give.

If that's anything at all.

When she ordered her drink she had a few friendly words with the bartender, a few more than I would've preferred —shit Lorenzo, get it together, she's not yours—

Subconsciously I felt my fists tighten into balls by my side as I stared at the bartender.

Then I caught her eyes again, moving my clenched fists behind my back when I caught a smirk that lifted on her face, probably catching onto the fact that she had an effect on me as well as my undivided attention.

She grabbed her drink and made her way to the dance floor.

Shit, I don't know if I could stay composed it I saw anyone try to grind on her. Just the thought of it drove my mind crazy.

When she finally made it to an open spot on the dance floor, she locked eyes with a dom that was sitting in a booth by himself.

I knew that because he was one of the guys that have been eyeing her since she walked in.

She smiled an innocent smile towards him and he got up and headed straight towards her.

When they met he asked her a question, —probably a dance— she nodded, smiling, so he snaked his arm around her waist and guided her to a less crowded area that wasn't in the middle of the dance floor but conveniently even closer to me, giving me an even better view of the two.

When they stopped, she turned around and started grinding her hips on his crotch —just as I had expected—

How predictable.

Once they got comfortable with the music, his hand were roaming all over her body,a sinister look on her face as she looked up towards me.

I was about to lose it. His hands were not going to be attached to his body by the end of the night if they didn't get off my— no Lorenzo— not yours.

I'll change that by the end of the night, I'll make sure of it. As if it couldn't get any worse, she smirked and sent me a wink.

This woman. I can't believe what I had just saw.

Her hips were still moving along to the beat of the music rhythmically, the man's hands guiding her at her hips as she maintained eye contact with me, the corner of her lips lifted.

That was the end of it, everyone has their limits. Mine ended there.

She saw me move out of my spot and she looked panicked for a second but then recomposed herself.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek, excused herself, and headed in the one direction I had hoped for.

The restrooms.

There were no exits on that side of the building, I would know in my sleep.

There was no way she was going to get away with this, if she was my sub, id have her pay for it, ass bent over my knee and shining a beautiful shade of pink and red.

I made my way down the stairs and headed straight towards the restrooms.

I was going to show her who she has just messed with, and how in the hell she was going to pay for it.

Published- 2/9/2022
Word count- 774

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