16- Adeline Knight- Lorenzo's Scar

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I woke up the next morning in the familiar bed that I had woken up in once before, but this time, the other side of the bed wasn't empty.

My back was pressed comfortably into his chest and I felt his hand on my thigh, tracing circles around a bruising hickey that he had given me the night before.

"Did I wake you?" He asked quietly.

His morning voice was even more attractive than his normal voice, which I didn't even know what possible.

"No worries, I slept wonderfully." I replied, turning around so that I was now facing him making his oversized T-shit slide up my thigh, exposing a little bit of my panty line.

"You know, I don't think you can take a round 2." He smirked and got up from the bed making me roll my eyes to his back.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." He said with a warning tone.

How did he know?

"I'm going to go out and get breakfast for us. You know where the shower is, I'll holler at you when I'm back, k?" He said, grabbing some sweatpants from the closet, eyeing me.

As he was getting dressed, I could see a visible scar on his waist, just above his v-line and a few inches above his boxers that were hanging low on his waist.

The scar looked like it had healed nicely and over it was a tattoo. The tattoo was just some words in a simple font with black ink.

"Never again."

"So are you going to go hop in the shower or are you going to stare at me getting dressing?" He laughed as I got up ignoring his comment, still confused on what the tattoo meant.


I wrapped the warm towel around my body when I got out of the shower as I heard Lorenzo come into the room.

"I thought I'll see a show if I was quiet but it looks like I was too late." He said making me laugh.

"Okay but being serious, I don't have anything to wear." I said.

"Oh yea. One second." He walked into the bathroom and unlocked a door that I didn't even notice was there.

The room was a walk in closet that was filled with different kinds of dresses, shirts, pants, shoes, and jewelry.

"This is gorgeous, but how do you know my size?" I asked confused but amazed.

"I have my ways." He said winking at me.

"Cocky much" I muttered, and rolled my eyes for the second time today.

Before I knew it, I got pushed into the wall behind me and one of his palms hit the wall and caged me there, the other gripping my waist tightly, making moving from him close to impossible.

"I can make you eyes roll back in your head with more ways than one. Wanna test me?" His voice was now full of dominance and I was extremely turned on.

I needed to get to work in a few hours and if I started this now, I would be late. I also have been extremely curious about his tattoo and wanted to know what it was from.

"I have a question." I asked, pushing at him slightly to see if he would get the hint.

He backed off and leaned against the island tabletop in the middle of the closet.

"Ask away darling." He said looking at me.

"What does the tattoo on your waist mean? And how did you get the scar?" I asked looking down at his clothes, where that scar would be if there wasn't any material in the way.

"It's a long story that I don't think that you want to know." He sighed.

His whole mood changed and I was afraid that I hit a sore spot.

"I do want to know. It's why I asked." I felt myself getting slightly annoyed and it showed in my voice.

I don't know why since I'm not in a place which I should but him hiding things from me make me feel betrayed and cheap.

"Don't give me an attitude little girl." He growled.

"Why won't you tell me then?" I said, raising my voice at him.

"Fine." He said, giving in. "If you really want to know then be my guest." He walked out of the closet and bathroom and sat on the bed.

I followed him out and sat on the other side of the bed waiting for him to start.

"It'll be easier to tell you what happened as opposed to explaining how it got it." He said.

He wouldn't make eye contact with me and I didn't want him to either. I would probably be uncomfortable with it since we're going down a supposedly horrid memory lane based on the way that he tried to keep it from me.

Lorenzo's POV

"I do." She said.

I wanted to get this over with. I don't like her.
I don't want her. I don't desire her.

But. I need her father's business, we had a contract and his daughter was head over heels for me.

"And do you, Lorenzo, take this woman, Melissa, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love, in good times and woe, for richer for poorer, if so, answer, I do." 

"I-" before I could finish, a gunshot went off and it alarmed all of my groomsmen to pull out their guns, who were my guards that I invited for extra precautions.

I thought I wouldn't need then but did it anyway just for kicks and giggles, which turned out to be a great decision.

Then I saw it. Ace Anderson. Melissa's father.
He shot my best man. My brother.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, letting go of Melissa's hands and pulling out my gun that I had hidden on my body, pointing it straight at his head.

"I'd advise you to put that gun down Ace. You know I never miss. You were the one that decided that you didn't want to transfer the company to me anymore." I said, cocking the gun.

"That was the deal, I get the business, your daughter gets to marry me. You never planned to do that anyway did you?" I narrowed my eyes at him, questioning.

"You should be grateful that my daughter wants to marry you in the first place you scumbag!" He yelled across the alter, earning many gasps from the guests that are just now knowing this information.

"DAD!" Melissa cried out, then she ran out the door, crying into the palms of her hand.

I felt bad for her, not because she didn't get what she wanted but because she has an asshole of a father.

Then, all of a sudden, a guest from the first row leaped at me with a dagger, aiming for my chest.

I quickly moved out of the way and instead of puncturing me in the chest, it went straight into my body, just above my waist.

With his body weight, he landed onto the floor but still held onto the dagger making it drag and cutting deeper and farther down into my skin.

"FUCK!" I screamed, shooting the loaded gun at the guy's head in front of me, I then noticed the amount of blood that was dripping down my leg and wedding suit.

The blood didn't really affect me but I felt lightheaded and collapsed onto the ground.

The next chapter continues him telling Adeline about his flashback. Hope it's not too confusing. Love you babes♥️ thanks for the support.

Published- 3/30/2022
Word count- 1280

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