14- Adeline Knight- What's your choice?

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He led me through the back doors of the club and it looked like a back hallway that is secluded from the actual club.

Probably for business meetings since there was only a few rooms.

We stopped at the last door on the right and he took out a set of keys to open the door.

He walked in first and held the door open for me to follow.

The room was dark and looked like a small office.

The lights turned on and he walked to the desk and pulled out a box from the drawer as I watched.

He came back to me and kissed my forehead, then picked me up and carried me to sit on the desk next to the white box that was in the drawer.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Just a med kit that I like to keep around here just in case something happens." He answered, taking out a tube or ointment from the box.

In case something happens?

"Give me your wrist."

I held out my hand and he put some of the ointment on it, massaging it and putting more pressure as he went.

I sat there for quite a bit and just let him do it until the ointment was dry.

"Does that feel better?" He asked.

I nodded, smiling.

"Thank god, I didn't want bruises on my wrists."

"Thank who?" He said sliding his hand up my thigh with a deadly smirk on his face.

I'm so fucking horny.

"You sir, Thank you sir." I replied seductively, as he moved the material of my thong out of the way.

"Your so wet already you whore." He worked his fingers around my clit but not once touching where I wanted him to.

"Please." I moaned, placing my hands on the desk a little farther behind my body so he had a better view.

He was teasing me and I was already so horny so I tried moving my hips to get more friction.

"No no. I don't think so. You still haven't told me what you did wrong." He tutted as he removed his hand and stepped back.

"Please sir." I begged.

He picked me up again and carried me out of the room and hall to the familiar black ebony doors.

Letting me stand up on my own he looked me dead in the eye.

"You've been a very bad girl. Get your ass in the room before I have you screaming over my knee without a release all night."

My eyes widened and I opened the door and entered the room as fast as I could.

"Take the dress off and get on your knees." He said huskily.

I did as I was told and he watched me intensely as I did so, setting my skin aflame.

He grabbed my chin so that I was looking up at him and he said, "How should I punish you, hm? You would rather go to a stranger to get off than to talk to me?"

A light smirk fell over his face as he brushed his thumb against my bottom lip.

"No one can please you as well as I can. No one can touch you that way that I can. No one can make you wet from their voice as well as I can."
My body was aching with need by the second and I just wanted him to touch me.

"I think you've forgotten those things and I'm going to remind you." He let go of my chin and I was practically begging with my eyes for him to finally touch me.

"Get up and stand in the middle of the room." He pulled my chin so that I was standing in front of him.

His voice was filled with demand and it was daring me to disobey. I didn't let it get to me since I was already in deep water.

I walked over to the center of the room and looked at him for more information since I wasn't given more.

He had moved from where he was standing, and was in front of a cabinet full of different types of ropes.

I felt my stomach fill with butterflies as I watched him pull one off the hook.

He walked towards me with the bundle of black rope in his hand and a smirk planted on his face.

"Are you going to be a good girl for me?" He said motioning for my wrists.

"Yes sir. I'll be really good for you." I replied feeling myself blush intensely.

He bound the rope around my wrist and hooked it to the ceiling where there was a hook.

I stood there completely naked and my body was on full display for him too enjoy.

I have no idea why but, I trust him and I feel safe here, as well as loving every second of it.

"Is that too tight?" He asked tugging a little at the rope.

"No." I replied.

As soon as I did, he used his other hand and wrapped it around my throat, then glaring at me. I felt myself get wet under his touch and I whimpered.

"No.. What? Have you forgotten your manners as well? Do I need to teach you again?" He said huskily.

"N-no sir." I stuttered.

"Good. Now, what was it that you did at the party? I don't quite remember, would you care to refresh my memory?" He said letting go of my throat and stepping a few steps back as I looked at the ground.

"I danced with someone." I said shamefully.

He didn't say anything and I took it as a cue that he wanted more.

"I also d-danced on him." I tilted my head up slightly so that I could see his face.

"Is that all or do you want to go on?" He said with his voice full of dominance.

"I kissed him." I murmured quietly.

"What was that?"

"I kissed him." I said, a little bit louder this time.

I looked up to see his reaction and he looked upset.

"I'm sorry. I regret it! I promise I won't ever do it again!" I pleaded, trying to make him less mad as uncontrollable tears started rolling down my face.

"You better not." He scoffed. "Now tell me. What should I do to make sure you keep that in mind?"

I stayed silent and he stepped towards me.

"I think you deserve to be punished. Don't you think?" He trailed his fingers along my jaw and down my collarbone making me shiver.

"Yes please, sir. I've been a bad girl." I stated trying to get him to hurry up with the punishment so that I could get the actual pleasure I was longing for.

"I'll give you 2 choices. You want a punishment over a period of time or do you want one right now?" He smirked, probably meaning that both were going to be difficult.

The long one was probably not being able to cum and I didn't want that so I went with the other.

"Right now." I said firmly.

"I was hoping you'd choose that one." He said, his eyes tracing all over my body setting it on fire all over again.


Hope you enjoy ;) you'll just have to wait till Sunday to see what happens next😉

Published- 3/23/2022
Word count- 1236

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