12- Adeline Knight- "Ice- Cream"

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During the car ride home, the tension was layered on thick. I have so many questions and I didn't even know where to start.

Or if he would answer them in the first place.

"Baby...talk to me." He said, sounding worried.

"Look I just don't know where to start I have so many questions an...."

"Ask." He said sternly.

"I can't promise that I can tell you everything but I'll tell you however much I can."

"Okay... Who is Melissa?" I asked, I feel like I sound like a jealous girlfriend but I'm not even his girlfriend and I shouldn't be jealous in the first place.

We aren't in a serious committed relationship and it wouldn't make sense to be jealous, but the thought of him standing at the alter waiting for the bride makes my stomach churn.

"I was doing some business with her father and the only thing he wanted was for his daughter to get married to me. But as you know now, he didn't want to continue so he shot down my brother." He said, his voice completely void of emotion.

"Why did he shoot your brother? What does he have to do with your business? And how does that contribute to why he shot someone at his own daughter's wedding?..." I had so many questions and it felt like I had so little time, but before I could continue, Lorenzo stopped me.

"One at a time please, baby. I'll answer them all." He sighs as if taking some time to think about everything.

"He shot my brother because my brother was the one who was investigating him when I stopped hearing any information from his end. For why he decided to shoot him at his daughter's wedding... I really don't know."

I stayed quiet, taking in all the info that he was telling me.

"What business is so serious that he killed your brother for? It couldn't be that serious, not to the point where he had a reason to kill." I asked confused.

I had a bad feeling about this... what kind of person am I with right now?

"That's where your wrong, people like you don't know what actually happens every day."

I had nothing to say to that, because, honestly, I agree with him.

"Have you done anything of that sort?" I asked, hoping that it was the answer I was looking for.

"Yes." Not what I was looking for.

"Do you regret it?" I asked, maybe if he did, my mind would accept it.

"No." Again, not what I was looking for.

We sat in silence the rest of the car ride home, I have no idea of what i'm going to do now. I can't involve myself in something like this again.

When we got to my house I finally broke the silence that had been killing me.

"I think I need to be alone tonight." I stated.

He just nodded and I got out of the car and entered my house.

I was in a bad state of mind from all the things that I learned today and I felt exhausted.

I took a quick shower and went to bed, hoping that tomorrow, it'll all be okay.

As soon as my body hit the bed, I feel asleep.

I felt the familiar scent of my mothers famous lasagna as I walked out of my room.

"Hey honey, suppers almost ready. Can you be a big girl and go wash you hands and wait for me at the table?" My mother said sweetly.

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